Nine Heavens

Chapter 1905 Buddhist and Taoist Book Immortal

Chapter 1905 Buddhist Taoist Book Immortal

"That is to say, the evil spirits suddenly annihilated each other, and the two divine scrolls have returned to the essence of the original fairy scrolls!?"

True Monarch Cheng Shifeng felt that this was an excellent omen from Cheng Yuanfang's words, and continued.


Sirius True Monarch Cheng Yuanfang's chaotic eyes sparkled with excitement, bright red eyes and rainbow spirits.

"Then can they be used to get rid of the death poison in brother Qianlang's body?"

This is the question Cheng Shifeng most wanted to ask.

"It will definitely work. The positive spirit and divine power of the two natural primordial life scrolls work together, coupled with our ancient spirit's divine power to protect the law, no matter how evil the dead evil spirit is, it will be swallowed up!"

This question was also the most concerned issue of Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang and Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan.

Hearing Cheng Shifeng's question, True Monarch Lingyao's expression was filled with joy, and True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan replied.

"Now that the two scrolls are basically stable, I will collect them right away, and then I will first find the five dead cloud birds among the three elder brothers and five spirits, kill them, and then consider saving the third elder brother!"

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhan Xuanzi looked up at the sky hundreds of thousands of miles away, and found that after the evil spirits in the white and transparent "Destroying World Book" and the colorful "Devil World Smoke Book" had annihilated each other, the state had stabilized, surrounded each other, and slightly interacted with each other. It's spinning.

So he reminded the other three high-ranking disciples of Langyuan Xianmen.

"Well! Extinguish the five dead cloud birds now, and kill the evil poison in Qu Yanlang's body! Don't delay, let's do it!"

When the three of them heard the words, they all nodded heavily, and True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan responded in a concentrated voice.

Immediately, the four of them once again directly exerted the divine power of the ancient spirit in their soul spirit jade to an extremely high level, and instantly enveloped the two volumes of fairy scrolls on the Star Sword, Celestial Demon Meteor, Blue Crescent Moon and Soul-controlling Divine Tree. Among the divine rainbow.

"Receive books from afar!"

Because Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang is the immortal who ascended to heaven in the demon world, so Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, Lingyao Zhenjun Liujuan and Lingyao Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng have a tacit understanding that the two volumes of the former magic scrolls will be taken by him for the time being. most suitable.

Therefore, while stimulating the divine power of the ancient spirit, True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan shouted loudly.


Sister Laofeng, Brother Zhen and Sister Juan continue to urge me to work, so I will go in and chase the book.

For fairy treasures, all have self-respect and spirituality, especially rare magical treasures. If you want to own them, you need to pay a certain amount of patience and powerful mana to subdue the owner.

It was in consideration of respecting the two fairy scrolls that Heavenly Wolf True Monarch responded loudly, instead of urging him to absorb them on the spot, he shot at them roaringly from the pitch-black wolf castle.

In the next moment, the Heavenly Wolf Lord stood proudly on the head of the pitch-black Wolf Castle, his black hair flew wildly, his pitch-black magic robe fluttered, the red chaotic eyes on his forehead became as intense as the sun, and the wolves around him raised their heads and screamed at the sun, and they appeared In front of the two volumes of fairy books.

"Great Virtue Immortal Scroll, I beg the Immortal God Zhengling, and please be as respectful as the sea of ​​eyes!"

Although Cheng Shifeng, the True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, had a shocking posture, he cupped his fists, bowed to the two volumes of fairy books, and saluted loudly.

"Wow wow, who are you guys? We managed to get rid of the trouble of infinite demon just now, and we can finally live in peace and tranquility. Why is there another three-eyed devil!

No, no, this time, we won’t go with you if you say something nice, hehe! Ha ha! Chise, let's go! "

"Haha... okay, old white!"

The two volumes of fairy books heard that the sword occupied the god Zhan Xuanzi, and suddenly two figures appeared in the divine flower, but they were one Buddha and one.

Sitting cross-legged on the clean white "Book of Destruction of the Realm", a big fat smiling monk covered in silver was sitting cross-legged.

In the brilliance of the colorful "Smoke Book of the Demon World", lying sideways, is a thin Taoist priest in colorful robes with his wrist pillowed.

The two Immortal Book Immortals all stretched their waists in this posture, looked at True Lord Sirius and shook their heads vigorously, then giggled, and the two volumes of Immortal Books began to fly away into the distance.

However, Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, seemed to have already made preparations in his heart, and even laughed loudly and said:

"If the two book fairies want to be free, this junior has already thought out a place for you. It can be said to be a magical place in the universe, and you can be happy and free!"

True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, Cheng Yuanfang, confronted each other verbally, and his feet moved like lightning, controlling the pitch-black Wolf Fort, and in an instant came within a few feet of the two volumes of fairy books.

"Eh? My god, Amitabha! How did you grow up, so scary! It scared me to death! Qianse, are you afraid?"

Cheng Yuan, the True Lord of Sirius, was stepping on the pitch-black Wolf Fort, and a pack of wolves came howling, and a violent hurricane vortex made Monk Bai and Taoist Priest Cai bulge in their fairy robes.

Monk Bai took a closer look at True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang and the bright red and red-eyed three-eyed wolves above the Dark Wolf Fort, and shouted in feigned astonishment.

"Why don't you be afraid, people are scary, wolves are scary, my father, Wuliang Tianzun! Lao Bai, I'm afraid to death!"

The colored skinny Taoist hurriedly covered his eyes, and then called out.

"Why are you covering your eyes? Aren't they also there?"

"Old Bai, you are really interesting. I covered my eyes and they all disappeared. How could they exist! If you don't believe me, cover your eyes and see if you can still see them. If you can't see them, it means they don't exist, so I just Don't be afraid!

You are deceiving yourself, cover your eyes, can't you hear the howling of wolves? "

"Hey, now I'm sealing my ears tightly, and I'm going to piss him off, they just don't exist!"

"Oh! You are so angry that I have a toothache! Do you think people don't exist if you close your eyes and ears? Pedantic! Look at me."


When Monk Bai spoke again, the skinny Taoist could no longer hear him. He was so angry that he patted his stomach for a while, and then suddenly disappeared in the "Book of Destruction of Worlds".

And in "Devil World Smoke Book", Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Sirius, was incorporated into the God of Chaos without any effort.

"Hey! Old Bai Shuxian, where are you going! Come quickly, the true emperor's eyes are within the rainbow, and the heaven and earth are really the paradise!"

Lord Sirius casually caught the book fairy who thought he was clever in the "Smoke Book of the Demon Realm", and then laughed a lot, jokingly chasing after the "Book of Destruction of the Realm" high in the sky.

"Dang! Dang!"

While True Lord Sirius was chasing after him fiercely, there was a loud clanging noise from above, and not long after, he saw the "Book of Destruction of Worlds" falling straight down, directly landing in the rainbow of his chaotic eyes.

"There is a saying in the Buddha, life is death, death is life, fleeing is descending, descending is fleeing, all things return to one, movement is stillness, and stillness is also. So, why bother bumping into other people's seals!"

At the same time, Cheng Yuanfang, True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, heard Monk Dabai muttering similar words.

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