Nine Heavens

Chapter 1865 The Emperor Coaxes His Wife

Chapter 1865 The Emperor Coaxes His Wife

"Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and evil, is he pretending to be smart?"

When Mu Liulixiang heard the words of Emperor Di Zhou, who was supreme and evil, she pondered for a moment, and said very coldly.

"Why do you have to change your name to Mu Liulixiang, so that the emperor is not alienated and cold after hearing this name. I know your heart, and you will never forget mine. Mu Liuliu is misty, and Lihua is lonely.

For countless years, it was my fault that the emperor left you alone and cold for countless eons, with the date far away. But all of this is over, isn't this how we finally meet? "

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme raised his eyes again and forgot to glance at the tall pear tree crown, the rustling pear blossoms fluttered like butterflies and snow, light and mysterious, he also paused for a while, and asked.

"Things are not, and people are not. Mu Liulixiang is no longer the former Passionate Palace Master, so why is she still guarding a meaningless name.

You can go now, Jiuzhou pear-flavored wine is muliu pear-flavored spirit brewed heart wine, originally thought to be a monarchy, now that you drink it, this girl has fulfilled her wish. You are your Emperor Zhou, and I am happy to be accompanied by twelve benefactors. "

Mu Liu Lixiang beckoned high above Zhuyuejian, and called the river-white Lixiangqin to the pear tree and pear blossom curtain, and said.

In Zhuyue, pears dressed in gold and Xueer among flowers suddenly floated into the pear blossom curtain, and they suddenly merged with Mu Liulixiang.

"The real Palace of Emotion in the Ice and Snow Region of Beitianyang has always been safely within the Emperor Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm. The body of Zhi'er's Pear Blossom God Tree is still fragrant. Its spirit body has not returned. This Emperor How can you go!

Zhi'er, no matter what you become, your five essences will always be my bosom friend, and also my obsessed wife. Don't work hard on yourself anymore. This emperor knows that Zhi'er also wants to return to this emperor. Around.

Otherwise, how could she be called such a tender name as Mu Liulixiang! Zhi'er, don't need to admire, this emperor and you are now in love with each other, and this emperor fell in love with you just because of your appearance! ?

You and I are both persistently looking forward to this day. It is fate, and even more inseparable from the infinite symbiosis. Many disasters have passed, and we finally have the opportunity to reunite. Why care about any changes, hypocrisy, Zhier, you right? "

No matter how evil the emperor of Di Zhou is, he can guess that Mu Liulixiang behind the pear blossom curtain must no longer be the exquisite appearance of the past, but no matter how evil the emperor of Di Zhou is, he is a person who values ​​love and justice. People who are infinitely persistent, so he comforted Mu Liulixiang and said.

"You really don't care what I become?"

Inside the pear blossom curtain, Mu Liulixiang was very moved when she heard the words of Emperor Zhou, who was supreme and evil, and sobbed.

"Does Zhi'er care?"

The emperor of the universe is supreme and then asks evilly.

"Of course! In the past, I was so beautiful as the lord of the Passionate Palace. When I went to and from Beitianyang, no one would think that I was a fairy from outside the sky. Now I, woo-woo-how can I face you?

Zhi'er does not doubt the emperor's sincerity, but Zhi'er will never allow himself, who has become ugly now, to face the lover in his heart! Can you understand my thoughts? "

In order to cover up her crying voice, Mu Liulixiang slammed the Lixiangqin.

The sound of crying, the rustling of the white pear blossoms, and the melancholy sound of the piano.

Amid the mournful cries of the piano, the two of them recalled the days when they met, knew each other and said goodbye to each other in Beitianyang. Tears flowed inside the curtain of Lihuaer, and heartache broke out outside the curtain of Lihuaer!

"If Zhi'er insists on restoring his former appearance, Husband can do it in an instant, as long as Zhier is willing. Husband is no longer the Xuanling Sect disciple with little magic skills.

The art of refining the soul and creating the body is not difficult for a husband, if Zhi'er feels sad because of it, it is unnecessary. The only thing that hurts Zhi'er for my husband is the countless years of loneliness and coldness that Zhi'er has experienced, looking forward to being my husband and bearing you for my husband! "

Emperor Di Zhou had heard Liu Lixiang's Pear Fragrance Song for a long time, and he always wanted to tell her that he could restore his stunning appearance.

But I was worried that she would misunderstand that I disliked her possibly ugly face now, and it was too late to say it. I was afraid that she would be even more sad, so I hesitated before speaking.

"Hehe... what the emperor said is true!?"

As soon as the emperor of the universe was supreme and evil, Mu Liulixiang immediately became amused when she heard the words, and the sound of the piano stopped abruptly, and then she was crying and laughing, and she was about to peel off the pear curtain and asked.

Emperor Di Zhou was overjoyed when he saw this, raised his voice, and said with great joy:

"That's natural. As long as Zhi'er is happy, you can be as beautiful as you want. I can imagine all kinds of looks and let Zhi'er choose!"


Di Zhoudijun Wushang Zaixie was so happy that his body floated up, and he planned to hug Mu Liulixiang who was in the pear blossom curtain opposite him.

Not wanting to float nearby, Mu Liulixiang suddenly backed away and went back, then cried coldly.

"Zhi'er! What are you?"

No matter how evil Emperor Di Zhou was, the problem that he was worried about still appeared, and he said awkwardly, not knowing how to explain it.

"Hmph! Then there's no need to ask, because you dislike Sister Lixiang for being ugly! Otherwise, why would you change Sister Lixiang's appearance!"

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, it is embarrassing and unspeakable. He doesn't know how to comfort Mu Liulixiang, but there is another one who stirs up the flames. That is the Flying Swan Fish in the Sea of ​​Evil Physiques, the Supreme Emperor of the Earth, who is good at flying.

Shanfei spat out a ball of white light from his mouth, making the chest of Di Zhou Dijun Supreme Zaixe transparent, like a mirror, and then he lay on his back in it, closed his eyelids and said smartly.


One word about this bad thing made Mu Liulixiang even more sad, and her sobbing turned into pain.

"Why are you crying, Sister Lixiang, didn't he say he likes you? Just let her marry you now. If he can accept it, it won't be too late to become beautiful!"

When Flying Crocodile Shanfei heard Mu Liulixiang cry, he coughed as if he had seen the world, and came up with an idea.


When Mu Liulixiang heard this, she really stopped crying, and there was no sound for a long time, as if she was thinking.

"That's right! If Dijun marries the ugly Mu Liulixiang as his wife now, it can prove that the Dijun's love for Zhi'er has never changed. I wonder if you will?"

Mu Liulixiang thought for a long time and finally said slowly.

"Of course, but..."

No matter how evil Emperor Di Zhou was, he never thought that Mu Liulixiang would agree to such an absurd idea, and couldn't help but groan.

"But what, you don't dislike me!?"

Mu Liulixiang's tone suddenly became cold, and she asked aggressively.

"No, no, this emperor feels that Zhi'er has been wronged by being so hasty and unprepared. Why don't we go back to the upper realm..."

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme Zaixie hurriedly explained, but before he could finish a sentence, Mu Liulixiang interrupted:

"Stop talking too much, or listen to those who are good at flying, or go back to your upper realm, Zhou Palace immediately, and don't bother me anymore!"

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