Nine Heavens

Chapter 1883

Chapter 1883 Taiyi Scared to Surrender

"Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and evil, in fact, Zhong Sheng wants you to be his subordinate, isn't it very good.

Right now, the entire universe is almost the world of Zhong Zhan, without Zhong Zhan's protection, how can you deal with Jie Tong's hypocrite Yun Liangyu with your own strength! "

Seeing the indifferent and icy attitude of the emperor of the universe, Taiyi, the bell attendant of the Eastern Time and Space of the Universe Evil Palace, and Taiyi Shenji looked at each other, and Taiyi said with a frustrated face.

"Ha ha……"

Unexpectedly, Emperor Zhou laughed wildly after listening to it again. Such laughter made Taiyi and Taiyi Shenji deafening and creepy.

"You, what are you laughing at?"

Taiyi couldn't understand, looking back at what he said, he was right, so he kept asking.

"Hmph! I have been born into the immortal sect of Fengdizhou for six extinctions and nine evolutions. I have experienced countless catastrophes and sufferings, and I have never bowed to any force. The death of the evil palace in the heaven is really beyond my control, and I sent you to persuade me to surrender!"

In fact, at this moment, even if Taiyi and Taiyi Shenji didn't tell their purpose of coming to Dizhou, the Dizhou Emperor, no matter how evil he is, can guess it. The reason why I asked was because I wanted to hear similar words with my own ears and verify my speculation.

"Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and evil, so don't let him be ignorant, His Royal Highness Zhong Zhan is already sincere enough, and has enough respect for you.

In order to recruit you as your subordinate, I personally went to Dead Universe to intercept and rescue your sixteen five-spirited spirits from Langyuan Sect. There are nearly 1.6 million five-spirited spiritual power groups in the parallel universe, and then sent us to support you in dealing with Yunzhou Mr. Yun, that hypocrite, is so sincere, don't you want to! ? "

Taiyi was very angry when he saw Emperor Zhou's supreme indifference, his tone hardened instantly, and he asked coldly.

"Why should I be free and do not want to be free? Listen to your yelling from the evil palaces of the heavens. Whether it is the evil palaces of the heavens, the fairy palaces of the heavens, or any other forces in the heavens, I will never be attached to the immortals of the waves." To whom, it should be the eternity of being alone, majestic and endless! If you want to recruit me to the Immortal Sect of Waves, you are overthinking it!"

In the evil line of sight of the Supreme Emperor of the Earth and Universe, the violent transformation of the sky and the Yunyu Instantaneous Instrument has gradually stabilized.

The four great fetishes gathered together, and separated again at this moment, forming a circular pattern with each other, slowly rotating in parallel and clockwise.

At this moment, the four great gods are all soaring tens of millions of times, combined in the sky, and a few bridge the sky and the earth.

The Nine Heavens Immortal Fate sword is leaning towards the southeast, and the sword glow and sword rainbow are pointing to the northwest. The bright red streamer and the rainbow's surging sword brilliance rush towards the center of the circle formed by the four gods like a huge tide.

The strange and evil black jade skull, from the inside out, is full of ancient spirit, with all kinds of colors and rays of light, rushing from its seven orifices, and rushing towards the center of the circle.

The Shenlong Tiandial is as huge as the sun, bright red and blazing, the blue ancient moon is as vast as the moon, red and blue, and the yin and yang double rainbows are also the same.

The sacred object in the center of the four sacred object rings, Holding the Spirit Mountain in Hand, is like a burning charcoal of all colors, shining with various beautiful colors, and it is also rotating slightly, but it is rotating counterclockwise.

Under the four great gods and the holding spirit mountain, at this time, Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, recalled the sword of stars, and his expression gradually changed from condensed to relieved.

But naturally holding the Star Sword high, Jianhong pointed directly at the Lingshan Mountain, continued to concentrate his soul power, and shot at the target through the blue sword rainbow divine brilliance of the Star Sword, strictly controlling the formation of the most critical moment of the Universe Instantaneous Instrument.

