Nine Heavens

Chapter 1875 Yin-Yang Spirit Annihilation

Chapter 1875 Yin-Yang Spiritual Annihilation

"If the fourth brother hadn't mentioned Sha'er today, maybe the third brother would never have said these things, because Sha'er asked the third brother to do so, but the third brother finally couldn't help but tell you and failed her trust!"

Seeing the heartbroken look of the fourth brother, Emperor Di Zhou felt that he had made a mistake.

This mistake hurts my brother and hurts others!

"Third brother, it's not your fault, Sha'er clearly doesn't want me to choose painfully between her, Shuang'er, and Xiang'er, all my pains are borne by her alone!

This is exactly where Sha'er makes people hurt, respect, and even make people angry.

Even if we can't get together in the end, it's fine even if we enjoy each other day and night, so that the fourth brother can make up for every bit of the debt! "

Of course, Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, knew that the third brother of the emperor was also helpless. First, Shaer asked, and second, he had no other way. At that time, he did not have the ability to purify and revive high-energy ghosts.

If the two wives and children of the Yang body, Lan Shuang, Yexiang and Sha meet, there will inevitably be mutual annihilation, either Lanshuang and Yexiang will be annihilated, or Shaer will be annihilated, or even all three will be annihilated.

How could I accept such a result? If I had allowed myself to choose back then, I was afraid that I would have gone with them in the end.

The third brother made choices for himself only when he understood himself, so Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, cried bitterly.

"However, after the third brother met the twelve peak masters this time, he also knew that Lian'er had finally succeeded in cultivating the Nine-Caiyuan Soul Essence Art. If we enter the space where the overlapping universe is appropriate and stand in the distant past, because of the The existence of the universe, in principle, we will find the Five Essences of Shaer Yangshi.

So before the third brother didn't dare and didn't want to tell you about Sha'er's situation, fearing that the pain of despair would hurt you too deeply, now there is little hope, whether it's hope or comfort, the third brother can tell you more or less about the future.

The only happy thing for the third brother is to see all the brothers and sisters in the family, the whole family, are always happy and happy! This is the value of the existence of the third brother, and it is also the relentless pursuit of the third brother!

Standing in this difficult autumn of the universe, the fourth brother will be patient for the time being, and after escaping the disaster and massacre in the universe, the third brother will personally accompany you to rescue Sha'er, okay? "

Just when Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi was heartbroken and helpless, Di Zhoudijun Wushang thought for a long time, and then said the following words.

"How is this possible? Didn't Sha'er's five essences diverge into Shuang'er and Yexiang's body? How can I find her past five essences?"

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi heard the words of the third brother, and suddenly tears flashed with excitement, but then it darkened again, said.

"Fourth brother is worried, I know, after all, we are now immortals who have gone through several universes. Even if we really find Sha'er's five essences in ancient universes, you are worried that we will not be able to bring her to the present or is future.

The third brother thought about this just now, since we can create a fairy artifact like the Nine-World Mirror that looks at the universe, why can’t we create a fairy artifact for Shasha’er with a spiritual body that evolves at a super-fast cosmic speed? It is necessary to collect Shaer's memories of all universes, and as her spirit body evolves, inject her soul door at the same time.

This is one of the plans, and the second plan is to thoroughly analyze her body, spirit, and five essences in the ancient time and space, and then cultivate her physical body like Sister Juan and Yuanfang, and implant the five essences when she becomes an adult.

The advantage of the former is to change the future development direction of Sha'er in time and space, so that the real Sha'er will finally appear by your side.

The bad thing is, that kind of Sha'er doesn't have the same experience of life and death as you, and all your relationships have to start from strangers!

In other words, you are like strangers to each other, if you want to have love for each other again, you have to work hard on your own!

The advantage of the latter is that everything in Shaer's future will evolve according to our wishes, and eventually he will become the fourth brother's bosom lover, and he will never leave him.

The bad thing about this plan is that Sha'er's physical body is nourished and born by us, not the natural body of Sha'er's universe, it is Sha'er artificially created by our immortal method!

How to choose between the two options will depend on what the fourth brother means. Before we act, the fourth brother can think about it and finally make a choice.

If it's the former, the fourth brother should start researching and designing an immortal artifact for the evolution of a transcendent mortal! Of course, I will also help the fourth brother, as long as the research is successful, the Shaer that the fourth brother has been thinking about day and night will appear again! "

The words of the emperor of the universe made Zhanxuanzi experience great joy and sorrow in a short period of time, and now he is full of expectations.

"Don't think about it, I have to try both plans, no matter what the plan is, as long as I see Sha'er again!"

Zhanxuanzi said without hesitation.

"No! If the two plans are successful, wouldn't there be two ghosts? What will you do then?"

Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie hurriedly reminded.

"Then what if neither plan succeeds?"

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, asked his brother worriedly.


Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme pondered for a while, and had no choice but to sigh:

"Sha'er is different from your nine sisters-in-law and Zhi'er's sister-in-law. Your sister-in-law has never destroyed their bodies, so they can avoid the danger of yin and yang, and we have solved the terrifying problem of light and dark spirits.

The situation of resurrecting Sha'er is very complicated. If you are not careful, all previous efforts may be wasted. What the fourth brother said is not impossible. Well, according to what the fourth brother said, the two plans will be prepared from now on. The program is going on at the same time! "

"Okay! Thank you, third brother, for your success!"

Hearing that the third brother Dijun agreed, a smile finally appeared on the weeping face of Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, and the black and white eyebrows began to writhe again.

Let the two of you turn the topic to Yun Zhou above.

"Xiancheng is unpredictable. The third brother used to think that his own destiny, his own path, and everything can be decided by himself. However, what the third brother did not expect is that his own birth is a game.

Without the seven-color destiny soul bestowed by Nuwa Empress, the third brother would never be a human being in the lower realm. Without the discipleship of Lord Tongyun in the Yunzhou Realm, the third brother would never have become the God of War.

And you, Prince Jiebo and I have the same fate, the difference is that Prince Jiebo still follows Lord Yun, but we..."

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme talked about these things again. Although he had already made up his mind to break with Yun Zhou, he still had many obstacles in his heart and was unwilling to imagine the future results.

"Yes, it is said that good fortune tricks people, but our so-called four masters and apprentices turned out to be the tools of a primitive war between immortals and gods cultivated by our teacher!

Is he our benefactor or our enemy, the one we should protect or the one we should kill! The third brother is worried, why not the fourth brother! "

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