Nine Heavens

Chapter 1892 The Emperor's Remnant Seal

Chapter 1892 Emperor Remnants

"Sister Juan is trying to comfort us. Those of the younger generation may not be able to see the danger of the emperor's departure, but how can we hide it from us? Yunzhou Yunjun must have already started to move, otherwise, with the nature of the third brother, he will never let us go. We can see that his phantom is in the slightest!"

Although Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi didn't want to refute the revived elder sister Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan, he still hesitated to say what was in his heart.

"I know you can see it, but those juniors can't see it, let's just lead them to a banquet and laugh and laugh. If we don't see them happy and at ease, how can we help the emperor with confidence? Their safety and happiness are the most important thing for your third brother." Care!"

Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan heard the words of Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, with long emerald green hair fluttering, the soul-controlling tree on her forehead and a pair of fairy eyes shining brightly, she calmly smiled.

With a smile all over the city, and then with a smile all over the country, there was a trace of arrogance and a trace of stubbornness at the corners of his mouth, and now there was a trace of relief and confidence.

"Yeah! Brother Zhen understands!"

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, nodded his head heavily when he heard the words, and shouted:

"Dijun's cosmic instant instrument successfully revived sixteen high-ranking Langyuan, and double happiness came to the door. We, Zhoulangyuan Xianmen, congratulated for three days and left! The fairy banquet has already been prepared in the Dijundi Palace, and we will protect it now. The emperor and the sixteen high-ranking disciples of the Langyuan Xianmen enter the table!"

"Congratulations for three days!"

"Ha ha……"


The words of Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi shook the universe, and the voice of Lang Yuan and the immortals echoed even more loudly.

Immediately, the mountain of Dongyang was quiet, and the shadows of the sky fluttered. All the people of the Langyuan Xianmen surrounded the phantom of the headed Earth Emperor and the sixteen Langyuan Xianmen and galloped.

At this time, when the sun of the rainbow in the east sky breaks through the clouds, the sky and the earth are brightly lit. Although the gate of the Yangling Palace is closed suddenly, the auspicious birds between the sky and the earth wake up again, singing in the sky, following the waves and good immortals towards the universe. Emperor Gongxiang went.

An hour later, the Earth Universe Emperor's Palace filled with joy and laughter, and the warm and majestic atmosphere of the house filled the entire Earth Universe.

The emperor of the earth and universe sits high, and the sixteen revived high-ranking dignitaries are happy stars. on the face.

However, the Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan, the Sirius Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang, the Lingyao Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng, the Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, and the nine beloved wives of the Earth Zhou Emperor, the Sirius Zhenjun and Siying Meihu and Lan Shuang Yexiang, the wives of Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, are all low-minded illusory bodies left to accompany them.

Their real fairy bodies have already fled towards the direction beyond the universe.

For phantom bodies, for people with the strength of the high-ranking spirit immortals of the Langyuanmen, they are divided into four stages and twenty realms.

The fourth section refers to the phantom body of silk thoughts, phantom body of thoughts, phantom body of phantom bundles of thoughts and phantom body of fine thoughts.

The phantom body is a random trace of spiritual thought among the five essences left by the person who left the phantom body in the phantom body. This spiritual thought can come from the soul, soul, obsession, primordial spirit and heart wisdom.

Therefore, the phantom body of thinking is divided into the phantom body of five essences, and the spiritual ability of each phantom body is different.

Generally speaking, with the same amount of mental strength, the phantom body of silk thoughts is the strongest, followed by obsession, third wisdom, fourth soul, and weakest soul.

If the volume of phantom threads is inconsistent, it depends on the specific situation and cannot be compared casually.

How the phantom body is, it is up to the person who leaves the phantom body to do as he pleases, the phantom body can be left alone, or a mixture of the five essences can be left behind.

The phantom body of strands of thought and the phantom body of bundled thoughts are actually the same as the phantom body of thread thoughts, and the classification is the same, but the amount of energy left behind has become larger.

If it is the five-essence illusory state, it means that after the main body of the person who left the illusory body escapes, one or several of the five essences are left behind.

For example, the main body escapes, leaving behind all the souls, such a phantom body is called a phantom. The mind and wisdom are left behind, and such a phantom is called Xin Huan. If all souls and all pos are left at the same time, even the phantom souls.

However, the greater the amount of spirit left, the weaker the main body's immortal power will be. Therefore, almost all immortals will not leave such a powerful phantom body as the five essence phantom body.

The reason for this, in addition to the point mentioned above, is another reason, that is, it is not necessary.

Because immortals often leave phantom bodies not to keep fighting skills, but to confuse the opponent for a short time. Once the time limit expires, it will disappear automatically.

As mentioned above, the phantom body left behind by Emperor Di Zhou Supreme belongs to the mind and wisdom realm in the bundle of phantoms, and it is already a relatively powerful existence among the phantom bodies left behind.

His original intention was not to hide the truth from Lang Yuan's few high-level executives, but he just didn't want to let those with low strength know that he was leaving. However, in the environment at that time, even Gao Zun of Langyuan Xianmen didn't realize that the main body of Emperor Zhou had left.

This is exactly where the emperor of the universe is supreme and clever, making good use of the phantom body and the environment, one is to retreat with his own strength, and deal with the crisis that may occur outside the universe.

At the same time, when Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi and Langyuan Gaozun found out that their main body had left, the fusion of the five spirits and shadows of the sixteen Langyuan Xianmen Gaozun must have been completed.

At that time, it was a good thing to find out that they were phantoms, reminding them to add the protection of the fairy gate. But in fact, it was just as Di Zhoudijun Supreme and Evil expected.

Fifteen high-ranking lords of Lang Yuan left behind their phantom bodies. After leaving the Di Zhou Emperor Palace, the first thing they did was to seal the Di Zhou Human World, the Di Zhou Di Realm and the Di Zhou Emperor Palace, and seal all the common people under the Di Zhou Heaven Realm. All spirits are included in the protection, and only then can they boldly act outside the universe outside the universe and the sky.

They talked with each other while speeding along the road. Needless to say, they had already reached the edge of the universe within a few hours.

When they broke through the last protective barrier of the universe, everyone stopped at the same time.

"Hmm! Ah! Langyuan Xianmen, you lowly spirits, dare to stop this fairy from becoming the God of War in the heavens, I want to kill you! Kill you!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

Because they suddenly saw a layer of new enchantment layers of waves that they had never seen before tens of thousands of miles ahead of the universe. Flying wildly, with cleft eyes, bloody face, gnashing teeth, cursing, frantically swinging the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, hacking this barrier from the outside to the inside!

What's more terrible is that the curse words in his mouth made the fifteen Langyuan immortals tremble with fear!

"Husband! Has this day finally come? We have finally become a stumbling block to your immortal life! Huh..."

When Emperor Di Zhou Supreme cursed evilly again, his nine beloved wives heard their ears, and each of them burst into tears.

The words just now were said by Princess Jinling, and such words and thoughts made them feel uneasy more than once in their hearts.

Flying up to the sky How could the entire mountain gate soar, and how could a husband take his wife and children to the sky? No! there has never been!

Such a fact, the supreme and evil nine wives of Emperor Di Zhou knew it well, they were always worried about the day when their husband would leave them, they didn't dare to think about it, and they didn't want to, but because they were worried, they thought about it more than once.

Hearing her husband's cursing outside the universe, their hearts became cold, cold, and shed tears!

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