Nine Heavens

Chapter 1874

Chapter 1874 Is Joy or Sadness

"Hehe, I thought so too at first, but in fact behind these children's playfulness, there are really some things that we couldn't think of.

They didn't mess around in Wuzhenghai, they weren't in Wuzhenghai at all. This is what Yaya told me when she found out before, because she had too many things about the mountain gate, so I couldn't bear to let her pursue it again. Xie happily lied to her that I knew where they were.

Then I thought about it for many days, but I still didn't find any trace of them. In the Hall of Cultivation, I saw Sister Juan and Yuan Fang, the butterfly emperors of the Three Realms, Qi Mulang and Qi Yuanlang. Recovered, very pleased.

Therefore, the clone, with a ray of soul, went down to the world of mortals. I just wanted to see the beauty of the world of mortals and didn't want to disturb the lives of the common people in the world. I didn't want to go here, but it made me worry and encountered many unexpected things. ..."

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme Zai Xie was very happy to tell his fourth brother Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi about the experience of the trip to the human clone in detail.

"This is really a series of happy events. The third brother finally met the third sister-in-law of Zhuan Nian. Although he didn't return, he knew her whereabouts. When the fate comes, he will naturally come back!"

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi twisted his black and white eyebrows and was very happy for his brother, congratulating and comforting him.

"I hope that with the good words of my fourth brother, she will be safe and auspicious, and return to Langyuanmen soon."

Emperor Di Zhou Supreme Zaixie nodded slightly, and said with regret in his expression.

"Master, he also went to the Longyun Immortal Mansion of the Overlapping Universe, are the twelve old peak masters still alive?"

Hearing that after being separated from the 18th floor of hell, Master Huanmeng's ghost survived the catastrophe, and was resurrected in the new world of the universe, and was together with other old peak masters who were also lucky to be resurrected. I couldn't help but burst into tears. Hearing it wrong, he stood up excitedly and asked.

"Hehe, of course, could the third brother still lie to you, sit down, you are a person with hundreds of millions of lifespans, and you are still so emotional!"

Seeing the happy look of the fourth brother, Emperor Di Zhou felt infinitely warm in his heart no matter how evil he was.

Asking the immortals asking the gods asking about existence, what is the use of it except affection? It is said that it is better for immortals to be free and unrestrained, which is better than being with love in the world!

No matter how evil the Emperor Di Zhou was infected by his fourth brother, he couldn't help but make waves again, but smiled.

"Third Brother, Fourth Brother doesn't know you yet, but knowing that Uncle Fufeng is alive, maybe you are so happy, and now you are making fun of me.

I, Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, don't care who makes a joke, if I can make all the regrets come back, and all the people I miss come back to life, I can kill myself by making jokes! "

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi wiped his tears with his sleeves, twisted his black and white eyebrows, laughed and cried.

"Well, this third brother's letter, although the first person in the Guling universe was a bit unrestrained when he was in Xuanlingmen, but when it comes to loyalty and affection, he is absolutely unambiguous. Otherwise, how could Senior Sister Lan Shuang, who was stronger than us in the past, be so unrestrained?" I'm looking at you, and later Junior Sister Yexiang."

Di Zhou Dijun Supreme is a little bit of a joke.

"What, third brother, are you praising me or belittling me? Is your fourth brother Jian Zhanshenjun Zhanxuanzi ugly? Shuang'er and Xiang'er liked me back then, and that's because I'm a good-looking fourth brother!

No matter how loyal you are, you can't talk about two ladies, and both of them are the souls of Shaer! "

Speaking of Zhan Sha Nu, Zhan Xuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, was joking and joking with Emperor Di Zhou, and suddenly became a little depressed.

"You still can't forget her?"

The emperor of the earth is supreme and silent for a while, and asks the sword in a gentle voice, Zhan Xuanzi.

"How can I forget that even if the universe has six extinctions and nine evolutions, the fourth brother will never forget her! Third brother, why can't we find even a little bit of her five spirits when the universe was resurrected? Woolen cloth?

Could it be that she is different from the other Five Essences of Earth? "

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, burst into tears from tears, thinking of the past friendship between the ancient dark spirit, time, space, five-color universe, himself and Zhan Shanu, and said sadly.

"Hey! Zhansha girl is so great, she loves you so much!"

The emperor of the universe sighed evilly.

"Third brother, do you know the whereabouts of Sha'er Wujing?"

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi heard that Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zai had something in the evil words, and instantly frowned and asked his brother.

"Yes, when I was refining my soul, soul, and body, I actually found the five essences of the silly girl. But she..."

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme said here again, his voice was a little hoarse, very sad.

"What's up with her!?"

Zhanxuanzi asked anxiously.

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme remained silent for a moment, then sadly said:

"This matter, I'm afraid the third brother is sorry for you, when the third brother searched for all the ancient spirits and five spirits in the five human worlds of Condensed Earth, in fact, he also found the female Zhan Sha!

When she was about to be resurrected, she came to me in the form of a phantom, and asked me not to resurrect her, but to gasify her five spirits into the bodies of the two younger siblings!

I asked her why, and she said that if she was resurrected, the Yin spirit would turn to the sun, and the two younger brothers and sisters would definitely be annihilated! She knows how deeply the fourth brother has deep feelings for the two younger brothers and sisters, so she couldn't bear your pain, and resolutely asked me to secretly transform her five essences into the bodies of the two younger brothers and sisters respectively.

I don't know if the fourth brother still remembers that after the five worlds were stabilized, I asked Shui'er to give each of the two younger brothers and sisters a soul fragrance fruit. They are very happy to take it, and within a few days, their soul wisdom and god skills have increased tens of thousands of times, which surprises you all.

In fact, those two Soul Fragrance Fruits belonged to Sha'er's five essences, and the changes of the two younger siblings were the result of their five essences becoming one hundred thousand powerful and eternally stable because of the compensation of Sha'er's five essences! "

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe was, it was very difficult to say these words, and after he finished speaking, he looked at his brother Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, who was already crying in pain, and felt uncomfortable.

"Third brother, she kept telling you not to tell me?"

Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jian Zhan, cried bitterly and asked.

"Yes, she said that if the fourth brother didn't know, her heart wouldn't hurt, because in the heart of the fourth brother, she didn't exist in the first place.

The time when the five essences were injected into the body of the two younger siblings, she was lucky to live again. If the two younger siblings accompany you, it is equivalent to her accompanying you. She said that you understand her and won't blame her. She hopes that you treat the two siblings well, and she will be happy! "

Emperor Di Zhou nods his head with tears in his eyes, and said something that Zhan Sha Nu said back then.

"Fool, my Sha'er!"

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, was crying so much that he didn't care about his image anymore, his black and white eyebrows were beating, and he was calling hoarsely.

"Fourth brother, don't be too sad, you understand Sha'er's heart!"

Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and evil, but he doesn't know how to heal his brother's pain, so he has no choice but to say this.

"Third brother, Sha'er is really stupid. I should have let me see her back then, even if she was weak. I feel sorry for her leaving like this!"

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, wept bitterly, shaking his head.

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