Nine Heavens

Chapter 1876 Time and Space Clock Guest

Chapter 1876 Time and Space Clock Guest

"However, Jun Yun's conspiracy has allowed us to experience a vigorous love relationship with all the spirits of the lower world when we are repeatedly manipulated, which is considered a great fortune!"

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi talked about the relationship between himself and his third elder brother Liu Qianlang and Yunzhou Yunjun, feeling extremely uncomfortable in his heart, and sighed.

"I'm afraid it's too late for us to suffer. What should come has already come. Did the fourth brother discover something new about Yun Zhou when he came here just now?"

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, in fact, he already guessed in his heart that Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, suddenly appeared beside him, and he was silent for many days. The situation must be not optimistic, so he remained silent for many days.

"Hey! I can guess without mentioning the third brother. The fourth brother's Xingchen sword sign shows that Yunzhou is now ready to go, and the entire upper world of the universe is full of signs of the death of the universe!

I have already made all the preparations for Yunzhou, so I came to sit with the third brother and wait for the death of the sky! "

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi withdrew all his thoughts, remained silent for a long time, shook his head and said.

"The last thing we want to see, the last thing we want to happen, has finally come!"

Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie's face was a little pale, and he said in pain.

"Our fate is like this, we can't face it, he wants to destroy our Dizhou Wave Fate Sect, we have to make a choice between him and the Dizhou relatives, either lose the Dizhou relatives, or be ruthless to him!

The fourth brother and the third brother actually already have the answer in their hearts. Since this is the case, let's face it calmly. He is a madman with bad intentions at the beginning. Even if we do good to him, what is the use? Treat us as a tool, as an obstacle in the way!

Such a person, why should he stick to the morality of master and apprentice, and be slaughtered by a madman! Third brother, resolutely meet the enemy! "

Zhanxuanzi said this with great determination, and then the surrounding stars whizzed and flew over his head, the stars flashed, and they groaned and trembled on his head.

The Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk also emits pure white and pitch black magical powers, hovering around the sword Zhanxuanzi Zhanxuanzi strangely.

"Okay! However, if our Zhoulangyuan Sect has a chance to beat Yunzhou, it's better to let him go, let this emperor kill his teacher, this emperor can't do it anyway, third brother believes that you can't do it either arrive!"

After a long silence, Emperor Di Zhou said evilly again.

"Hmph! You have such a good idea, and you still want to beat that hypocrite Yunzhou Yunjun, you are really delusional, just because you can't beat Yunzhou billions of Yunxians!

They are still discussing whether to let that hypocrite Jun Yun go, really there are all kinds of masters and apprentices, and they are all equally overconfident and shameless! "

As soon as the voice of the emperor of the universe is supreme, Zhanxuanzi said nothing, suddenly there was a sarcasm from the universe.

The emperor of the universe, Supreme Zaixe, and the god of Jianzhan, Zhanxuanzi, were both taken aback when they heard the words. With their cultivation bases, they couldn't feel the other's position at all.

When the two looked up, the man's eyes were one dan and one blue, like the sun and the moon.

He was wearing a pure white fairy robe, with all colors of evil rainbows shining all over his body, and he was floating in the void, just a few thousand miles above the two of them, holding a time-space clock in his hand!

At that time, the space clock was a distorted object of ten thousand dimensions. With the cultivation base of the two, it was impossible to determine the specific shape of the time space clock in the universe and the human world. They could only feel that time was flying by and space was spinning randomly.

"Haha... Excuse me, when is the revered immortal coming from? What's the use of an uninvited guest?"

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme heard the rumors again, and was not angry, but asked with a smile.

"Oh? You can still laugh when I sarcasm you like this!?"

The other party was stunned by Di Zhoudijun's supreme and evil reaction, and asked after re-examining Di Zhoudijun's supreme and evil.

"What Zunxian said is the truth, there is no exaggeration, what reason is there for this emperor and his brother Jianzhan Shenjun to be angry.

When you look at the immortals, you don't wait for them. Where do you come from, if you are an enemy or a friend, please let me know! "

Di Zhoudi Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie and Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi have experienced countless life and death. Although they were surprised by the sudden appearance of the unexpected guest, they were not afraid.

The eyes of the emperor of the universe, Supreme Zaixe, and the god of Jianzhan, Zhanxuanzi, shrouded each other, without any fear, they smiled frankly.

"Well, I can't tell, you are better than your hypocritical master, at least you don't stare at the gods!"

The uninvited guest seemed to be willing to twist tongues with Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie and Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi, and still kept talking about him.

"Hehe, Zunxian seems to know his mentor, but it's not good to slander him with open mouths. Who in the sky and the sky doesn't know that the mentor is the supreme model of righteousness and immortality. If you are not a celestial guest in the sky and the sky, you will slander the teacher like this. It really shouldn't be!"

Di Zhou Dijun Supreme Zai Xie and Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi knew in their hearts that the days of Di Zhou Lang Yuan Xianmen's stability were numbered, and the person who came was probably his enemy.

I was prepared in my heart, and I already had a plan in terms of strategy and tactics. Facing the unknown person, I was not as nervous as I imagined.

"Ah! I'm really convinced by that hypocritical Yunzhou Yunjun. Not only did he deceive the heaven and cloud realms, but even you disciples and grandchildren who used to get along with him day and night, were so confused by him that you couldn't tell right from wrong!

What is the immortal way and what is the righteous spirit? They are all bluffing nonsense. In the universe, it is the same as going to the world of ancient spirits. Whoever is the master of the immortal way is right, no matter what kind of good fortune is relied on! "

"Da da da……"

An immortal with blue sun and moon eyes in the sky, the time-space clock in his hand suddenly emitted a clear and pleasant time-space sound.

As soon as I heard it, somewhere in the unknown universe, a new universe was born, and a new time and space began to operate.

He stared intently at the time-space clock held in the palm of his hand, looked at the icy blue time-space clock, the mysterious scene surrounded by the faint blue divine light, listened to the crisp sound for a while, and let out a burst of mournful laughter.

"I don't understand the words of the Immortal, but the Immortal seems to have something to hide from the current Yuntian Erzhou Daoxian?"

Emperor Di Zhou Supreme Zai Xie suddenly felt that the other party had extraordinary experiences in Yun Tian Er Universe, so he asked the other party tentatively.

"Hmph! It's not just dissatisfaction, I just want to destroy everything in Yuntian Eryun immediately, slaughter that hypocrite alive, and let his hypocritical face show his true colors!"

Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie and Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi looked at each other for a while, Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie said the above words.

Hearing the words, the uninvited guest snorted coldly and spat.


Di Zhoudi Jun Wushang Zaixie deliberately sighed inexplicably astonished, and then continued to ask tentatively:

"It seems that Zunxian hates deeply and loves so much. Zunxian must have had a lot to do with Yunzhou Yunjun's mentor, right?"

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