Nine Heavens

Chapter 1895 Five Essence Poisoning

Chapter 1895 Five Essence Poisoning

"Even if Brother Qianlang's Light and Dark Hunyuan Mountain is in danger, there are still my Lan Crescent Moon, Sister Juan's Soul-Controlling Qiuvine, Brother Yuanfang's Heavenly Demon Falling, and Brother Zhen's Chaos Luo Xiang Wuji Disk, they all have their own unique abilities. You can protect the nine sisters-in-law, why must it be like this, I hate the sister-in-laws!"

Regarding the fact that the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil just now, and the four Lang Yuangao present deliberately forced Yun Qianmeng and other nine people away, Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit demon king, looked at his brother with tears in his eyes, expressing his disapproval. understand.

"What Fengmei said is naturally true, but they are also part of the Yuanshenyu, the spiritual life and soul of the ancient universe. The light and dark Hunyuan Mountain is not safe, and they are naturally dangerous!

I still don’t know how Yunzhou Yunjun obtained the Light and Darkness Hunyuan Mountain, and I don’t know whether he also arranged for your spiritual jade when he intentionally gave it to me.

Not of course good, if it is, not only is it a problem to protect your nine sister-in-laws, even you are in danger at any time!

Protect parents alone, no matter what happens, we can deal with it flexibly, if it is impossible to seal them in my shuttle time and space, we can also protect them.

But your sister-in-law and the others are numerous, and their skills are superb, how can they stay in the blue crescent moon and other spiritual jades or the seal of our shuttle, and let us fight alone without being indifferent!

At that time, they may still face Yunzhou Yunjun's manipulation! And if they are here, your spirit, soul, jade, ancient spirit, and cosmic divine power will be greatly restricted because of protecting them, and you will not be able to exert more powerful power. This is extremely unfavorable for us to deal with Yunzhou forces!

Instead of taking risks, it is better to let them go to the world of immortals, so that everyone in the emperor's palace of the universe should be taken to the universe by my phantom at this moment. When the phantom disappears, they will find the nine of them, don't worry , they will not be alone.

However, I did not discuss this matter with you, so I suddenly decided to do it. Countless immortals, handsome immortals and generals from all walks of life are among them, and I hope you will forgive me for making such a hasty decision. "

The emperor of the earth is supreme and evil, and the fairy ring around his body is rippling, and he said with a solemn expression.

"Qianlang doesn't need to say these things, as the emperor of the universe, everything you do is naturally for Langyuan Xianmen, and you do this to protect them, how can we blame you.

It's just, why is this? How come the new enchantment layer of Dizhouduo has never been seen before, but you sealed it? Just now I saw that your golem is ever-changing, why is that? Did Yun Zhou really make a big move? "

Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan stands on the white ancient handkerchief of refining incense, with long emerald green hair fluttering, emerald green eyes, emerald forehead soul-controlling tree against the sparkle of spirit crystals and gemstones all over her body, and the sparkling soul dress , the bright red Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal shining in the palm of my hand, elegant and sassy.

She commented on Di Zhoudijun's younger brother's fairy eyes for a long time, and said after confirming that her younger brother Wu Jing was Qing Ning.

"Yeah, what happened outside the universe?"

Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, has long blue hair like a rainbow, fluttering backwards with the wind, the usual fairy dress with blue flowers on a white background, and the blossoming blue orchids glow with glazed stars, like fake fragrance.

On the soft and beautiful face, there are a pair of big eyes, sparkling blue, and the blue crescent moon on the forehead, as blue as the sea, looking from a distance, she looks like a blue spirit fairy.

She looked down at the mighty white-faced Tiger King at her feet, and then echoed the words of True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan.

At the side, Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Sirius, has black hair like a rainbow, and the chaotic eyes on his forehead are deep and mysterious. He shoots out a strange rainbow light and scans his brother Zhou Dijun, who is supreme and evil.

He was dressed in a pitch-black magic robe, bulging and wrapping around his body, and the faint blue Xie Xie Sword trembled and murmured for some reason on his back, and the nine golden arrows jumped violently, flashing golden light.

However, he looked directly at his brother Zhou Dijun who was more than a hundred feet away, his expression was condensed, and the senior brother didn't say a word.

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jian Zhan who has always seen his brother Zhou Dijun from a distance, no matter how evil he is, called his third brother. The elder brother Zhou Dijun was supremely evil, but had been staring at the star sword floating in front of his chest.

The sword body of the Star Sword is pitch black, and whenever it encounters an unusual fairy omen, it will instantly become white and transparent, wrapping around the sword body and shrinking stars, flashing violently, and then stars of various colors will gradually converge to form Divination divination.

Now, Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, is astrology for the third brother who is more than a hundred feet away.

Because of his long-term tacit understanding with the third brother and his occupational sensitivity to divination, Zhanxuanzi, the god of sword divination, felt that the third brother he met this time had a very strange aura of five spirits.

On the surface, it seems that the emperor of the universe, the supreme and evil five spirits, is Qingning, but there is a vicious, cunning and cruel taste in his eyes that the third brother in front of him has never had.

At the beginning, Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi immediately thought that the third brother flying in front must be a certain Yunxian in Yunzhou who was appointed by Yunjun and came here to do evil by pretending to be the third brother.

However, after sighing the opponent's five essences like Liu Juan, Qixiang Zhenjun, I found that it was undoubtedly the supreme and evil five essences of the brother Zhou Emperor, and the five essences were clean and peaceful, without a trace of magic.

"Hiss, this?"

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi saw his brother Zhou Emperor Supreme and Evil, his eyes met, and the other party's eyes were like knives, which made Jianzhan Shenjun's heart suddenly cold, and he couldn't help but exclaimed instinctively, which inspired the Star Sword .

"Haha...fourth brother, Yuanfang! You are really angry with me. Let them leave, is it for their sake?"

Di Zhou Dijun, who had been talking to Liu Juan, the true lord of Qixiang, and Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of Lingyao, who had been talking a hundred feet away, suddenly became aware of the two brothers who were more than a hundred feet away, and stopped in his tracks. His expression was full of vigilance, so he laughed loudly and walked forward for a while on the edge of the Nine Heavens.

At this moment, he is stepping on the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate, and is located in the center of the four high-ranking officials of the Langyuan Immortal Sect.

"What have you experienced? Your five essences have been poisoned by the poison of death and confusing gods. The five essences seem to be peaceful, but your five essences have been controlled by Yun Zhou Yunjun. Don't move forward, or the true king will kill the immortals immediately. Eliminate demons!"

Just when Emperor Zhou Wushang wanted to get close to Cheng Yuanfang, True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, and Zhanxuanzi, True Lord of Sword Zhan, the two of them drifted back hundreds of feet, True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, Cheng Yuanfang said coldly.

"No, no, no! Yuanfang, are you talking nonsense? You are not unaware of the strength of this emperor's immortal skills and magical powers. Just ask Diyun Erzhou, who has the ability to poison me!

The poison of death bewitchment! Haha... You can figure it out, how can there be such an evil poison, I changed my demonic state just now, not because of being poisoned, but to drive away your nine sister-in-laws on purpose! "

Seeing the reaction of the two brothers, Emperor Di Zhou was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said.

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