Nine Heavens

Chapter 1870

Chapter 1870 Heaven and Earth Night Joy

The emperor of the universe stepped on the traversing shuttle evilly, and appeared in the heaven and sky of the universe in an instant, and then immediately let go of his spiritual sense, searching for the information of the blue and red envoys in the sky.

However, Emperor Di Zhou controlled the shuttle to fly for a long time, and circled around Di Zhou Emperor Palace several times, but found nothing abnormal.

Suddenly he realized that it must have been the Master of the Passionate Palace, the five-color spirit ginseng Ling'er and the flying swan Yu Shanfei who lied to him just now in order to let him leave.

"Zhi'er, why do you do this?"

After the emperor of the universe returned to his senses, he flew back to the boundary between the earth and the human world in an instant, standing on a cliff of the earth, looking for that figure in pain, calling softly.


"Look, there is another fairy passing by in the sky!"

"Two beautiful fairies and a white spirit bird flew away just now, and now there is another white-haired fairy riding a skyship!"

"Hehe, the sky is so lively and beautiful!"

"You don't need fairies, our two sons and daughters-in-law are all earth fairies!"

"Wow! How come there are two golden stars in the sky, and they keep flying! The star in front seems to be a fairy, and the one behind seems to be a young man. They can't be the stars of love!"

"Haha, you idiot woman, your mind is full of allure and love, isn't it just two meteors, how can you imagine so much!"


Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zai's evil eyes shrouded the entire human world, looking at every direction and area, just to see that shameful figure!

That figure, the evil bird, and Ling'er who followed him to the lower realms all disappeared. The place where Qiaoxian Mansion used to be in the world is now surrounded by mountains and the silence of the night.

Looking at the stars in the lower realm in the quiet night sky, Emperor Di Zhou felt lonely and sad. He looked down, turned around, and planned to leave.

However, just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw the mountains and plains in the world, and suddenly hundreds of millions of houses were lit up, and among the lights, there were countless figures looking up at the sky and laughing.


Di Zhou Dijun Supreme turned around again, looking at the lights of hundreds of millions of houses in the world, and felt inexplicably warm and joyful in his heart.

The lights on the land of the world reminded the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil, of his own small bluestone courtyard in the first human world in ancient times, where he, his sister, father and mother used to live in that small courtyard.

Another Qingshi courtyard not far away is the home of my younger sister Shifeng, brother Yuanfang and Uncle Cheng and Aunt Cheng.

The lights of hundreds of millions of homes in the world, the lights of each home are also the lights of their own homes at that time. No matter how dark the night is, walking home in a distant place, looking at the lights of the house will feel warm, moving and filled with the urge to go home as soon as possible.

Because there are parents, brothers and sisters in the family.

No matter how evil the emperor of the earth is, he listened to the cheers and laughter of the hundreds of millions of people below, making the quiet night suddenly alive, warm, and warm!

All of a sudden, the spirit came, and the emperor of the universe called out nine white clouds of wine, moved the altar to drink, and enjoyed the feeling of recalling family.

"Ha ha……"

The emperor of the earth and universe is supreme and then evilly controls the traversing shuttle, galloping up and down in the three realms of the earth and universe, splashing wine in waves, splashing waves and laughing freely, white hair swirling with the wind, and silk robes flying in the sky.

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, he rides a boat so wildly and flies into the sky, shuttles between the stars and clouds, and is even more fairy-like, drunk and dreamy, causing the world's infatuated and resentful women to cry and look up.

"Wow! He is the lover of my Iggy's dreams!"

"He's so cool!"

"A man doesn't drink too much, he doesn't fly to the sky, he is ashamed to be a man! To be a man, you have to be like him. I, Scholar Zhou Lang, admire such a fairy. Come! He is drunk in the sky, and we will accompany him in the world!

All the men, bring out the good wine at home, how about we go back to Tianxianlang in the world tonight, how about drinking and getting drunk? "

"Haha... Scholar Zhou Lang's words are so turbulent, come here, hurry up and get the wine!"

After drinking, countless men and women floated on the plains and rushed to the peaks among the lights of hundreds of millions of people, and they even poured wine on the sky, in response to the heavenly emperor of the universe.

Other elders and daughters were also intoxicated and excited, watching wine with a small glass, dancing happily to the music and music prescribed by prescriptions.

In this world of heaven and earth, there is joy in the world for a while, so happy!

"Hey! Dare to ask which way the gods in the sky are, why is Xiaoyao so crazy?"

The scholar Zhou Lang below has a few altars of fine wine, a big heart, and he also dances with the singing, floats with the melody, speaks more wildly, and laughs at the sky.

"Ha ha……"

"In the happy world, meeting the Immortal Zizai, who comes and goes like floating clouds, cares about coming and going!?"

The emperor of the universe, no matter how evil, originally didn't want to disturb all spirits in the world, but because of his emotions, he was so intoxicated that he couldn't help laughing and replied.

"Haha, what the fairy said is right, so let's drink, laugh, dance and get drunk!"

Scholar Zhou Lang didn't expect that the one in the sky would really answer him, and he was even more confused, feeling that he was also a fairy. He agreed 100,000 to Emperor Zhou Emperor's supreme and evil words, poured wine and laughed.

"Unexpectedly, Xiongtai is also a wild one, and Xiao Langhua has seen a confidant in the world after hearing what you say.

If you and your friends in the world don't dislike it, can you drink this fairy wine together? If your friends in the world like it, it's worth having a good time together tonight! "

Emperor Di Zhou, supreme and evil, suddenly felt that the people in the new universe in the world were also destined to be like this, which shouldn't be the case, but he said so.

"Oh! If the gods bestow immortal wine, how can all the people on the earth not like it! It is said that the fine wine in the sky is brewed from the supreme spirit flower. If you are lucky enough to smell it tonight, it will be worth it. gratitude!"

As soon as the words of Emperor Di Zhou are supreme and evil, the earth on earth was filled with joy, and the scholar Zhou Lang took the lead to look up at the sky and shouted.

"Hehe, all you friends in the world, just raise your glasses, on the white clouds, let the wine be yours!"

The emperor of the earth is supreme, no more evil words, and with a flick of his sleeve, a white cloud of wine suddenly appeared on the heads of all the people in the world, no matter men, women, old or young.

The white wine cloud scattered soft and sparkling halo, turning the dark night into day, and all kinds of fine wines in it exuded the unique aroma of the universe.


"Ding dong..."

The earth and the world are full of spirits. In amazement and admiration, they began to drink the supreme and evil immortal wine of Emperor Zhou, and then tasted it suddenly, and then burst out bursts of praise.

"Wow! Sure enough, this wine should only be found in the sky, and it's rare to hear it in the world! I, Zhou Lang, a scholar, boasted that I drank all the fine wines in the world. I never thought that in the past, good wine was only warm in the world. Without this fairy wine, it is so fragrant and wild? Haha... good wine! Thank you Brother Shangtianxian! Let us drink and laugh!"

After drinking the celestial wine, the scholar Zhou Lang instantly felt that there was an additional tacit understanding between himself and the emperor of the earth, no matter how evil, he called the other party "Brother Xian", and said with a smile.

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