Nine Heavens

Chapter 1897 Dragon Awakening

Chapter 1897 Fighting Dragon Awakens

"Since you have discovered that this emperor has fallen into a demon, there is no need for this emperor to hide it from you, and this emperor has already taken refuge in Yunzhou Yunjun. Now I am Yunzhou Supreme Evil God of War, and you are all Yunzhou's Rebellious!

Zhou Langyuan's rebellion against the Immortal Sect today is the first military exploit since the war god Yun Zhou was enthroned!

You lowly woman from the universe, who are you to call me the God of War and brother, go to hell! Ha ha……"

Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie, who turned into a nine-headed dragon demon, was sometimes sober and sometimes confused. During the attack, he suddenly didn't know that Cheng Shifeng, the true king of the spirit demon, was his sister. The nine dragon heads laughed wildly and asked .

"Fengmei, be careful, his five essences have been manipulated, when he killed us, how could his controller make him recognize us!

When he was sober just now, it was the manipulator of the other party who let him sober up for a moment, trying to trick us into gathering together, and then trying to annihilate us in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, your brothers Yuanfang and Brother Zhen were calm and saw his strangeness.

Otherwise, we might have already become ghosts under her sword, and now we are trying to control it, and we will talk about the rest later! "

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan's emerald green eyes shrouded her demonized younger brother Di Zhou Dijun, the supreme evil. After more careful analysis, he finally discovered the real reason and manipulator of his younger brother's demonization.

Through the eighteen dragon eyes of his younger brother, the nine-headed dragon demon, Liu Juan's spiritual power forcibly pierced through the vicious and cold eyes of the nine-headed dragon demon, and saw five death clouds in the sea of ​​five spirits. Birds are flying wildly.

It is precisely because of them that the younger brother Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme Zaixie became demonized, and they actually have controllers in the distant universe.

In such a situation, if he didn't control his younger brother, the Nine-headed Dragon Demon, and force the five death cloud birds in his body to be killed, no matter how much he talked and shouted to him, he would not be able to regain his sobriety.

Therefore, Liu Juan, the True Monarch of Strange Fragrance, held up the Nine-Dragon Fireworks Jade Seal held high in her palm, urging the surging red and positive rays of light to form a whirlpool of bright red rays of light. Shi Feng, don't waste your time communicating with her.

"Brother Qianlang, why did you become like this? Have you forgotten my sister Xiaofenger, and the things we played in Crescent Moon Lake when we were young?"

True Spirit Demon Monarch Cheng Shifeng turned a deaf ear to it, and disregarded the reminders from his elder sister, True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan, to avoid being surrounded by his elder brother's nine-headed dragon demon, and to circle with him in the vortex of bright red light created by his elder sister, talking to himself...

"Aww! Poof, poof—"

"Crescent Lake?"

When the nine-headed dragon demon roared and attacked the four nobles of the Langyuan Xianmen, suddenly three of the eighteen claws pointed sharply, and in the next second they grabbed the younger sister's body in three ways: upper, middle and lower.

However, when he heard the three words Crescent Lake, he suddenly stopped roaring and attacking, and the brilliance and brilliance of all colors on his body suddenly faded, and then the eighteen dragon eyes suddenly changed from cold to dark and soft.

The nine dragon heads shook one after another, and they stretched out to Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, snorting, as if remembering something, and fell silent for a while.

Then the three dragon claws that were supposed to take the life of Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, disappeared with cold light, and the dragon's eyes were full of tears, and gently touched the blue and fluttering rainbow of the true lord of the spirit demon, Cheng Shifeng.

"Brother Qianlang, woo--"

Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit demon king, was not afraid or dodged, and then she felt the three claws of the nine-headed dragon demon trembling, gently stroking her fairy hair.

The aura released by the three demon dragon claws was cold and depressing. The moment they touched Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit monster, Cheng Shifeng felt the cold wind whistling all over his body, and layers of Xiao Han invaded from the outside to the inside. Your whole body and five essences.

"Sister Feng!"

Cheng Shifeng suddenly gave up dodging, and was caged by the three giant claws of the nine-headed dragon demon, which frightened Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan, Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi.

The three of them didn't have time to come forward, and they didn't dare, for fear of suddenly angering the Nine-headed Dragon Demon and hurting Cheng Shifeng, the younger sister, the True Lord of the Spirit Demon, so they all shouted through voice transmission in their minds.

"It's okay, he is my elder brother Qianlang, no matter what he becomes, he will definitely be reluctant to hurt me!"

At this moment, Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, turned around, turned his back to the nine-headed dragon demon, put himself defenselessly under the nine bloody dragon heads, smiled, and looked at the true lord Qixiang Liujuan and the other The two elder brothers, with tears streaming down their faces, said with pride and pride.

At the same time, she moved her slender hand back, and touched a faucet directly above her head.

Maybe it sensed the warmth of my sister's warm hands, which moved the nine-headed dragon demon. The nine dragon heads and eighteen dragon eyes suddenly became wet, and then huge tears fell.

Each tear was the size of a ball, falling down, shining with various colors, like a meteor shower, first falling vertically, and then drifting over the universe due to the cosmic wind.

"Brother Qianlang, you are crying, you remember little sister Xiaofeng'er!"

True Monarch Cheng Shifeng's body was cold, and he suddenly felt the warmth of water mist, which was the temperature of brother Qianlang's tears. Li immediately turned around, looked up at the nine-headed dragon demon happily and said.

"Feng'er, sister... sister."

The nine-headed dragon demon with eighteen dragon eyes looked extremely complicated, looked at the petite figure under his head, spoke hoarse and indistinct, and said suddenly in extreme pain.

"Qianlang! You are a good guy. You have resisted the control of the death force of the death cloud bird in your sea of ​​five essences. You can see clearly that we are all your relatives, brothers and sisters. We are a family and should love each other. , don't hurt each other!"

Hearing such words from the throat of the nine-headed dragon, Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan, Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi were all very excited.

Cheng Shifeng, who had been worrying about the spirit demon true lord Cheng Shifeng, relaxed a little bit, because the words of the nine-headed dragon demon were enough to prove that although his five spirits were manipulated, there was still a memory of righteous spirits in his subconscious.

In this case, as long as the four of them try their best to stimulate the latent self-awareness of the five essences of the nine-headed dragon demon, and at the same time attack the death cloud bird among the five essences, they will wake up their emperor and their brothers.

"No matter how evil God of War is, you are Yun Tianzhou's ruthless God of War. You are ruthless and ruthless. You are absolutely ruthless. Among the five spirits, you are the only one who kills and destroys!

Don't be confused, kill them immediately, they are the stumbling blocks that hinder your promotion in the fairy world, kill them, kill them..."

Just when Liu Juan, the Qixiang Zhenjun, Cheng Yuanfang, the Tianlang Zhenjun, and Zhanxuanzi, the Jianzhan Shenjun, suddenly heard vicious instigation from the five spirits in the body of the nine-headed dragon demon.


When the Nine-headed Dragon Demon heard the words, the originally calm body of the secret path suddenly became violent again, and then raised its nine dragon heads and let out a roar.

Then the three dragon claws that caressed Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit monster, were suddenly covered with cold and cold light, which was extremely sharp...

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