Nine Heavens

Chapter 1896 Nine-headed Dragon Demon

Chapter 1896 Nine-headed Dragon Demon

"The nine third sisters-in-law are angry, it seems that the third brother is not sad!"

Zhan Xuanzi, the god of swords, stared at the star sword that gradually appeared as a sign of stars and swords, his black and white eyebrows twisted, and he glanced at the emperor Zhou from the corner of his eye, and said lightly.

"Fourth brother, Yuan Fang, what's the matter with you, what are you talking about, we have suffered from life and death for countless years, we have no choice but to part from each other, the pain is extremely painful, the heart is like a knife, how can we not be sad!"

After hearing the words of his fourth younger brother Jian Zhanshenjun, the emperor of the earth and universe looked at Cheng Yuanfang's cold face, his eyes became moist again, and then he ignored Cheng Yuanfang's warning and continued to approach the two with.



Cheng Yuanfang let out a cold snort in the throat of Tianlang Zhenjun, and then the blue evil bow on his back jumped into his hand trembling and screaming, and then nine golden arrows flew out of the sword pouch at the same time, and quickly struck on his head Nine golden rainbows, and then automatically entered the bow, and the next second, True Lord Sirius had stretched back and forth vigorously, and the sharp sword light of Jiu Leng was aimed at the emperor of the universe at the same time.

"What are you?"

Di Zhou Dijun had a sad expression on his face. After looking around in surprise and astonishment, he turned to Liu Juan, the Qixiang Zhenjun, and Cheng Shifeng, the Lingyao Zhenjun, who were behind him, and asked the two brothers at the same time.

"True Sir Tianlang is right, third brother, maybe you don't know it yourself, your five spirits, spiritual power, immeasurable emptiness and extreme emptiness are out of place, it's obviously a sign of insanity, if you don't believe me, see for yourself!"

At this time, the star sword in front of Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, had condensed a hexagram omen, and the state of the hexagram omen was just the supreme and evil phantom of the emperor of the universe.

Although he still has white hair flying around and a silver-clothed appearance, his body is bulging with a strange evil cloud ring from the inside out, which is pitch black and icy cold.

There are tears in his eyes, but the depths of his eyes make people look cold and depressed, which is definitely not the performance that a righteous immortal should have.

This phenomenon is called the disease of the five essences by the Zhengling Immortal, and it is a sign of the Zhengling Immortal falling into the devil. It seems that the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil. This sign seems to be trying to restrain himself, but it still has nothing to hide in the eyes of the four high-ranking celestial beings.

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, pointed to the Star Sword from a distance in order to convince Emperor Zhou Supreme Zaixie of his current state of immortal body.

After all, there is a deep brotherly love, and while talking, he forgot to be prepared, and ran towards Emperor Zhou Supreme on the blood unicorn.

"Brother Zhen! Be careful!"

Just when Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi was stepping on the blood unicorn, and the blood unicorn was kicking and wagging its tail and approaching Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie, Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan suddenly saw Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie in his hands. There is one more heart-piercing and soul-piercing cloud cone shining with cold light.

And this disease pierced the heart and soul, and the emperor of the universe, the supreme and evil, suddenly used the force of lightning, and the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword flew in lightning, and he raised his hand and stabbed at the throat of his brother Jianzhanshenjun Zhanxuanzi.

Upon seeing this, Zhenjun Qixiang Liujuan's face turned pale in an instant, and she immediately yelled in a concentrated voice, reminding Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi.


"It's the death cloud bird making trouble again, and it's still not getting out!"

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

However, Liu Juan's reminder was too late, seeing the ice-blue piercing heart-piercing cloud cone piercing the throat of Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi.

Zhanxuanzi, the god of sword Zhan, was stunned suddenly, his black and white eyebrows twitched frequently, and he looked in disbelief at the third elder brother Zhou Dijun who was galloping towards him and wanted to take his life.

For Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, Di Zhoudijun is his amulet, no matter how evil, as long as the third brother is there, he will always be safe, and he will not allow anyone to bully him or wrong him.

How could the third brother who was so kind to him suddenly come to kill him one day with the magic weapon of death?

"Third brother, what kind of crap are you holding? Fourth brother looks so creepy!"

The fierce evil spirit of death has already spread densely in front of Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, but he still doesn't believe that his third brother will attack him, even if he is poisoned! Therefore, he was unprepared at all, his black and white eyebrows twitched, watching Di Zhou Dijun Wushang Zaixie's face gradually become ferocious, and said.

In contrast, Tianlang True Lord Cheng Yuanfang is much more rational than Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, just before the awl of death pierced Jian Zhanshenjun Zhanxuanzi's throat in the hands of Di Zhoudijun Wushang Zaixie, he resolutely snorted Three golden arrows were fired with one sound.


Then, three golden arrows appeared in front of Zhanxuanzi's throat almost at the same time, and joined each other with a golden rainbow, forming a ring of golden gangsters around Zhanxuanzi's neck.

When the circle of golden light was formed, the cone of death in Zhoudijun Wushang Zaixie's hand also happened to pierce.

Then I heard the sound of the circle of golden light flying, piercing the heart, eclipsing the soul, and the death cone.

"Crack! Crack!"

After the heart-piercing cone of death was bounced by the golden light around the neck of Jianzhan Shenjun, a faint blue arc of light was drawn in the sky between Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi and Di Zhoudijun Wushang Zaixie, and at the same time, there was a sound of death The sound of cloud birds.

Real Lord Cheng Yuanfang saw it, and roared loudly, without giving him a chance to breathe, the moment the cone turned into a death cloud bird, the remaining six golden arrows also shot out with a whistling sound He shot the death cloud bird directly into Yun Si'er.

Then, the nine golden arrows quickly returned to the blue evil bow of True Lord Sirius Cheng Yuanfang.


The emperor of the earth and the universe saw that Zhanxuanzi, the sword Zhanshen, had not succeeded. He was furious, and let out a roar that shook the universe, and his figure suddenly turned into a ferocious sky demon.

At this moment, the emperor of the earth universe has turned into a nine-dragon head, a human body, the shape of eighteen eagle claws, eighteen dragon eyes and eighteen colors, with teeth and claws, spraying clouds and mist, staring at Liu Juan, the real king of strange fragrance, and Cheng Shifeng, the real king of spirit demon. , Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi and Sirius Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang. Especially Lord Sirius who ruined his good deeds.

"You lowly spirit immortals of the universe are really whimsical, and you actually challenge Yunzhou Yunwei in gangs! Killing my soul cell, damn it! Take your life!"

The emperor of the universe is the supreme and mutated demon body of the evil fallen devil, with nine ferocious dragon heads, bursts of evil smoke and red fire, chaotic clouds and dust, and then the nine dragon heads, screaming and screaming.

The roar didn't stop, and the eighteen eagle claws were all shining with strange and cold colors, and they grabbed the four high-ranking immortals of Langyuan Xianmen respectively!

"Brother Qianlang! What's wrong with you!?"

True Monarch Cheng Shifeng stepped on the white-faced tiger king to quickly avoid the attack of the nine-headed dragon demon that his elder brother turned into, and cried out distressedly.

Although the other party is a dragon demon, but its body is the emperor of the universe after all, no matter how evil it is, so the four high-ranking immortals had to do their best to avoid the attack of the nine-headed dragon demon, and did not want to mutilate his body. .

In this way, the nine-headed dragon demon realized that no matter how he attacked, his life would not be in danger, so the frequency of attacks continued to increase, and at the same time, he let out bursts of evil laughter.

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