Nine Heavens

Chapter 1882 The Blending of Gods and Objects

Chapter 1882 Blending of Gods and Objects

As soon as Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, sounded suspicious, he saw the emerald rainbow-wreathed hands dragging the Lingshan Mountain and the black jade skull covering the sky, attracting each other and slowly approaching each other.

These two fetishes, one beautiful and mysterious, the other dark and ugly, yet they buzzed like cheers and floated toward each other non-stop.

Holding Lingshan in his hand, the rainbow stretches out for tens of thousands of miles, like a huge light tongue, spreading towards the black jade skull like dark clouds pressing down on the environment.

And the Moyu Skull also releases the contradictory moon dragon smoke in the darkness that devours everything, like the sea is flowing, the waves are rolling, welcoming the unfolding Changhong.

Changhong emerald green, bright red and azure blue are intertwined, and dragon smoke is pitch black and white. The two quickly devour each other, and then quickly merge to form a strange color and change of hundreds of millions of mysterious changes.

Holding Lingshan in hand and Moyu Skull continue to attract each other and approach.

Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie, who was sitting cross-legged and floating, slowly stood up, and the sound of chanting in his mouth never stopped.

The changes in the sky were shocking and miraculous. Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi and Taiyi Shenji looked up, staring with dumbfounded eyes, forgetting to even sigh.


Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi and Taiyi Shenji suddenly heard two bursts of Qingyue howling, and then saw Di Zhoudijun's crossing shuttle, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Spirit Swords also shone with their respective immortals one after another, shooting towards the sky .

When the two were close to being one in the sky, the Lingshan Mountain in Hand and the Black Jade Skull had already begun to blend rapidly. At this time, the Shuttle of Crossing and the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword also joined in, and then there was a process of blending with infinite magic. .

"Fourth brother, it's time for you to make a move. The stars, swords and rainbows determine the universe, shine with spiritual light to recite the past and present, concentrate your mind and soul to think about everything, chanting, only call for people!"

At such a moment, Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jian Zhan, was concentrating on watching the strange changes of the four great gods in the sky. He suddenly heard the third brother calling himself, and suddenly withdrew his thoughts. He understood what the third brother said, and had no time to ask the reason, so he immediately responded:

"Fourth brother obeys!"


Immediately, the stars entwined with the stars screamed and shot towards the sky, and then Jianzhan Shenjun followed his brother's request, positioned the stars and sword lights in the direction of the extreme position of Zhou Xuantian, urged the ancient spirit Zhou Si, calmed down, and kept talking He began to call out the names of True Lord Qixiang Liujuan, True Lord Heavenly Wolf Cheng Yuanfang, Qi Mulang, Qi Yuanlang, Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms, Nine Generals of the Men Clan, and his little red dot.

And the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil he is, suddenly turned his head, tearing the wind and cracking the clouds, and at an unimaginable speed, he suddenly transformed into the Taiyi chicken and restrained it.

"Tell me, what kind of tricks are you playing with Taiyi, the bell attendant of the Eastern Time and Space of the Heavenly Evil Palace? Why are the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine parallel five spirits in your hands!?"

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, he has just practiced the supernatural power of cosmic instantiation and superposition. Using this magical power, Yuntian Erzhou is invincible. asked.

"No, no, nothing!"

The Taiyi Divine Rooster was suddenly restrained, and the golden face was suddenly darkened. Unexpectedly, the Emperor Zhou, Supreme and Evil, would have practiced such a terrifying Zhou Jue Divine Art, his body could not move at all, and he could not quibble in horror.

"Although we are here in the universe, it is not difficult for me to kill a few minions of Yuntianzhou! I hope you are a smart fairy, and I hope you will know whether you will die or continue to live. I will ask you again , why on earth!"

When Emperor Di Zhou was talking evilly again, his soul was withdrawn, and in an instant, the flames of the myriad colors and illusory rainbows boiled even more fiercely, and the Taiyi chicken was burned by the flames, suffocated and tormented, and let out screams.

"Whoa whoa!"

"Oh, I said, I said, let me go."

The Taiyi Divine Chicken couldn't stand the scorching of the cosmic instantaneous superimposed magical power and the divine rainbow, and finally begged for mercy.

"Okay! If there is something unreasonable to my emperor, I will immediately refine you into nothingness!"

Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang snorted coldly again, at this moment, he stretched out his arms hundreds of millions of miles away and grabbed at the sky in the east, and when he retracted his hand again, Taiyi, the time and space clock attendant who had left, was also captured by Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shangzaixie was thrown into the cosmic instant superimposition magic skill Shenhong.

"Master, why have you been arrested? Don't you know the evil palaces of the heavens?"

Taiyi Shenji coughed, and when he took a closer look, his master was also caught and roasted like himself, so he couldn't help asking in surprise.

"How the hell would I leave? I am the attendant of the Eastern Time and Space Clock. Without the Time and Space Clock, why should I serve me? You think Xin Zhongde would really give them the Eastern Time and Space Clock, huh! How is it possible? Cough cough... ..."

Taiyi, the bell attendant of Eastern Time and Space, coughed for a long time, and then said very dejectedly. I thought to myself, what the hell is wrong with this, my majestic Eastern Time and Space Clock Attendant was thrown into the fire like a human kitten, and no one in Tianyun Erli Realm would dare letter!

"Then what does he mean? I thought he would be a rooster with an eastern head in the earth, and enjoy himself for a universe or two!"

"What do you mean, neither he nor Yun Zhou Yun Jun, Tian Zhou Tian Jun is a good guy! Di Zhou Di Jun, what you said just now counts. If we tell the truth, you let us go?"

Taiyi, the servant of the Eastern Time and Space Clock in the Evil Palace of the Heaven Realm, was full of indignation. He scolded Taiyi for a while, and then asked the emperor of the earth, the supreme and evil.

"This depends on the mood of the emperor. Before the emperor can't verify that every word you say is the truth, the emperor has decided to keep you in the universe's instantaneous overlapping magical power rainbow. Of course, it will not be injected Too much mysterious divine power or divine fire will burn you to death.

When will this emperor prove that what you are saying is the truth, and I am very satisfied. If I am in a good mood, I may let you go.

You are not idiots, you can weigh it up and see if you have the ability to escape from the control of this emperor! If not, then the only chance for you to live is if the emperor asks and answers, knows what, and what to say, otherwise..."

The emperor of the universe has white hair fluttering around, a silk robe of sky brocade, silver billows, and fairy rings of various colors all over his body, spreading like a rainbow.

Xianwei is domineering, with flashing eyes, looking at the changes in the composition of the sky and universe instant instrument, they don't take a serious look at the Taiyi Taiyi God Chicken, the Eastern Time and Space Clock Attendant of the Universe Evil Palace, which makes them feel superior as the gods of the heavens Instant nothing, extremely frustrated!

"How did you find out that this Time and Space Clock Attendant has not left outside the Earth, Cloud and Universe?"

Dongfang Time and Space Clock Attendant Taiyi is still brooding over his sudden arrest, his golden, red and blue eyes flashed with a strong divine light, and he looked up at Emperor Zhou Supreme and asked evil questions.

"It's not because I discovered you, but because your performance is too childish. The Eastern Time and Space Clock of the Heaven Realm is the first bell of the eight time and space clocks of the Heaven Realm. Zhong Xian and Shi Xian are laughing and joking like you. Isn't it a cosmic joke? May become the controlling fairy god of the universe's bright time and space!"

Emperor Di Zhou, no matter how evil he is, still never bowed his head, and said calmly.

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