Nine Heavens

Chapter 1891 Combined Resurrection

Chapter 1891 Fit Resurrection

The newly born sixteen high-ranking celestial beings of the Langyuan Xianmen sect, when the sea lotus blooms, although their bodies are adults, their expressions are as cute as newborn babies.

They slowly opened their clear eyes without a trace of turbidity in the fragrance of sea lotus flowers and the aura of pearly fairy spirits. Their eyes flickered, and their faces were filled with infinite curiosity and amazement.

First, she turned the head with fresh and shiny hair, moved her nose slightly, sucked the fragrance of the sea lotus that she came into contact with for the first time, and quietly looked at the soft and soft sea lotus petals spreading out around her.

The sea lotus petals are so tender and soft, just like their newborn fair skin.

Hua Xiangxing probed their Nine Heaven Immortal veins and every muscle and bone, and then they turned their gazes to their own five essence phantoms. Immediately, they all moved, quietly like spiritual flowers emerging from water, their eyes were happy, and they all had smiles on their faces. stood up.


"Ha ha……"

Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan, the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms, and Xiao Hongdian'er, these feminine bodies, the fairy body sprouted from the sea lotus flower, and the five essence phantoms floating outside the sea lotus flower, looked at each other with four eyes, Looking at each other, the eyes are attracted by each other's admiration, and then they rotate different angles, staring at each other, all laughing happily.

"Heck...are you me, come in and play with me?"

Xiao Hongdianer and Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan germinated the sea lotus fairy body in a sea lotus. She squatted on Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan's shoulder happily looking at her own five-essence phantom outside the sea lotus, and shouted.

"Hee hee, I'm you. The sea lotus is so beautiful inside. How can there be white clouds and golden forests inside? The smell wafting out of it is so fragrant, can I go in?"

The little red spot outside the sea lotus, Wujing Xuying, was very envious of her newly sprouted sea lotus fairy body, and said.

"Of course you can come in, I am you, you are me, we are more flexible when we become one.

You are so funny, what we are standing below is not the white clouds, but the sea lotus platform, and what surrounds us is not the golden forest, but the sea lotus stamens, the fragrance of the sea lotus you asked about is emitted from them It came out.

Come in, let's dance together, see you, I think of many, many things from the past, how are the friends of Langyuanmen?

Um? Why can't I see Sister Lian'er, Sister Tianling, Hongxian, Brother Sansehuowa, Brother Qiqi! ? "

The little red dot inside the sea lotus is squatting on the shoulder of Liu Juan, the true monarch of Qixiang. While calling out to her own five essence shadows, her bright red eyes are flickering, searching for the figure outside the sea lotus, making you ask suddenly. The phantom of his own five essences floated to his side.

"I'm not too sure. The five spirits, the Empress's mother and I, just returned home, but I feel that they seem to be in the universe."

The little red sea lotus body and the phantom of the five essences danced happily on the shoulders of True Monarch Qixiang, twirling, talking non-stop...

Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan, and the five essences of the butterfly emperors of the three realms also tentatively float into the sea lotus flower where her sea lotus body is, hold hands with her own sea lotus body, and chat.

"Oh ha ha..."

The daughter is gentle, graceful, and slowly beautiful; the man is bold, straightforward, and quick in love.

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan, the Butterfly Emperor of the Three Realms and her five spirits and phantoms are like sisters meeting each other. It was a burst of unrestrained laughter, and it shot into the corresponding sea lotus flower like lightning, and the next second, the fusion was completed, and it laughed and shot the sea lotus flower again.

"Brother Zhen! Qianlang—"

True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang and Qi Mulang, Qi Yuanlang shot out the sea lotus and rushed out of the Yangling Palace, just in time to meet the laughing sword Zhanxuanzi, so the real Sirius Cheng Yuanfang looked at the nearby sword Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi, the emperor in the distance is supreme and evil, laughing and shouting.

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, shot towards Cheng Yuanfang, the Lord of Heavenly Wolf, and the two embraced tightly.

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, patted the shoulder of Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Sirius, and said with a sob:

"We are reunited again!"

"Yeah! It feels so good to be home!"

True Lord Sirius has never spoken much, and rarely expresses his feelings, but at this moment, with the combination of Hailian Immortal Physique and Five Essence Phantom, and the moment of rebirth, what makes him feel the most is the warmth of Langyuan Xianmen's family , so I said sincerely.

"Qimu, Qiyuan, all spirit lords, haha... we can have a big drink with the emperor again!"

After Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, embraced Cheng Yuanfang, his brother, the real king of Sirius, he ran towards the people behind.

After the men of Langyuan Xianmen laughed heartily, the resurrected daughters from Yangling Palace also flew out one after another.

Naturally, it is inevitable to have a lot of mutual complaints.

Brothers and sisters, no one will forget to say hello to Di Zhou Dijun Wushang after talking and joking with fellow Taoists.

However, everyone found that the Emperor Di Zhou, Supreme Zaixie, seemed to be quite different from the past. Instead of laughing boldly, he just nodded with a blind smile, and his words were just repeated blessings, and some questions were not right.

"Brother Zhen, what happened at home while we were away from Xianmen?"

After the revival of True Monarch Qixiang, all the old memories returned, and Liu Juan immediately realized that her younger brother Dijun was different, so she asked.

"This, okay."

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi intends to celebrate the resurrection of the sixteen high-ranking immortals of Langyuan Xianmen first, and then discuss the matter of Xianmen, otherwise he is afraid of hurting Yaxing.

But at this moment, True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan Gaozun asked, hesitated for a while, and had no choice but to speak.

"He must have gone to guard outside the universe, but it's hard for him to worry about my resurrection. When he should be happy, he is worried that Yunzhou is coming, and he is afraid that he is lonely and cold in the vortex of the universe outside the universe. Woolen cloth!"

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan heard the introduction of the situation of the universe by Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jian Zhan, and then she understood the reason why her younger brother left the phantom body at a glance.

"Yeah, this is the third brother. He seems to be wild and unrestrained, and he often carries the wine jar to the sky and pours wine. In fact, what he thinks about in his heart can be described as infinite and majestic for billions of generations!

Even though he was so exhausted, he did not forget to celebrate the completion of the Langyuan Xianmen. When you Wujing Xuying successfully entered the Yangling Palace, he left his phantom to go outside the universe.

But just now I felt that the third brother's celestial body was wrong, and only now did I realize that he had already left the illusory body to accompany the whole family to laugh! "

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi looked at the supreme and evil phantom of the third brother, Emperor Zhou, and said with a heart-wrenching heartache.

"Heck, no matter, he has such a character, don't you guys want to celebrate our resurrection, then let's go, don't let down your third brother's painstaking efforts!"

Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan looked deeply at this younger brother who had been resolute and calm since childhood, and now he has the handsome face of the emperor, and smiled gratifiedly.

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