Nine Heavens

Chapter 1887 Immortal Imagination

Chapter 1887 Immortal Imagination

A little farther away, the wives of the nine Earth Emperors, Shui'er, Yun Qianmeng, Miaoyan, Qinghua Palace Master Fang Tianyingfang, Pa'er, Flaming Poison Witch Liaoyan, Princess Jinling, Emperor Shuangtian and Dongluo; Cheng Yuanfang's wife Siying Meihu; Qi Mulang, Qi Yuanlang's wife; After Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, they were also silent, looking excitedly and somewhat depressedly at the Mountain of the West Moon.

The curved crescent moon on the mountain of Xiyue is rising higher and higher, because it reflects the color of the sun of the rainbow. On the surface of the moon, there is a faint layer of dazzling color flowing in the dark blue.

"It's midnight, the five spirits are active, and the spirit body is silent. This is the best time for the fusion of the spirit and body. Fourth brother, don't be nervous, let's start boldly!"

Di Zhoudijun is supreme and evil, in addition to worrying about the future of Di Zhou Lang Yuan Xianmen, he is also very concerned about whether the cosmic instant instrument and each other can resurrect the sixteen Lang Yuan Xianmen as they wish.

Although he has enough confidence in his heart, if things don't succeed, it won't be a perfect ending. Therefore, when he said such words in the quiet Dongyang Mountain, his voice was not loud but full of complicated emotions and heavy expectations.

The cosmic instant instrument revived each other's sixteen nobles of the Langyuan Xianmen successfully, which means that as long as the five essences are immortal, there is no need to cruelly seize their homes. Shang Zaixie's own fairy body can also be cultivated and copied, which is another big step forward on the road of immortality and immortality.

Because the immortality mentioned in the fairy world is limited to the natural state of existence, once an accident occurs, such as being robbed by the sky, beheaded by the sky, fighting against the sky, etc., even the traditional fairy gods may perish .

This kind of demise is reflected in two fatal points, one is the destruction of the physical body, and the other is the complete annihilation of the five essences.

In the past, people in the immortal way still stayed at the primary stage of the primordial spirit seizing the house, relying on seizing the house to maintain the existence of the consciousness, which belonged to the stage of the death of the physical body and the presence of the primordial spirit.

There are too many disadvantages at this stage. First of all, the behavior of seizing the house is absolutely not allowed by the Langyuan Xianmen. Langyuan Xianmen pursues the Dao of Good Fate and respects all living beings and spirits, and rejects high-level Taoist friends bullying lower-level Taoist friends.

Secondly, the behavior of seizing the house means that one's original physical body has been completely destroyed, and no matter how seizing the house is, he is no longer the original self.

What's more, after taking the house, the five essences of soul, soul, soul, obsession and heart wisdom will only get the soul and enter the body of the house. The other four essences are simply unable to enter the captured body.

So even if the body is seized, there will inevitably be a conflict between the primordial spirit of the seizing body and the standard five essences of the seized body, and the primordial spirit may devour each other at any time.

The final result is either that the soul of the seized body is swallowed, the soul of the soul of the seized body is awkwardly fused with the four essences other than the soul of the seized body, and the embarrassment exists, or the soul of the seized body is swallowed and digested by the soul of the seized soul, and the result is caused total destruction.

But the people resurrected by the universe instantaneous instrument don't have these concerns, and it is in line with the way of Langyuan Xianmen's pursuit of great good and great life, and fundamentally speaking, the resurrected people are the same as the original people.

Because the five essences are the original five essences, and the physical body is not cultivated and manufactured at will, but is completely completed according to the components and procedures of the physical body of the original creature, with no mistakes.

Now, if the sixteen nobles of Langyuan Xianmen are successfully resurrected, it means that Langyuan Xianmen has created a miracle in the fairy world, that is, any fairy body can be collected in advance. Body formula, once an accident occurs, immediately, or in advance, copy the required fairy body.

This can be said to be the immortality of the flesh in any situation in the true sense. Next, Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and evil, and he is still thinking about combining the cosmic instant instrument method with the five essences of every immortal. Once it succeeds, it will go a step further. At that time, any immortal who knows this method will appear The physical body is resurrected at any time after the destruction of the immortal war or any other special circumstances.

However, this idea, the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil, is still in his mind, and he has never told anyone, including the fourth brother Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi.

Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie is such a person, when he is not sure enough to bring good luck to the mountain gate, no matter how good the idea is, how tired he is to think about it, he will seldom say what he thinks about.

Because in his opinion, there is no such thing as success, and talking nonsense everywhere, if it is not successful, not only will it be of no benefit to him, but it will also interfere with other people's thinking.

Therefore, no matter how evil the emperor is, he always gives Langyuan Xianmen an illusion, as if he is an almighty God. No matter what disaster Langyuan Xianmen encounters, he can suddenly come up with unexpected magic weapons or magic weapons. Action plan.

And these magic weapons are often his original creations, the only ones on earth, and Yun Tianzhou has never heard of them.

No matter how evil the Emperor of the Earth is, he is the god of Langyuan Xianmen. With him, Langyuan Xianmen will be immortal. People who see him will feel at ease, and those who see him will be happy , This is the deepest understanding that everyone in Langyuan Xianmen has for him.

This time, Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie suddenly announced that he would resurrect sixteen high-ranking nobles from the Langyuan Sect, so all the people in the Langyuan Sect were excitedly waiting for the progress of the matter.

When the local Emperor Zhou Wushang Zaixie said the above words softly, all the people from Langyuan Xianmen moved their eyes from the crescent moon of Xiyue Mountain to Dongyang Mountain.

At this time, they really realized that the new immortal artifact cosmic instant instrument re-invented by Emperor Zhou tonight is the shining thing of the nine-color divine ring held high by Zhanxuanzi, the sword Zhan Shenjun.


All the people who come to the fairy gate, whether they are standing proudly on the cliffs, those who lift the crown of towering ancient trees on the mountains, or those who look down from the cloud platform, see the surging nine-color rainbow, the mysterious and mysterious cosmic instant instrument, and the waves. The emperor and all the nobles who existed like Yuanxian door gods all exclaimed from the bottom of their hearts.

This exclamation is surprise, praise, and even more reverence and support.

After Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixe finished this sentence lightly, his thoughts had entered a higher level.

He said just now that he was imagining the future of combining the universe instant instrument method with the five essences of immortals, and he already had the answer to this question in his subconscious mind.

Therefore, what he is thinking at the moment is not about it, but another difficulty in order to truly realize the immortality of the immortal body, that is, to find a way to make the five essences of the immortal body no matter how high-level immortals are suppressed, or factors such as heavenly battles and catastrophes cannot be defeated. Destroy the situation.

Because it is very realistic at the moment, the people of Langyuanmen are facing the crazy suppression of Yuntianzhou, which can happen at any time. , This is the only possibility for Langyuan Xianmen to survive.

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