Nine Heavens

Chapter 1903 Mysterious Skeleton

Chapter 1903 Mysterious Skeleton

"It's the wave-leading seal!"

Hearing the words of the emperor of the universe, the four of them were startled at the same time, and then saw the four of them floating together on the star sword that had become hundreds of feet in size, and a tall tower appeared in the center of the starburst, sky, fire, smoke and clouds dissipating in front of them. Such as the black jade skull of a giant building.

The bridge of the nose of the black jade skull stands firmly on the ground, the supreme and evil trace of the psychedelic body of the Emperor Zhou. His white hair is flying wildly, his face is pale and dignified, and his eyes are anxiously and mechanically looking at Zhenjun Qixiang Liujuan and the other four. People, full of anticipation.

When Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan heard the voice of her younger brother Di Zhoudijun, the supreme and evil voice, she looked for the phantom figure of her younger brother and blurted out.

"Third brother!"

"Brother Qianlang!"

"Lead the waves!"

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, True Spirit Demon Lord Cheng Shifeng and Heavenly Wolf True Lord Cheng Yuanfang then looked at the illusory body of the emperor with only a trace of soul thoughts in five spirits and immortals, and they all cried out with a burst of pain in their hearts.

The supreme and evil image of the phantom body of the Emperor Di Zhou is really weak, because the time limit is about to pass, it has begun to fade, and it will disappear soon without the use of tea cup kung fu.

"Qianlang! We are here, don't worry, we will restore your fairy body.

This rare soul of yours that is still awake, go back to your body quickly, so that you can make your demonized nine-headed dragon demon calm for a moment. "

The four of them saw the rare and weak phantom of Di Zhou Dijun Supreme Zaixie, and they knew in their hearts the reason why Zhou Dijun Supreme Zaixie kept this phantom in the face of demonization.

Obviously, Zhou Dijun thought in a hasty way that he might never have a chance to wake up and see his beloved Langyuan Xianmen and his brothers and sisters in the gate.

Therefore, even in the face of the catastrophe of the Fallen Demon, he forcibly let go of a trace of precious soul thoughts and turned them into phantom bodies to complete the task of protecting the enchantment of the Moyu Skull Galaxy, and then waited for the brothers and sisters in the door to finally find their own phantom bodies .

One of the most taboo things for any immortal in the face of calamity is the separation of soul, mind and body, because this will greatly reduce the level of immortal power of the body, making it more difficult for oneself to resist disasters, and even fall.

The reason why Emperor Di Zhou is supreme and evil is loved and respected in Langyuan Xianmen, because he always puts the life comfort of the mountain gate and all the people in the gate before his own comfort.

No matter how he is, his first consideration is the safety of everyone in Langyuan Xianmen. It was before, and it is still this time. Maybe he can stay awake for a while without leaving this phantom body behind.

Si Nian Phantom is still far from the ability to communicate with the people who come by, but he seems to understand that his mission has been completed. In the gaze of Jun Cheng Shifeng, it has drifted away.

Before the breakup, the familiar Shen Yi and long smile appeared on his face.

His white hair fluttered into clouds, his deep eyes turned into cloud pools, and the inside of the cloud pools was still deep.

His demeanor is still unrestrained, as if his body is floating, he is drinking with one hand and pouring wine, and Mengran can hear his hearty laughter.

His other hand was raised high, as if waving, and he smiled at the four and said goodbye.

Quietly watching the dissipate of the earth Zhou Emperor's supreme and evil thoughts, Liu Juan, Qixiang Zhenjun's heart was full, and she said confidently on her pale and stubborn face.

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan's heart was rippling, as was True Lord Skywolf Cheng Yuanfang and True Monarch Lingyao Cheng Shifeng's heart was surging, with complex and sad emotions.

Looking at the illusory body of Di Zhoudijun Supreme and then dissipating evil thoughts for a long time, until the time when the illusory body of Di Zhou Dijun Supreme and evil threads dissipated into countless wisps of cloud, the eyes of the four of them focused on hundreds of thousands of miles away again. On the huge black jade outside.

The black jade skull is still as black as ink, and its face can be described as ferocious, but the four colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple are shining in its seven orifices.

The eyes are as big as a cold pool, one red and one orange, two ears, one yellow and one green, two huge nostrils, one blue and one purple, and the huge mouth is purple.

At this moment, the corresponding colors are miraculously bulging in the seven orifices, like seven kinds of blazing flames burning in the shell of a pitch-black black jade skull.

From a distance, the black jade skull at this moment is like a burnt carbon fire, black on the outside and blazing on the inside.

"Come on!"

After quieting for a while, True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan said simply and without doubt.


Sirius Zhen Chengyuan, Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi and Ling Yao Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng also responded directly.

Immediately, the four of them showed their respective postures, and in an instant, various ancient spirits and fairy rainbows shot one after another into the seven orifices of the black jade skull hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The black jade skull was floating quietly in the space of the supreme evil obsession of the emperor of the universe, and it rotated slightly, very slowly and steadily, like a black sun bursting with strange lights in the void, weird and magical.

However, shortly after Dao Dao ancient spirit's divine power shot into it, the Moyu Skull suddenly became white and transparent, like a crystal clear ice ball, and everything inside could be seen.

"Wow! Brother Qianlang's black jade skull is so amazing, time and space are so complicated, why are there so many Pokémon, did he get it himself, or did it already exist inside?

We've been in countless times before and never knew it was so amazing! "

Seeing that the Moyu skull suddenly became white and transparent, Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, looked at it intently, and saw that the space inside the Moyu skull was clearly divided into three boundaries, black, gray and white.

Every time and space is full of infinite magical realms. In each realm, no matter the sky and clouds, the barren sea, the swirling mountains and veins, the flying waterfalls and flowing islands... are all magnificent, mysterious, and unpredictable existences.

In addition, all kinds of fairy weapons and magical weapons, spiritual pets, geniuses and earth treasures that the four of them have seen, are like snowflakes in the black jade skull, flying everywhere.

Especially the dark sky area and the light and dark sky area, the dark sky world used to be just a dark and indifferent starry sky world in the impression of the four people.

However, when the Moyu Skull was so transparent, the four of them discovered that the Dark Sky World of the Moyu Skull, apart from the ubiquitous ocean of galaxies, was shining brightly, and there were actually many floating ancient city pools in it. There were no people, but the huge and magnificent ancient city buildings made them unseen and unheard of.

There are also all the spiritual flowers and plants, the giant birds of the star forest system, the flying cosmic birds, and the star-running monsters, all of which are as huge as mountains and as black as ink. Never see it either.

Because there is no sun and moon in the dark sky, except for the faint stars far away, there is no sun or moon, and there is a uniform darkness everywhere, so everything in it has never been seen completely clearly before.

However, no matter how wonderful the Moyu Skull is, it is not the time for the four of them to admire it. After hearing Cheng Shifeng's exclamation, the four of them quickly glanced around, and then quickly focused their attention on the dark and dark area of ​​the Moyu Skull. .

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