Nine Heavens

Chapter 1885 Dongyang Mountain

Chapter 1885 Dongyang Mountain

"The world is unpredictable, now Luo'er only hopes that Xiao Luo and Qian'er will be as her husband said, and everything will be safe!"

Dong Luo was full of resentment, and wanted to vent some in her husband's arms, but felt that her husband was bearing a lot of things in his heart at the moment, so he reluctantly closed the conversation about the child like this.

Then, he looked up at the man he loved so much.

He still has white hair fluttering, but he has become more heroic, stalwart and mature. The fairy spirit and fortitude flashing between his brows make people feel at ease.

The emperor of the universe, no matter how evil he is, looked down at this beautiful god of heaven who loved him deeply.

She, for herself, was desperate.

In love, there is nothing more tacit than a close heart. Dongluo doesn't want to discuss children anymore. The kindness in this is in looking at each other, and the eyes are wandering. The two are deeply grateful to each other.

Dong Luo was grateful to her husband for his understanding of any words he said, and Emperor Di Zhou was extremely grateful to his beloved wife for always caring about his own mood.

Embracing and silently facing each other, the tide of emotion arises from this. The old love is still mellow, and the new love is pity Gu Ying.

The two looked at each other for a long time, until Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, took away the star sword, holding the nine-ring object with nine rings and nine colors interlocking with each other, and stood with a smirk on his face. Two people side.

"Oh, I said third brother and third sister-in-law, have you seen me? We've been married for several years, why are you still so inseparable? I've been standing there for a long time."

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi looked at his third brother and third sister-in-law as if he didn't want to bother with him anymore, the black and white eyebrows twisted for a while, deliberately stretched his head very close, and asked with a smile The beauty god Dongluo.

"The Cosmic Instantaneous Instrument is completed?"

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme took another evil look at his brother, and asked without letting go of his beloved wife Dong Luo in his arms.

"Well, it worked, what should I do next?"

Asked by Zhan Xuanzi, the god of swords.

"The cosmic instant instrument is in the hands of the fourth brother. What should the fourth brother say? Your third brother let you be the first to pick it up, which means that you are its owner!"

Dong Luo turned around, smiled and watched Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi said.


Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi looked at his brother Zhoudijun with some disbelief.

"Your third sister-in-law is right. It is best for the fourth brother to be its fairy master. The fourth brother is the god of sword divination yesterday. In the future, any five spirits will do whatever they want. With this universe instant instrument, naturally It is also convenient to collect the five essences of justice that need to be saved."

Di Zhou Dijun supremely smiled and nodded, and said in a warm voice.

"Thank you, sister-in-law three, thanks to sister-in-law three for coming at this time, because of sister-in-law three's sentimentality and gentleness, brother three has become generous, so I won't be polite! Hehe!"

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, was obviously very interested in the newly born Cosmic Instantaneous Instrument, so he gave a funny gift to Dongluo, admiring the baby with a smile.

"Haha... When have you ever been polite? This is your third elder brother's idea for a fairy weapon. Why are you thanking your third sister-in-law?"

Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie was amused by the logic of the fourth brother's gratitude, and asked.

"Haha... I don't know either."

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, also burst into laughter when he heard the words, and then suddenly stopped laughing, and replied even more funny.


Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and evil, and he can't tell how he feels about this brother. Anyway, he is like his own heart and lungs, and he can't give up. They are infinitely familiar with each other and have no doubts.

"Haha...Third brother, don't tell me, it really works. All the five essences in it are dividing into nine rings and nine colors, and each color is divided into 11,111 human domains. Now every human world There is only one of the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine identical five essences in the domain!

We finally separated them all, hehe! Let me find out, where is our chaotic universe, the world of mortals...

oh! I found it, haha... Sister Juan, brother Yuan Fang and their five spirits have been found! "

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi's five-colored eyes were piercing, and his pupils searched for a long time in the interlaced nine-ring spiritual light space of the universe instant instrument, and then he shouted excitedly.

"Haha... Now that we have found it, why are we still standing in the mirror palace in the nine worlds and can't come out? Sister Juan and the others' fairy bodies are in Yangling Palace."

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi was busy holding the universe instant instrument in his hand for a while, and finally got the result, and then looked overjoyed at the third brother and third sister-in-law who were still there just now, thinking that they were no longer there.

"Huh? It's too outrageous, you forget your brothers when you have a wife."

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi saw that there were still three brothers and three sisters-in-law, they had already left, and he was still looking at the empty place with a smirk.

He couldn't help but burst out laughing, secretly happy in his heart, and ninety thousand words came out of his mouth.

"Huh? What does the fourth brother want to say?"

However, before Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi opened his mouth to say it, a phantom of clouds and mists, which was deliberately left by the Emperor of Zhou, Supreme Zaixie, appeared in front of his eyes. He looked at Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi with a smile, and spit out this sentence language.

"No, it's nothing, third brother doesn't know me yet, so why would I scold you behind my back!"

Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, spoke nonsense in a serious manner to the phantom face of the supreme and evil emperor of the earth.


Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme made an expression of disbelief on his evil face, then turned into a ray of light, and shot towards another direction of Di Zhou Emperor Palace.

A moment later, Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi heard the third elder brother Zhou Dijun Supreme Zaixie laughing.

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi heard the sound, and after a little identification, immediately the Yin Hong Guangtao surged under his feet, holding the universe instant instrument in his hand, stepping on the blood unicorn, and went towards the Dongyang Mountain of the Emperor's Palace.

The Dongyang Mountain in the Earth Eternal Heaven Realm is the highest mountain in the Eternal Eternal Spiritual Realm. It is far away from the West Moon Mountain in the west.

Everything is wonderful in the entire universe, and there is everything in the two holy places.

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, he built the Yangling Palace on the mountain of Dongyang. Needless to say, it just shows that he cherishes and respects his sister Liujuan and brother Yuanfang and other friends of the Langyuanmen, and of course others do too. .

At this moment, the mountain of Dongyang is not the time when the rainbow sun is rising, but the mountain of the west moon, when a crescent moon flows above the canopy of pines and ancient trees.

However, the mountains of Dongyang, big and small, are quietly filled with beautiful figures of various colors, figures of all the Taoist friends of the Langyuan Sect.

The reason why they appeared here at this time was naturally because of the call of the Supreme Emperor Di Zhou.

They were very excited, because they heard that the next morning would be the resurrection day of the sixteen high-ranking nobles including Zhenjun Qixiang and Tianlangzhen!

According to the emperor's supreme and evil summoning order, they only need to come before sunrise on this day, but after the whole Langyuan Xianmen heard the news, no one could survive the night in Xianfu.

Only when you come to Dongyang Mountain and look at the beautiful crescent moon in Xiyue Mountain, can you feel at ease.

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