Nine Heavens

Chapter 1868 Demon Killing Order

Chapter 1868 Demon Killing Order

Di Zhoudijun has been shouting for a long time, no matter how evil it is, and the bad things in the sea, the fine flying swan and the good flying fish have disappeared.

Am I dreaming? The emperor of the universe looked up and down at the boundless human mountains, and began to wonder if his five essences had entered some kind of imaginary state.

"No! I really saw Zhi'er! She is Zhi'er, Zhi'er! I'm sorry, it's the local master's fault. This emperor knows now, and I can't do without you——"

When the local Emperor Zhou saw the white wine jar under his feet, the nine white wine clouds floating above his head, and the other nine wine clouds that were slowly converging towards his own wine cloud, he was sure that what he was experiencing must not be a hallucination. I couldn't help crying with heartache.

However, Zhi'er finally left, together with her Qiaoxian Mansion.

"Zhi'er, I'm sorry! This emperor is sorry for you, where have you been, let me find you!"

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme cried and wept for a long time, lifted the wine jar and drank the wine for a long time, searching all the time without giving up, hoping that the Palace Master of Passion would suddenly appear again.

I don't know how long it has passed, the emperor of the universe, Supreme Zaixie, suddenly remembered that the masters of the Palace of Passion are the twelve peak masters of the ancient Xuanling sect, the disciples of his predecessors, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Yes! They must have gone to the Longyun Immortal Gate of the Overlapping Universe!"

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe thought of this, the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Spirit Sword of Danhong Liuxia suddenly flashed under his feet, and appeared at his feet, shining with the light of the shuttle of crossing, the light of the rainbow, and the flower of the spirit crystal and diamond.


Without the flying swan fish's flying guidance, Di Zhoudijun Wushang Xie didn't know the whereabouts of the overlapping universe, but he still stubbornly rushed to the sky, Qingyue roared, and then resolutely flew towards the east of the Di Zhou sky up.

"Master! Why are you doing this? It's been so hard to look forward to the stars, the moon, and the Earth Emperor. You can finally be reunited, but you...

Why make yourself ugly on purpose, and give him a dream of pear blossoms, why do you have to leave him!

Look at how painful he is, he really didn't let me down to his master, and I have heard him talk about looking for you with the nine emperors' wives many times! Don't blame him any more! "

Just after the Supreme Emperor of the Earth Evil rushed to the sky again, in fact, the lord of the Palace of Passion took over the Qiaoxian Mansion and hid around him not far away. Ling'er turned into a spirit insect and squatted on his left shoulder with a flying crocodile her right shoulder.

One bird and one worm, looking at the tearful Palace Mistress, they all looked at her with puzzled and sad expressions.

The five-color spirit ginseng Ling'er blinked her jet-black eyes, she was very puzzled by the practice of the palace master who held the passion, and advised her cautiously.

"Ling'er, I'm very happy that you and Shan'er are willing to help me and follow me! I don't mean to hurt him, and why don't I know what he thinks about me? I also know what is calling in my heart. However, we Not yet..."

The Master of the Passionate Palace spoke half of the words, and stopped talking, her eyes were even more cloudy with tears.

"But, but, why is this? No matter how evil Emperor Zhou is, now, if sister Zhi'er has any difficulties, let him help you and solve them!"

Palace Mistress Execution's words made both the five-color ginseng and Flying Swan Fish Shanfei feel that she had deep concerns, so after a tacit understanding between them, Flying Swan Fish Shanfei reminded Palace Mistress Execution.

"Thank you for your understanding. Some things cannot be solved by strength. We can't let him fly like this. You have to do me a favor..."

The Master of the Passionate Palace looked at the white-haired, silver-clothed figure in the sky from a distance, stepping on the bright red sword and dazzling the rainbow, and begged the two little guys on his shoulders.

"Okay then, master, don't cry, we just promise you, tell me, what should we do?"

The beautiful face of the Executioner Palace Mistress was pale and mournful, and her eyes were dim. Seeing the Flying Swan Fish Flying and the Five-Color Ginseng Linger felt very uncomfortable, so she quickly agreed to her.

You are so, so and so, the Master of the Executing Passionate Palace looked at the little ones on the left and right gratefully and gave some instructions.

The two little ones didn't show any mischievous taste at all at the moment. They nodded obediently, then looked at each other, nodded, and disappeared in the next second as a flash of light.

"It must be said anxiously and sincerely!"

Seeing the two little ones gone, the master of the Execution Palace was still a little worried, and reminded them with the voice of his mind.


Two delicate voices of thoughts responded one after another, and then the two little ones disappeared.

In the sky, the white-haired figure, the divine sword under his feet turned into billions of stegosaurus, roaring in the sky, galloping, and shouting.

Although hundreds of millions of miles away, the owner of the Passionate Palace could clearly hear the anxious voice of that person calling his name.

"Qianlang, don't blame Zhi'er, Zhi'er is also for your own good! Zhi'er stays away from you, it's the result of our fate! Whatever your obsession, Zhi'er will be satisfied if he can see you again.

From now on, Zhi'er's Qiaoxian mansion will fluctuate in the superimposed universe, and there will be no stable state for a moment. If you lose your regular fairy body, even if you come, you will not be able to see Zhi'er. Goodbye, my Bosom friend! "

The Master of the Passionate Palace groaned, but she stepped on a pure white pear blossom and kept chasing in the direction of Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie.

Tears rustled, my heart trembled, and I hated the past. The fate is hard to continue, the love is hard to break, and I will be lonely in the grave from now on!

The emperor of the universe, supreme and evil, controlled hundreds of millions of immortal swords and dragons to roar and gallop, carrying the sky with clouds and wind, and shouting loudly at the same time.

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, he doesn't believe in the universe he created, and he can't find the one he loves, so he activates the Nine Heavens Slaying Demon Sword Art, summoning billions of demon-slaying sword dragons, to dominate the sky and stir up the universe , I hope that the master of the Execution Palace can sense his sincerity in the overlapping universe.


Di Zhou Dijun Supreme No matter how evil he was, his voice was a little hoarse due to the long roar, but he still shouted persistently. In order for the Palace Master to hear, it also had the meaning of remorse and self-torture.

"Oh haha! No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, you are so free! When Yunzhou rebelled against the immortal sect, he ran to the human world to find love and love!

You and Jianzhan Slaughter Mo Fengxian baptized Yuntai and escaped, angering Yunting's hundreds of millions of Yunxian. Under the 90,000-year invitation of Yunzhou Palace of hundreds of millions of Yunxian, Yun Jun finally made a decree to rebel against the Earth's Emperor's Palace Immortal Sect first descends the cloud calamity, and then issues the order to kill demons!

At this moment, your rebellious celestial sect Langyuan Sect is already the public enemy of Yuntian Eryun that must be destroyed. I am the red and blue death cloud and bird envoys, and I am here to command the death cloud!

No matter how evil the emperor is, he still doesn't accept the order! Prepare to suffer death for the entire Langyuan Sect! The Cloud Tribulation Eightfold Nine Routes has been activated, and trillions of immortal soldiers and immortal generals are also on the general stage in Yunzhou, and everything is ready!

As soon as the eightfold nine-way cloud calamity is over, trillions of immortal soldiers and generals will arrive immediately, dammit! The hateful rebellious immortal sect Langyuanmen, you just wait to die! "

When the emperor of the universe, Supreme Zaixie, was heartbrokenly calling for the master of the Passionate Palace, he suddenly heard the voices of death cloud birds, red and blue envoys, from the upper realm of the universe!

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