Nine Heavens

Chapter 1886 Heavy Night

Chapter 1886 Heavy Night

The mountain of West Moon, the rising crescent moon is so beautiful! The curved shape is like a boat, just like the shuttle that Zhenjun Qixiang and Tianlang are riding through.

The people of Langyuanmen have been familiar with and liked a kind of scenery 90,000 years ago - the emperor and the three true monarchs are traveling through the shuttle, in the midst of the moonlight in the mountains of the West Moon or in the mountains of Dongyang where the sun is piercing through the clouds and fog. look.

However, the people of Langyuan Sect have not seen such a beautiful scenery for 90,000 years. Ever since the two True Monarchs died suddenly, the Emperor and the True Monarch Lingyao have never manipulated the shuttle like this again.

As for why, there are different opinions among the disciples of Langyuan Xianmen. Some people say that the four shuttles are a perfect combination, if any one is missing, the others will be lonely and unwilling to go up into the sky alone.

Some people also say that the shuttle that travels through is a fairy of things, and must have left the fairy gate of Langyuan to find their shuttle friends.

Even those disciples who were able to peek into the secrets of the high-level people secretly rumored that the high-level people were working hard non-stop. What is so magical about the creators? If the magic happens, the sixteen dead immortals will definitely come back to life in the middle of the day.


In short, in the 90,000 years after the death of the sixteen immortals in the Dizhou Langyuan Xianmen, the topics about them have never stopped, especially everyone expects the day of their resurrection to come sooner.

The above remarks may seem absurd, but some of them have some basis.

For example, the saying of the resurrection in the middle of the day, in fact, the emperor of Zhou used to use the nine cauldrons for refining the soul, the yin and yang gymnasium, and the sun and moon furnace of the primordial spirit to resurrect the five first human beings in the ancient chaotic universe, the ancient Coconut Kingdom and the Qingliu Kingdom. Put the newly resurrected people into the sun and cultivate them.

Therefore, the people of Langyuanmen saw countless resurrected people flying out in the middle of the day. It is precisely because of things like me that the disciples of Langyuan Xianmen have such thoughts in their hearts.

All the disciples of the Langyuan Immortal Sect had surging hearts, infinite excitement, and solemn expressions, but their eyes were full of expectation and joy.

There were countless things they wanted to say in their hearts, but the disciples from the top to the most junior level had a tacit understanding to the point of complete silence. Every pair of eyes was focused on the rising crescent moon on the West Moon Mountain, which was weak but strong.

The crescent moon is very soft and cold, making it easy for the disciples of Langyuan Xianmen to think of the cold, arrogant and beautiful Queen Qixiang.

The remote depths of West Moon Mountain is a dark area, but the disciples of Langyuan Xianmen are not afraid of the darkness there, because they always remember in their hearts that whenever Langyuan Xianmen is sad, they will meet in the darkness. Suddenly, a pitch-black wolf castle flew out.

The roar of the wolf castle, Sirius Zhenjun and his brothers frightened the enemy, Sirius, demon lion, and eagle spread the sky, covering the safety of everyone in Langyuanmen.

There are also more and more clear shadow traces in the crescent moon. They are the butterfly emperors of the three realms, the nine generals of the Men family, and the naughty little figure. galloping.

The disciples of the Langyuan Sect don't know how the higher-ups will revive the sixteen high-ranking Langyuanmen, but they firmly believe that their wise leaders will be able to do it, so everyone's eyes, minds, and hearts are preparing Looking forward to the beautiful scenes of tomorrow morning.

The scenes in their hearts, as the high-level executives of Langyuan Xianmen, especially Di Zhoudijun, fully understand and are confident that their dreams will come true.

Di Zhoudijun is supreme, no matter how evil the white hair is flying, he stands firmly on the square in front of the Yangling Palace in Dongyang Mountain, looking down at all the disciples of Langyuanmen, and also looking at the crescent moon in Xiyue Mountain. The expectations and aspirations of every disciple in the sect.

At the same time, Emperor Di Zhou looked at the crescent moon on Xiyue Mountain again, and suddenly remembered the Crescent Lake where his parents Qingshi Villa faced west when he was a child.

The moon in Crescent Lake, the moon in the sky, the moon in the water...

At this moment, Emperor Di Zhou looked around all his relatives and disciples evilly, and felt that the eyes of every disciple of Langyuan Xianmen were also crescent moons, barking in the middle of the moon, and Lingbo connected to their hearts.

For all the relatives of Langyuan Xianmen, this emperor swears that after the resurrection of the sixteen immortals, no matter who dares to hurt you in the slightest, this emperor will let him go!

For some reason, on such a quiet moonlit night, full of expectations for the next day, Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and evil, and suddenly thinks of Qingtianbai whose parents were on the bank of the Qingtian River when he was a child, and there he met him!

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme Zaixie's heart was suddenly cut like a knife, and tears filled his eyes!

There is hope tonight, and joy in the morning, so what then? No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, he doesn't want to think too much, but he has to think about it, because he is the emperor of the universe, and his future cannot be confused, let alone the future of the whole Langyuanmen.

pain! Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme Zaixie suddenly discovered that pain is the only choice to face the future, and this pain will not be far away in a few days. Moreover, after the pain started this time, I don’t know when it will stop, and will it stop? .

Standing on the left and right of the emperor of the universe, Zhan Xuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, and Cheng Shifeng, the True Lord of Lingyao.

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi holds the nine-ring universe instant instrument in his hand, and the five essences of other parallel universes have been released in it, and only the required sixteen Langyuan five essences are floating in it.

The spiritual space in the nine-ring universe instant instrument is infinitely vast, and the sixteen waves and five essences are lifelike.

Empress Qixiang Liu Juan with long emerald green hair fluttering, her feet stepping on a white ancient handkerchief made of incense, and her hand holding a bright red jade seal with radiant Nine Dragons fireworks. The edge of the fairy gate.

There was rarely a smile on the cold and proud face. A smile can captivate the city, and another smile can captivate the country. There was a hint of cold arrogance at the corner of his mouth, and he was stubborn at the same time.

Xiaohongdian also squatted on her shoulders, jumping from side to side, as if talking to her very excitedly.

True Lord Sirius has his usual style, stepping on the dark wolf castle, with Qi Mulang on the left and right, accompanied by Qi Yuanlang, rubbing against the city wall, the heads of countless three-eyed wolves raised their heads and roared towards the sky.

The Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms, the nine generals of the Men's family, protected the whole body of Empress Qixiang Liujuan, the majestic male and the female sassy.

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi is currently concentrating on calculating every detail of the resurrection of the sixteen high-ranking immortals from the Langyuan Sect, unable to distract himself from understanding the mood of the third brother, and staring at the universe instant instrument in the palm of his five-color eyes all the time. .

Standing on the other side of Di Zhou Di Jun Supreme Zaixie, Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit demon, is relatively more at ease. While doing some Dharma protection for Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, he can exchange some things with Di Zhou Dijun Supreme Zaixie .

However, Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, was not as mischievous as usual, because she knew how important tonight was.

Today is not only the resurrection day of beloved sister Juan, brother Yuanfang and other dignitaries, but also a critical turning point for the life of Langyuan Xianmen from now on.

At such a time, what Brother Qianlang, who is the emperor of the universe, needs is to think quietly, think about the present, think about the future...

Therefore, the Spirit Demon Lord has long blue hair fluttering, a blue crescent moon on his forehead, and his azure blue eyes are all quietly shining with magical and magnificent colors, and he is also looking at the new moon on the West Moon Mountain.

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