Nine Heavens

Chapter 1864 Falling into the Clouds

Chapter 1864 Falling into the Clouds

"Miss Mu Liulixiang, please!"

Since Mu Liulixiang spoke so well, Yangliuhua, the son of King Xianguo, who was born around Lingxiangxiang, and Sheng Yaoshun, the son of the 90,000 Linghe Hezheng in the world, had no time to say a lot of words to defend Mu Liulixiang, so they had to Seeing the shadowy Mu Liulixiang toast, she also toasted.

Next, five people, two places, had a chat about wine with etiquette, and in about three days, apart from the Supreme Emperor Di Zhou, the evil intentions were still unabated, and the three mortal princes drank so much that they thought they were gods.

"Haha, Mu, Mu Liulixiang, Miss Xiang, the feast is already enjoyed, so let's start fighting, my son is going to marry you today!"

Outside Li Hua'er, the three sons of the world were treated disrespectfully, and they were angry at first, probably thinking in their hearts, let you admire Liu Lixiang like a girl, and wait until I marry you.

At this moment, when they were full and full of energy, they all yelled for Yun Lei to start.

"Hehe... That's natural, Li'er is playing the piano, and Yundou is starting!"

The pear tree, the rustling pear blossom dance, Mu Liulixiang inside the pear blossom curtain laughed for a while, and said happily.

"Immediately, in the high-altitude Zhuyue, a dignified and beautiful woman with a beautiful face and moon-like appearance suddenly appeared, sitting in front of the blue jade table, her spiritual eyes flashed, her sleeves rolled up and her fingers flashed, and then she played a fairy song.

The sound of the song is loud, the pear blossoms are fragrant, and the daughter of Yuehua sings.

The fragrance is fluttering, the neon clothes are swaying, and the piano is singing to read Junlang.

"Wow, what a beautiful person!"

Listening to the sound of the zither, smelling the fragrance of pear blossoms floating outside, looking at the beautiful shadow in the moon, stepping on the spirit Xiang Xiangsheng even forgot the main body of the fight for favor, and ran towards the high-altitude Wanren Yuntai in the middle of the pearl moon playing the piano.


"Give me one more chance, Miss Lixiang, drag me back—"

As a result, this drunk young master flew up to the cloud platform, but looking at the charming Li'er playing the piano, he stumbled and fell to the other side of the cloud platform, and went outside Qiaoxian Mansion.

Taling Xiangxiangsheng probably fell awake after falling to the ground, and kept yelling loudly.

"Hee hee...haha..."

The remaining sons of Xianguohou Wang Yangliuhuadi Eternal World 90,000 Linghe Hezheng's sons saw that on the cloud platform, Ta Lingxiang Xiangsheng disappeared after shaking, and they were beaming with joy, because they thought their biggest competitor was gone.

"Thank you, Mr. Ta Lingxiang Xiangsheng, for participating. Since you made a mistake, if you wish to admit defeat, it is obvious that you are not in love with me, but you are just like a pear string, so you can't hold yourself back. How can you face the beauty of this girl! Please also Respect yourself, don't shout outside Qiaoxian Mansion."

Mu Liulixiang was not surprised when she saw the change of the cloud platform and heard the sound of Lingxiang Xiangsheng stepping outside the Qiaoxian Mansion, and said in a calm voice.

Outside Qiaoxian's mansion, Taling Xiangxiangsheng was also very interested, after a while of sighing, he vaguely heard his unwillingness to leave.

"Haha...what are you laughing at? Since this emperor is here, you should go after eating and drinking well!"

When Emperor Di Zhou Supreme laughed evilly again, he waved his sleeves and fanned the giggling Yang Liuhua and Sheng Yaoshun directly out of Qiaoxian Mansion.

"Oh, what's going on, why did we arrive outside the gate of Qiaoxian Mansion in a blink of an eye, is it a good thing you did?"

"Hmph! Don't talk nonsense, I did it, why did I fool myself out of Qiaoxian Mansion!

I don’t know why, when my eyes went dark, I saw that we were holding the wine table right here!

oh! That white-haired guy must have done a good thing, he looked like a hooligan, and he came out of nowhere, and when he saw Lixiang girl, he called her a lady. Isn't it obvious that he came to our Dongshan Shan country to snatch a marriage!

No, we have to go back quickly and unite with the warriors from Guique, the feudal kingdom, to meet and rescue Miss Lixiang. Don't let this white-haired devil take advantage of him! "

"What nonsense are you talking about! Is Miss Lixiang so easy to provoke? She has never had a head-to-head victory over her in the evolution of the universe, the universe, the universe, and the nine universes. It's impossible to invite that white hair!

In my opinion, instead of wasting time and effort, we might as well sign up at the working place in Qiaoxian Mansion to earn the next red scarf early. Even if we don't have a chance to defeat her with our abilities, it's not bad to drink with her and enjoy the flowers! "

"Fuck, it's a shame that you are still the young master of the Nine Thousand Spirits River in the universe, so you're so talented! You can go if you like, I don't want to waste any more time.

Have you heard that there is an allusion in ancient times that a hero saves a beauty? It is said that when a beauty was killed, a man stood up for her, and then the beauty married him as soon as she was happy!

Now that Miss Lixiang is in danger, my young master conscripts troops to defend the city for her, just in time to restore the glorious history of ancient heroes! "

" are just talking nonsense and dreaming. You don't take a good look at yourself with a poplar waist, willow arms and legs, and you are a hero. You don't even have a chance for a bear! No matter how hard you toss No, Miss Lixiang will not consider you even if she marries me!"

"Shut up, are you better than me? You're still a man. You walk like a woman, and you talk like a woman. Especially your face, which is full of peach blossom powder all day long and pearl caresses all night, is simply ancient history. The legendary father-in-law!"


Outside the Qiaoxian Mansion, Yang Liuhua and Sheng Yaoshun had a great time ridiculing and scolding each other, which made Emperor Zhou in the Qiaoxian Mansion laugh and drink endlessly.

"Is the emperor going too far, this universe was created by you, can't I even follow the good principles you advocated?"

Mu Liulixiang, who was facing Miaoli Huaer Wuwu, was a little annoyed by the supreme and evil actions of Emperor Dizhou, and reminded him lightly.

"When my husband receives any disrespect from his family, he never cares whether it is good or evil, right or wrong. This emperor only wants my beloved wife to be quiet!"

In the evil words of Emperor Di Zhou Supreme, he has long regarded Mu Liulixiang as the wife of the soul, so the words are very domineering.

"You really sincerely want this girl to be your obsessed wife!?"

Mu Liulixiang paused and asked.

"Of course, Yu Li, you are the supreme and evil obsessed soul wife of my Emperor Zhou. Yu Qing, this emperor and the master of the Palace of Passion have a covenant. This time we meet, no matter what, this emperor They must bring their wives back to the realm!"

The supreme emperor of the universe is righting his heart!

"As you said, you shouldn't hurt the three young masters of Zhou just now. They are all kind and respectful people. Although they are rich and ugly, they will not hurt their hearts of love and affection.

The emperor doesn't know, but the meaning of my Qiaoxian mansion's existence is firstly to wait for you, and secondly to point out marriages for the rich and rare wives and daughters in the universe.

Any princess who enters the Qiaoxian Mansion and serves the three red scarf candidates in the labor field of the Qiaoxian Mansion will naturally be admired by the immortals in the world and even the upper world, and the love will come! "

"And you, are you wholeheartedly waiting for your husband?"

Before Mu Liulixiang could finish her last words, Di Zhoudi Jun Wushang then continued evilly.

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