Nine Heavens

Chapter 1902 Galaxies Cooperate

Chapter 1902 Galaxies Intercourse

"Oh! Brother Zhen, since when did you like reading so much? How do you know so much? Okay, hurry up and pass on brother Qianlang's galaxy enchantment spirit to us. Let's see what it looks like?"

Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit demon king, was amazed after hearing the words of Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords and gods. In her heart, this brother Zhen, who is known as the god of waves, is definitely not a person who likes to read fairy scrolls.

His hobbies, apart from divination, are fighting with his wife and teasing the children, chatting with Brother Xiao Qianlang endlessly, or drinking wildly.

But today, after hearing these words from Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, Qixiang Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng saw the astonishing changes in this elder brother Zhen. .

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon master, really wanted to play a joke with Brother Zhen, who had black and white eyebrows, to tease him from illiterate to young, but felt that it was inappropriate, so he smiled mischievously, leaving Jian Zhan Shenjun with a witty and weird look. Pursue the spirit of enchantment.

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi saw the eyes of Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, and quickly habitually looked inward at the treasures in the sea, secretly guessing that this girl is playing with his own treasure again!


Seeing Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of spirit demon, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"Brother Zhen has committed the problem of being petty again. I didn't say I wanted your little blood kiwi baby. It scares you!"

"This, this can't be done, I promised Yaya, this blood unicorn was given to her as a fairy pet, and you are all my aunt's, so don't argue with her!"

When Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi heard Cheng Shifeng's laughter, he immediately verified his guess in his heart, and hurriedly said seriously, forgetting about the galactic enchantment.

"Hehe, now they are all high-ranking people who are several weeks old, and sometimes they still have the character of their youth, you will talk about these things later.

Brother Zhen doesn't need to pass on Qianlang's galaxy enchantment anymore, you see, I think those bright clouds ahead are just there. "

While Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi and Lingyao Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng were joking, Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan said.

"Well, it should be!"

True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang, with black hair like a rainbow, nodded and said.


According to Zhanxuanzi's estimation, his star sword system should not be flying so fast, so he followed the line of sight of Liujuan, Zhenjun Qixiang, and he was amazed at first, and then laughed.

Millions of miles ahead, I did see a vast sea of ​​clouds, and through the sea of ​​clouds, it was like the ocean in the setting sun, with countless sparkling stars shining. Looking at the shape, it was the omen of the spiritual enchantment that I had divined with the star sword .

God Sword Divination did not expect that he had just practiced this divination technique successfully recently. As soon as he applied it, the Star Sword Galaxy was so amazing in terms of scale and speed. If he imposed 9 more cultivation...


When Zhanxuanzi, the god of sword divination, thought that he might soon save his third brother to normal, he laughed and moved the altar, watching his divination scene, he couldn't help laughing with joy.

"That's right! After passing through the sea of ​​clouds, we will enter the third brother's galaxy barrier, and the Moyu Skull must be inside, haha..."

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi twitched his black and white eyebrows frequently, and laughed very happily. After a long time, when the Star Sword Galaxy had penetrated into the center of the red clouds, he stopped laughing and said:

"Everyone, be careful. When the Star Sword galaxy enters the third brother's star barrier, it will definitely cause a star explosion. Follow me. When the stars in the vortex of all the galaxies explode, the third brother's galaxy enchantment will also be destroyed. It was exhausted, and then we stepped on the star sword and came to the vicinity of Moyu Skeleton!"

"Coax! Coax..."

Before the words of Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, hadn't finished speaking, True Lord of Sirius Cheng Yuanfang, True Lord of Qixiang Liujuan and True Lord of Lingyao Cheng Shifeng suddenly saw the vortex of stars, swords and galaxies crashing into the front of him like a sea of ​​thousands The vast ocean of stars.

The three felt a burst of ecstasy in an instant, especially Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, who planned to admire and sigh beautifully, but unexpectedly, as soon as the two galaxy vortexes collided, the sky exploded.

Although the two galaxy vortexes are huge, their speed is unimaginable. It can be said that they devoured half of each other's area in an instant.

Although the four of them are in the center of the Star Sword galaxy, the violent sky explosion is relatively far away, but the sky explosion is too violent. While the four people's eyes are full of "fireworks blooming", the shock wave of the infinitely powerful sky explosion, forming a shock wave. Wave after wave of cosmic storms swept over.

This kind of cosmic storm is fierce and hot, mixed with thunder and lightning, dazzling and extremely hard. Even though the four high-ranking priests of the Langyuan Xianmen sect had extremely terrifying magical skills, they were still in great pain under such a powerful galaxy storm.

Worst of all, they were a bit late in motivating their self-defense spells, and suffered a lot.

"Hmph! Brother Zhen, you must give me the blood unicorn baby, and when your blood unicorn can be cultivated to become the favorite of the fairy, then give it to your precious daughter!

Why were you laughing, didn't you tell us about the scary explosion and wind earlier! "

The four high-ranking priests of the Langyuan Xianmen struggled and staggered in pain, and finally put a layer of protective barriers on their bodies one after another.

"Haha... That's not okay, how old are you, and you are still arguing with my daughter!"

Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, seemed to be gloating, and said with a smile.

"Haha, look at how decent you are, the emperor is still suffering outside, and the two of you are still thinking about bickering!"

Sirius Tianlang has always been very serious, but seeing his brother Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi and his sister bickering very seriously, he couldn't help but also laughed.

"Let me tell you, you are not allowed to bully my daughter. My daughter, Yaya, can't help your aunt's sweet talk, and everything will be yours if you coax her."

Amid the laughter of Sirius Tianlang, the two continued their bickering story.

"Yeah, thank you brother Zhen for reminding me, you should take good care of it and make the blood unicorn baby fat and cute, and when you give it to Yaya, I will find my baby nephew to go, hehe laugh."

Qixiang Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng was losing his mind, when he heard Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi's words, he immediately smiled and covered his mouth.


Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi was at a loss for words for a while, secretly thinking that the opponent was so difficult to deal with, and he had lost again.

"You are finally here. Ancient spirits and supernatural powers enter the seven gates, and you can get strange books in the bright and dark sky. The smoked books of the devil world are combined with the mysterious scrolls, and the evil poison of death is completely free!"

At this time, the star sword galaxy and the galaxy enchantment intersected with each other, and the sky explosion formed was coming to an end, and then the four of them suddenly felt a burst of relief, and then they heard a sentence sealed in advance by the Earth Emperor.

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