Nine Heavens

Chapter 1869

Chapter 1869 Conscious Stars


The Emperor of the Earth, Supreme Zaixie, heard the distant voice of Shang Zhou drinking Zhou's decree, and suddenly stopped his figure, and couldn't help but be amazed.

Because I clearly know that the mourning seven birds and the life-killing seven swords have been destroyed, so why do their bodies of death clouds still exist? Could it be that they...

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme then evil heart suddenly floated a kind of unknown, could not help but look up at the sky and sigh:

"Zhi'er, misfortune will happen to the upper realm of the universe. Let me let you down for the time being. I will go back first. In the future, the Langyuan Gate will be safe and sound, and I will definitely come to the world to find a wife again! You must take care!"

The emperor of the universe didn't have time to think about it, and with a mournful cry, he received the billions of immortal swords and dragons, summoned the shuttle, and disappeared in the world of the universe in the blink of an eye.

"Wow! He left too fast! I still have a few words to say!"

"By the way, sister Ling'er, how do you know so many things about Dijun? Have you been to Yunzhou with them?"

"No more, this is what Brother Qiqi told us when he came back. Brother Qiqi is very good, and he helped open our fairy eyes."

"Well, who is Brother Qiqi? He's so powerful, he can't be stronger than those twelve old men and old ladies!"

"They? How can they compare with Qiqige? They are in the human world. Although their strength has reached the upper realm of the spirit fairy, this is the human world after all. The spiritual energy they absorb is far worse than that of the upper realm!"

"Yeah! Sister Ling'er, you look down on my twelve peak master grandfathers, I tell you, don't do this in the future, or I will get angry!

What's wrong in the world, in our Longyun Immortal Sect, we enjoy the superimposed universe ancient and modern Dahui spiritual energy, do you know what Dahui spiritual energy is, twelve old men and old ladies said, Dahui spiritual energy is better than clouds Zhou Lingqi is still pure! "

"Oh! That's right, then what do you mean by Dahui's spiritual energy?"

"I don't know, anyway, twelve old men and old ladies said so."

"I don't look down on your twelve grandparents, I just want to tell you that what I know is all told by Brother Qiqi, he is also a bird fairy just like you!

He is the soul pet of Emperor Di Zhou when he was young, and their relationship is very close. He calls Emperor Di Zhou Father Lang'er! "

"Oh! There are other birds that are more powerful than me. In the future, you must introduce them to me. How can I do that? I am good at flying, but I am an ambitious bird. I am quite the master of the bird world. No matter who is better than me, Not even one!"


After the emperor of the universe controlled the time-traveling shuttle and fled in an instant, a girl in a five-color skirt appeared in a cloud thousands of miles away, with a chubby white flying swan fish squatting on her shoulders.

The two were chattering, not knowing whether they were chatting or bickering.

"Ling'er, Shan'er, thank you, what you said is more effective than what I taught, that Qiqi I have seen, it used to be a celestial condor!"

At this time, Palace Master Zhiqing flew in front of the two of them, his face was pale, but there was a sense of reluctance and comfort in Wang's eyes.

"Master! Ling'er feels sorry for you!"

The five-color spirit ginseng Ling'er floated to the side of Palace Master Zhiqing, supported her shoulder, and said with a heartache.

"My Palace Master is fine, you don't have to worry!"

The Master of the Passionate Palace raised his hand and gently patted Ling'er's slender hand on his shoulder, and smiled forcefully. Then with the other hand, two golden arcs of light floated up into the sky.

"Hey! Isn't that the ripe passion fruit on the two pear trees? Why did Sister Zhi'er throw them away!? I'm still thinking about eating them!"

Seeing the master of the Zhiqing palace abandoning the two trees of Zhiqing, the flying swan fish could not help but widen its eyes, drooling and screaming.


Fei Swan Yu Shanfei's cry immediately amused the five-color spirit ginseng, and the flower branches trembled with laughter, and then said:

"That is the fruit of attachment, which can only be eaten by two people who love each other, and the fruit of attachment is divided into male and female, and can only be eaten when people who love each other have cultivated their feelings together, and their hearts are connected. Others can't eat it!

Even if it is given to you, you will not be able to eat it! However, sister Zhier, why throw it away, why not let it go, one day, you and Dijun..."

Five-color spirit ginseng Ling'er said this, but was interrupted by the master of the Execution Palace:

"Ling'er, stop talking, Dijun and I will never see each other again. After I return to the overlapping universe, I will never be counted as appearing in a certain universe again. Let us forget about each other!

Since there is no chance to see each other again, what do you want to do with these attachments later, let them drift in the universe and the sky, and turn them into confidant stars who follow each other forever in the center of the river of clouds and stars in the sky, but they can never be reconciled! "

The Master of the Passion Palace looked at the two golden Passion Fruits flying towards the sky, and said quietly.

"Forget it, the appearance of the emperor flying around with white hair is just a little chic, what's so good! Isn't it just handsome, what's so great about it!

It's okay, sister Zhier will be very happy to be with me and sister Linger in the future. Besides, there are twelve old men and old ladies! "

Flying Swan Fish was good at flying and said, seeing the master of the Executing Palace looking up at the sky with a look of reluctance on his face, flapping his wings.

"Well, Shan'er is right, we should go!"

The master of the Passionate Palace gave a bitter smile, took a last deep look at the two golden lights flying in the sky, nodded slightly, led the five-color ginseng Linger, and carried the flying swan fish on his shoulders, turned around, stepped on the white pear blossoms, the pair of beautiful figures gradually faded, Then disappeared into the clouds of the universe.

However, their voices still linger intermittently among the clouds in Cangshan Mountain.

"Why do you just know each other, and why are you so familiar? I thought you were old acquaintances?"

The voice of the Executing Palace Mistress asked.

"Hee hee! Sister Zhi'er, you don't know this. I am good at flying not only because I have the ability to fly, but also the ability to instantly copy other people's soul memories. This is all with twelve old men and old ladies. The mysterious fairy scroll that I stole went to school.

As soon as Sister Ling'er appeared, I copied her soul memory, but I didn't have time to experience it before, but the feeling between us is like egg-born sisters, so it's normal for us to be close! "

Flying swan fish Shanfei was very interested in such questions, and immediately heard its very proud reply.

"Oh! I can't see, the birds here are not easy!"

Five-color spirit ginseng Ling'er praised.

"That's right, you didn't even see who my grandson was. You don't know if you know that the old man Bing Po used to be the head of the Xuanling Sect in the immortal world of the ancient universe. It is said that he was better than the Emperor of the Earth !

My grandfather is his soul pet, grandma is the soul pet of the old lady Xukong, and my parents are also the second generation of soul, do you think I can be simple!

There are so many amazing things about me, you will learn from me slowly. Feel free to ask anything you don't understand..."

"Shan'er, I just discovered that your eloquence is really good. I will talk slowly in the future. I will ask Linger a question. Linger, why are the emperors descending from each other, and no one else is in the Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm, but you are here?" Woolen cloth?"

"Oh! Of course it was the emperor's request. He said that the master is not in the universe, but maybe somewhere in the three realms of the earth, universe and new universe. Therefore, Qianqian, the lower realm, grasped the summon and entered the Moyu Skeleton Profound Realm. I hope I can find a way to sense your presence." exist."

"He He……"

Hearing the five-color spirit ginseng Ling'er's answer, Palace Master Zhiqing choked up and said nothing.

Their figures disappeared, and their voices were no longer heard.

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