Nine Heavens

Chapter 1867 Three Drunk Three Awake

Chapter 1867: Three drunk and three awake

"The universe is still evolving, and everything is changing. The little disciples of the Xuanling Sect in the past are now the Emperor of the Earth, and it is not surprising even if they have forgotten the Master of the Passionate Palace!

Zhi'er knows that you still have Zhi'er in your heart, and that's enough. Although Zhi'er has not become so terrifying, she is indeed not as beautiful as before. If the emperor despises you, Zhi'er will not blame you.

Although Zhi'er is Dongluo's obsession, he has cultivated into an immortal body independently after all, and the same is true for the nine strands of Dongluo's love soul. Maybe our fate is really over.

Come on, let Zhi'er drink and laugh with the emperor for the last time, and then Zhou Kuan leaves, and Zhi'er will live freely in this Immortal Mansion. "

Mu Liulixiang's figure remained unchanged, she floated out of the curtain of flowers, her once stunning beauty became wrinkled and her face was dull, but she didn't show any regret because of this, she said calmly with twinkling eyes.

"No, Zhi'er, although this emperor finds it difficult to accept your appearance at this time, his heart towards you has not changed. Besides, as I said, this emperor can immediately restore your former appearance. I ask Zhi'er to forgive me. It was not my emperor's fault just now, come back with me!

It's not just me, the nine beloved wives are thinking about your appearance all the time, you are Luo Er's obsession, and you are the one who should not lose confidence in this emperor! "

No matter how evil the Emperor Di Zhou was, he was already prepared in his heart for the possible ugly appearance of the Passionate Palace Master, but when he actually saw it, he still felt conflicted in his heart!

But thinking of the friendship they had had in the past, they couldn't bear to give up on her no matter what, so they said sadly and ashamedly.

"Hehe... Dijun please, Li'er dances, Xueer plays the piano, let Dijun and I have a happy farewell wine!"

Hearing this, the Palace Master of Executing Passion sat down in a charming posture, and immediately two spirits, Xue'er and Li'er, floated out of his body.

Li'er was wearing a golden neon dress, and after saluting the Master of the Executing Passionate Palace and the Emperor of the Earth, she danced slenderly between two pear trees with fluttering white pear blossoms.

"Pear blossoms are flying, but my daughter is beautiful. Zhuyue is still ashamed, but Junxin is still drunk..."

Li'er's beautiful face, just like the alluring face of the former passionate palace master, danced, sang, glanced at each other, and gazed at the supremely evil and handsome face of the emperor of the universe.

Her eyes sparkled, with a deep and seemingly hazy light shining like tears.

Outside Xue'er's body was a white and dazzling cloud-like silk skirt, soaring into the sky, spinning up above the emperor of the universe, and sitting upright in Zhuyue, playing the piano gracefully .

The sound of the zither is murmuring, the spring water is tinkling, Miri's white Li Xiangqin and Xueer's white skirt reflect her fair face, her face is filled with a sweet smile of Meng Yi, but in the glow, it is obvious that she Tears glistened on her cheeks.

The prestige is moving, the clouds are floating, and the eyes are staring at Qinsi. Spiritual sound, water and emotion, the way is calm, no one will believe it.

The soul is shocked, I am ashamed of you, and I am a kind person with empty words. The fragrance of the flowers is speechless, and the fragrance moves the king's heart? Miaoyunmiao.

"Executive please!"

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme Zai Xie raised his head to look at Zhuyue, and looked back at the dancer. Then he looked away thousands of feet away, looked at the disfigured man, and said sincerely at this moment.

"Hehe... are you using my palace lord's Jiuzhou pear flower wine to respect Zhi'er?"

On the opposite side, the Master of the Passionate Palace held up a pure white jade wine cup, with a sweet voice and a charming smile.

"Oh! I forgot, Zhi'er is a connoisseur of drinking, so the remaining Jiuzhou Lixiang wine, I have collected it, how about drinking my Jiuduoyun wine next?"

The emperor of the universe heard the rumor again, and his mind moved slightly. Two groups of nine white wine clouds immediately flew over the heads of the two, and various kinds of fine wines shone inside the white wine clouds.

"Nine clouds of fragrant wine, unlimited layers of color wine, called luxury wine, the heart is broad and heroic, and the soul is majestic. The pure white flow is called sake, ice-cold sake, the spirit of drinking is condensed and awakened, and the five essences are joyful!

The blue color of fine wine, the emperor called it Lie wine, drinking wine in his bosom, suddenly felt the sudden arrival of midwinter, the wind and clouds are majestic!

Lavender cloud wine, sweet and warm, is called sweet wine. The color of golden orange wine is full-bodied and full-bodied, but it stretches the whole body after drinking, so it is called soft wine. The other grey, pink, light green, and golden colors are called Fangjiu, Shujiu, Xinjiu and Alcoholic Wine respectively!

Each kind of wine has its own advantages and disadvantages, and this emperor drinks it proudly, and he always moves the altar wildly, drinking it heartily and madly. How happy Zhi'er is today, but please have fun. "

When Emperor Di Zhou Wushang Zaixie heard the words of Palace Master Zhiqing, he immediately waved his sleeves and said, a huge wine jar appeared in his hand.


At the same time, the gray wine cloud knew the master's mind, floated on the emperor's head, and automatically leaked wine into his wine jar.

"Heck... I haven't seen you for a few weeks, but the emperor's wine tasting skills are getting more and more superb. I am fortunate to see the emperor's nine immortal wines flying in the clouds. If I don't taste it today, it will be a loss! Come, let Zhi'er also move the altar Accompany you!"

Seeing the nine white clouds of wine on the heads of the two, but the fragrance of various wines scattered inside, the smell is intoxicating, the Master of the Passionate Palace felt relieved and said with a smile.

"Haha... drink!"

For a while, Li'er was singing and dancing, Xue'er was playing the piano, flowers were flying and willows were floating in the clouds, and the moonlight was flowing and misty.


I don't know how many days passed, when and when, the two of them were drunk and awake three times in the sound of the piano and under the shroud of flowers.

After the third time Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme had another drunken dream, he slept very sweetly. He dreamed that he was drinking with the Palace Master Zhiqing, and the Palace Master Zhiqing changed back to her original beautiful appearance. Sitting opposite her, she looked at herself shyly.

Ask her yourself:

"Zhier, how about marrying this emperor?"

The Executioner Palace Master didn't say anything, but blushed and nodded sweetly.

However, suddenly there was a strong wind, and a huge and ferocious troll swooped down from the sky, smashed down a giant pitch-black claw, grabbed hold of it, and wanted to go to the sky.

"Emperor—don't forget Zhier—"

Zhi'er was arrested and screamed miserably.


Dreaming about this scene, Emperor Di Zhou Supreme Zaixie suddenly broke out in a cold sweat in the dream, and then felt a burst of cold all over, and woke up.

The dream was not forgotten, and the emperor of the universe shouted instinctively.

However, not only did he not see the Executing Passionate Palace Master, nor did he see Pear Blossom Ao and two pear trees with white pear blossoms fluttering around.

"Li'er, Xue'er, Linger?"

Unable to see the Executing Palace Master, Emperor Di Zhou found himself lying on his white wine jar, and the surrounding Qiaoxian Mansion disappeared, and he was alone on a peak in the boundless mountains.

Di Zhoudijun Supreme again jumped up and shouted in circles, his voice echoing in the sky.

Zhi'er was gone, and he called to other people vigorously, but after there was still no response, he thought of the flying swan fish in the sea, so he shouted its name again.

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