Nine Heavens

Chapter 1904 The Demon World Smoke Book

Chapter 1904 Demon World Smoke Book

Inside the Moyu Skeleton, the four people saw the scene, and the space was all gray.

However, the gray space is very empty and vast. The mountains, rivers, and grasslands in the space... There is no clear up and down, such as gray clouds floating under the ground, and long rivers flowing above the mountains...

However, everything is not chaotic. From a distance, it is not the same magic, but it is the same spectacular.

In the airspace around the bright and dark sky, mountains, rivers, and Yunyun Island, there are countless fairy scrolls like birds in the sky, spiritual crystals, spiritual treasures, gold and silver treasures in the world, and so on.

But in the vast central area outside, there are only two mysterious scrolls floating.

Of these two volumes, one is as black as ink, with no pages visible, like a black block of wood.

The other book is full of colors and illusions. The pages of the book are half-opened, and it is hard to tell how many kinds of thick evil smoke are blowing out of it.

The two volumes, viewed from a distance, look like two ferocious birds, giving people a very visually shocking feeling.

After a wave of ancient spirits and divine powers were activated, the Moyu Skull became brighter, whiter and brighter, and the two fairy scrolls also became clearer.

As the pitch-black book was flipped slightly, four golden characters began to flash: Destroy the Realm.

As for the other book, which was filled with evil smoke, after a burst of blazing and thick smoke, the bubbling evil smoke quickly stretched towards the pitch-black scroll that was about ten thousand miles away.

"That's the Demon World Smoke Book, the one that emits evil smoke!"

None of the four had ever seen a pitch-black tome, but the smoked tome from the Demon Realm had obvious characteristics, and the four of them stared at it, and they all judged it to be so.

Then, under the call of Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, he received his power, summoned the fairy weapon and pet, and shot it into the mouth of the Moyu skeleton...

Not long after, they appeared at the appropriate positions diagonally below the two volumes.

The four of them didn't rush to grab it, but carefully explored and analyzed it at close range.

After a period of time under the influence of the ancient spirit's divine power, changes began to appear in both volumes.

First, each burst out various colors of divine rainbows, making roars like monsters, and then suddenly flew towards each other, and the closer they were, the louder the noise they made.

The four people listened in their ears below, and the fairy heart kept trembling.

"Everyone, be careful, this divine book is so strange, how can there be animal and animal sounds in it!

Brother Zhen, did you hear your third brother mention that black scroll? "

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan found that the two scrolls seemed to have a lot of resonance while watching them, but she had never heard any rumors about the pitch-black scroll, so she asked.

"It's probably the "Book of Destruction of the Realm", I haven't seen it, but I heard it mentioned by the third brother, but that was when we were young in the Xianyuan Cave in the south of the Qingshi Villa, the number one human world in the ancient universe.

Once he said that he had entered Zhuangxi's Emerald Mausoleum and seen the tombs of five-shaped and five-colored gods on Youhun Island. Among them, two treasures were obtained under the tombstone of the owner of Youhun Island, one is a black jade skull, and the other is a small black book that is only an inch in size, called "The Heavenly Book of Destruction".

At that time, when the third brother was talking to me, he was about to show it to me, when he suddenly found something different outside the Xianyuan Cave, because he fled to the depths of the Xianyuan Cave in a hurry, he didn't see it.

Later, our experience was quite rough and complicated, and we never thought about it again. However, judging from the characteristics of this volume, it should undoubtedly be "The Book of Extermination of Worlds". "

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jian Zhan, pondered for a moment and said.

"The Heavenly Book of Destroying Worlds!? It doesn't look like a fairy scroll with a positive or negative name. Xiaobai's old master, the Lord of the Ghost Island, is really not simple. He is simply a collector of monsters!"

True Spirit Demon Monarch Liu Juan glanced down at the white-faced Tiger King who was also looking up at the two volumes of Mo Qiushu solemnly, and then said.

"No! These two great divine books are not monsters. They used to be two volumes of the ten natural Yuansheng Huinian scrolls in the realm of Yuansheng Immortals and Gods.

It was only because they were once controlled by the two terrifying Heavenly Demon Miejie and Smoke Demon in the heavenly realm that they were given such a title.

I have seen both of these fairy volumes. The old master often holds them in his arms, regards them as treasures, and sighs...

The black book, according to the old master, was originally called "Zhou Xu", and the book of smoke from the demon world was not originally called by this name, it seems to be called "Five Poisons and Miasma". "

The white-faced tiger king kept staring at the two volumes of the divine book, and even when he was talking to Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, he couldn't bear to leave his eyes, as if seeing the two volumes of the divine book was like seeing the old master.

"Oh! Xiaobai, you know quite a lot, so what are the other ten Yuansheng scrolls?"

Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, was very surprised by the interruption of the white-faced tiger king, and asked casually.

"Then I don't know. I also asked the old master, but every time I asked him, he was very angry and angry, and then I didn't dare to ask again."

The white-faced tiger king shifted his eyes to Cheng Shifeng, the little master, the true king of spirit demon, and said apologetically.

"Forget it, I don't blame you for this, you said you already know a lot."

Seeing the white-faced tiger king's eyes showing nostalgia for the old master and shame for himself, Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, was shocked in his heart and comforted the white-faced tiger king.

"Thank you, Master, for your understanding!"

The White-faced Tiger King was very moved by Cheng Shifeng's words, and continued to look at the two volumes of divine books with tears in his eyes.



At this moment, the four of them suddenly saw that when the two volumes of the divine book were nearly a thousand feet away, there were flashes of lightning in each of them, followed by flashes of shock, lightning, thunder, and then thunder towards each other.

Then the pitch-black "Book of Destruction of the Realm" turned into a pure white fairy scroll, and the evil smoke from the demon world smoke book suddenly disappeared, turning into a colorful, crystal clear, righteous fairy scroll like beautiful colored jade .

"Magic thunder and righteous spirit! Evil and poison are mutual annihilation!"

Seeing this scene, Tianlang True Lord Cheng Yuanfang stepped on the dark wolf castle, floating on the huge star sword of Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, and said in surprise.

"What do you mean, brother Yuanfang please explain in detail!"

Regarding this situation, Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords and gods, has also seen and heard about it, but he doesn't know it thoroughly, so I want to hear the words of Cheng Yuanfang, the real king of heavenly wolf who knows me very well about the demon world.

True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, Cheng Yuanfang, was also polite, and continued:

"In the world of demons, there were rumors that when the supreme demon treasure or demon fairy was activated by some rare divine power, the two trolls might suddenly release their respective demonic properties instantly, and then enter each other's magic essence. , resulting in a situation like fighting poison with fire.

Then the two trolls instantly turned into two righteous spirit gods, this is the so-called mutual annihilation of evil and poison!

What happened in these two volumes of magic books was precisely because of the divine power of our ancient spirits, which stimulated the divine power of demon spirits gathered in their scrolls over the infinite years, and then quickly turned into lightning, struck each other, and quickly eliminated each other, thus Something we couldn't have imagined happened! "

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