Nine Heavens

Chapter 1877 The Eastern Clock Attendant.

Chapter 1877: Oriental Bell Attendant

"Boy, you're playing tricks on me, there's no need to play such a clever thing, I don't change my name when I sit, and I don't change my surname when I sit. I'm one of the ten bell servants of the Heavenly Realm, the Eastern Bell Attendant Taiyi.

Ben Zhongshi hates that hypocrite at first glance, how could he have anything to do with him, boy, you are too good at associating! "

The other party finally declared himself a family member, intentionally mobilizing the time and space in his hand to make it more colorful and shiny, and said with a frown.

"Hehe, it seems absurd to this emperor that the clocks in the evil palace of the heavens are dead and the servants of the ten clocks. Does anyone know that the emperor of the three universes of Yuntiandi knows that all the time and space clocks in charge of the life and death of the three universes of heaven, cloud and earth are controlled by Tianzhou Zheng?" The Spirit Fairy Palace is in control, since when did the Heavenly Evil Palace even have a time and space clock, I'm afraid it's a fake!"

Di Zhou Di Jun Supreme then looked sideways and exchanged a few words with his brother Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi, and then laughed.

"You don't need to worry about this, and it's not something you can understand at the moment. You should think about how to escape the slaughter and suppression that hypocrite is about to kill you!"

How about Taiyi, the servant of the Eastern Time and Space Clock in the Evil Palace of the Heaven Realm, he didn't seem to care about the hurtful words of Emperor Zhou Emperor, no matter how evil he was, he reminded him in a calm tone.

"The people from the Heavenly Evil Palace kindly reminded us that the Heavenly Wave Fate Sect was not here to kill. This emperor heard me right, right?"

Hearing the other party's words, Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie and Jian Zhan Shen Jun Zhan Xuanzi had an idea in their minds. Although they didn't know the purpose of the other party's coming, they were almost sure that the other party was not here to cause trouble, so they were on guard. Relaxed a little.

"Who said that we people in the evil palaces of the heavens like to kill so much, is it normal for you kid to see Taiyi killing people in your world?"

The other party's red and blue eyes shot a sharp rainbow, piercing the hearts of the Emperor of the Earth, Supreme Zaixe, and the Lord of the Sword, Zhanxuanzi, and asked in a dissatisfied tone.

"Of course not, but this emperor has never had any dealings with the Heavenly Evil Palace, so I really can't figure out the real purpose of Time and Space Clock Attendant Taiyi coming to Earth Universe, and I have heard all kinds of evil rumors about the Heavenly Evil Palace, so I have this question."

No matter how evil the emperor of Dizhou is, this is the third time he has asked the other party's real intention in coming to Dizhou.

"Huh! It seems that Zhong Zhan has a high opinion of you, and you are also a person who does not change the truth and hears the truth! I can tell you with confidence that Taiyi is here, and he came here to give you Taiyi time and space. bell!"

The bell attendant of the Eastern Time and Space of the Heavenly Evil Palace finally revealed the true purpose of coming here.


After hearing the words, Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi did not expect that the other party would come here for such a purpose, they couldn't help but exclaimed together, and at the same time, their faces were filled with joy.

There are ten clocks in the universe Sikong Sishi clock, referred to as time and space clocks, which are east, west, north, south, southeast, southwest, northeast, northwest and up and down, a total of ten directions.

Each time-space clock is not only the birther of the birth and destruction of the corresponding square domain time-space, but also the terminator, eternally controlling the future of any universe in the corresponding square domain time-space.

And the clock of time and space in the ten directions can be combined for various reasons, turning into an invisible spiritual energy altar that exists in the timeless and spaceless realm.

At that time, all the universes of the ten directions will perish, only the Hebi Time-Space Clock is still running.

It can be said that the time-space clock is the only supreme artifact that controls the existence or non-existence of all universes. Suddenly someone wants to give such an artifact to him.

"Immortal Taiyi, you, are you joking, are you really planning to give the Eastern Taiyi Bell to Earth?"

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, still didn't quite believe the other party's words, he was a little squeamish because of his excitement, his black and white eyebrows twisted into twitching, and asked.

"You people of the so-called righteous way are indeed insidious and cunning, you like to deceive people, and you like to doubt people! None of us in the evil palace of heaven are as hypocritical as you, pick up the bell!"

Taiyi, the attendant of the Eastern Time and Space Clock, was very impatient after hearing the words of Emperor Di Zhou Supreme Zaixie and Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi. Wu Shang Zai Xie flew in front of his eyes.

"Hehe, Immortal Taiyi, are you giving the clock to the universe or are you here as an undercover agent? It seems that you have no intention of leaving?"

Di Zhou Dijun Wushang Zaixie raised his palm to hold the Taiyi Time-Space Clock, also called Taiyi Clock, looked carefully and said with a smile.

"This is my Taiyi Bell. Taiyi Bell was sent to you by the death of Zhong Zhong, so I naturally have no choice but to accompany you. Otherwise, if I leave Taiyi Bell, I will lose Taiyi's air, so there is nothing I can do." Live!"

Taiyi Zhongshi Taiyi explained helplessly.

"So, what kind of person are you to give us the Taiyi Bell, but the Taiyi Bell has changed its place, is the artifact still yours?"

The Dizhou Emperor Wushang Zaixie and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi gradually saw the appearance of the Taiyi Bell surrounded by rainbows in all colors, and it turned out to be a colorful rooster inside.

The rooster is shining in all colors, flapping its wings non-stop, causing colorful clouds and rainbows to fly in all directions around it in time and space, thus forming the scene it looks like from the outside.

Seeing himself supported by a white-haired stranger, admiring himself, he seemed very proud. The gorgeous chicken kicked its legs and raised its head, and it even cried out emeraldly.

As soon as it called, the gorgeous rainbow wrapped around its body suddenly became more gorgeous and powerful. Auspicious clouds of various colors, rainbows, and flowing clouds flew to all directions of the universe, and the universe was quickly immersed in it.

"Hey! You bloody rooster, didn't you say that you would stop crowing again? Why did you become a scumbag just after being in the hands of a hypocrite!"

Taiyi bell attendant Taiyi got into the Taiyi bell, lay in the body of the gorgeous chicken halo, and cursed while lying on his back.

"Fuck! You old man, I feel bad when I see you. You call me a stupid bird or a stupid chicken all day long. It's strange that I sing for you.

Immortal Siming's vision is unmistakable, this white-haired child must be someone who understands people's hearts and respects the master of this immortal, so I am happy, so I say, I am so mad at you old bastard! "

"I'll cut it! I can't live through this day, even a broken bird has so many things, see if I don't deal with you!"

Taiyi Divine Rooster, that is, inside the Taiyi Bell, Taiyi leaped up, and instantly changed from a handsome young man in white robes to a little old man with white beard, staring at red and blue eyes, pouted with a goat Beard, call out a branch of fairy wicker in his hand to whip the Taiyi chicken.

"I'll go!"

"I pedal!"

I don't think that Taiyi, the bell attendant of the Eastern Time and Space, has yet to raise his hand. Taiyi's divine chicken's bright red head and golden beak let out a provocative laugh, and then kicked Taiyi out of the Taiyi bell with one kick. , that is, in your own body.

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