"Huh! Without the protection of the evil palace in the heavens, no immortal spirit from any other place can even try to defeat Yunjun Yunjun. Although he is not powerful in the heavens now, almost all of his strength has been moved to Yunzhou.

Even if it is the evil palace of the heavens, there is no way to deal with him for a while, just rely on your Zhoulang Yuanmen, how can you be his opponent.

I'm afraid you don't know it yet, the entire universe has been overwhelmed by the Yunxian army, ready to attack you at any time! The catastrophe that you are facing with hundreds of millions of cloud immortals showing their supernatural powers is coming!

At this time, it is Zhong Sheng who thinks that your Emperor Zhou is righteous no matter how evil he is, so he wants to help you, you have to see the situation clearly, don't toast or eat fine wine! "

Taiyi also looked up at the cosmic instant instrument in the formation of the sky at this moment, and secretly sneered in his heart, thinking that the cosmic instant instrument was just a tool for saving lives, so he couldn't help but underestimate the Langyuan Xianmen in his heart.

With this kind of mind, the tone of his speech could not help but become more and more rigid.


"Shenjun Taiyi means that if this emperor does not submit to the Heavenly Evil Palace, the Heavenly Evil Palace will also attack my Langyuan Xianmen?"

Di Zhou Dijun suddenly had a thought, and the cosmic transient superimposed magical power and divine rainbow that enveloped Taiyi and Taiyi chicken instantly rolled violently, burning and suppressing them until they screamed.

Then he finally looked at them sideways and smiled.

"Emperor Di Zhou is supreme, no matter how evil you are, you don't need to be rampant, just relying on your two actions, it's okay to bully us, but if you are in front of Zhong Zhan, it's no bullshit!

Do you think Zhong Sheng is stupid? No matter how evil you are in the universe, you are invincible, and now you are directly threatening the second universe of Yuntian.

Neither the Heavenly Evil Palace nor the Tianyun Immortal Palace will let you go, especially since you were former disciples of the hypocrite Yunjun.

If you don't submit to the evil palace of the heavens, sooner or later you will join forces with that hypocrite and endanger Yun Tianzhou. You think, if an existence like you doesn't submit to the evil palace of the heavens, it will only have a dead end! "

Taiyi and Taiyi Divine Rooster wailed and tried to be brave.

"Well, what you said is not unreasonable, anyway, although it is impossible for my Emperor Zhou to return to the evil palace of the heavens, it is not unreasonable.

For the time being, I will let you Taiyi go back to the evil palace of the heaven, and explain my position to Zhong Sheng of the evil palace of the heaven. By the way, let me thank him for saving Langyuan Wujing. "

The emperor of the universe is supreme and heard the words of Taiyi and Taiyi Shenji again, and thought a lot in his heart. Although he has no plans to return to the evil palace of the heavens, but for the evil palace of the heavens, he is bound to the fairy gate at this time. attitude, there is really no need to be too radical.

Therefore, after saying the above words, he received the supernatural power of cosmic instantiation and overlapping, the divine rainbow, and released the Taiyi and Taiyi chickens.

"Ah, the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, so the time and space bell attendant just said, you are different from those people who are righteous and immortal, you are a smart person, a true kind person, what's wrong with returning to our heavenly evil palace.

First of all, your strength is all over the sky and the universe at once, forming a pincer attack on the universe from the upper and lower realms! Then, all of you will be protected by the evil palaces of the heavens, open the sky and seal the clouds, and directly enter the second universe of the sky, and you will be among the immortals of the heavens without going through the catastrophe. What a beautiful thing!

Next, we will work together to destroy the Yunzhou Immortal Palace, the Celestial Immortal Palace, and slaughter that hypocrite..."

Taiyi Zhongshi was freed suddenly, and he was full of chatter, talking endlessly, thinking that the emperor of the universe was supreme, and he was persuaded by himself to change his mind.

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