Nine Heavens

Chapter 1906 Xuankong seizes the book

Chapter 1906 Xuan Kong Seizes the Book


"These two book fairies, one is called Laobai, the other is called Qianse, one is more funny than the other, one will be captured without a fight, and the other will accept his fate after being blocked by our ancient spirit's divine power for a little bit! Hehe..."

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, Liu Juan, the True Lord of Wonderful Fragrance, Zhan Xuanzi, the True Lord of Jian Zhan, and Liu Juan, the True Lord of Lingyao, saw the appearance of the two volumes of fairy books, and felt nervous for a while. Yes, what they saw made them smile bitterly.

Especially Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, finally couldn't help it, and laughed so hard.

"That girl, Buddha has a saying, people are not as good as people when making jokes! People are born to be vain, and actions are vain. You must keep a low profile, and keep a low profile!"

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, Laobai, the book fairy in "The Book of Destruction of the World", has a huge fat body, with his head down, and from a distance, he can see Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, laughing at him, still tilting his head, clasped his hands together, He muttered earnestly.

"Ha ha……"

His behavior was really funny, Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of spirit demon, was already out of breath from laughing, and Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jiulianjian Zhan, was also amused, and Liu Juan, the true lord of Qixiang, frowned.

"Oh tsk tsk! It's "Devil World Smoke Book"!"

"Mr. Yun is really clever. He guessed that Supreme Zaixie must have hidden it and the "Book of Extermination of the Realm" in this weird light and dark Hunyuan mountain."

"It's all right now, Mr. Yun used the supreme evil body controlled by the evil death poison to penetrate the method of entering the light and dark Hunyuan Mountain. We can finally find the last two cosmic nature books for Mr. Yun that he wanted to gather in his dreams. Yuan Sheng's fairy book top ten scrolls!

Unexpectedly, "Devil World Smoke Book" and "Mietian Book" are here! "

"Since Mr. Yun already guessed that these two fairy scrolls were in the hands of Wu Shang Zai Xie, why didn't he grab them easily when he was young, and why did he go to the lower realm and go back to heaven?"

"You don't understand this. No matter how evil it is, it is the natural quality of heavenly spirit water. Qingning is the only one. These two volumes of fairy books must rely on his spirit body, which is cultivated and maintained by mortals. It can be cultivated to calm down the fusion, and then we can help Jun Yun take it back, and Jun Yun can control the infinite and terrifying magic power in it!"

"But, it seems that their magic has disappeared!"

"Hey! It's okay, their demonic nature is just the result of the shock of the divine power of those few wandering and cheap immortals in the distance. They are not the key. As long as we successfully bring the magic scroll to Jun Yun, Jun Yun can use the supreme power in an instant. Then the evil nature of death in the evil body restores them."


Just hundreds of thousands of miles away, when Liu Juan, the True Monarch of Wonderful Fragrance, Zhan Xuanzi, the Divine Lord of Jianzhan, and Cheng Shifeng, the True Lord of Lingyao, were laughing and laughing happily, they saw that "The Book of Destruction of the Realm" was about to fall into the heavenly wolf together with Laobai, the book fairy. When the real king's chaotic eyes are in the sea.

Moyu Skull suddenly fell into darkness in the bright and dark sky, and immediately saw five glaring white clouds suddenly appearing from the position of Moyu Skull in all directions and seven orifices in the dark sky.

In the space, the dark wind howled instantly, and the breath of death, coldness, and despair enveloped everything around.

Five bone-like pale clouds held each other, flew towards the high-altitude Sirius True Lord Cheng Yuan's Dark Wolf Castle, and surrounded the Dark Wolf Castle in the middle of them after a while.

Then each pale evil cloud instantly turned into a death cloud bird, and they neighed and twittered at each other.

Master Sirius Tianlang heard the neighing of birds, and saw that the death cloud birds that had fought before had appeared again, because they had experience in combat before, so they were not in a hurry.

With a cold snort in his throat, the Youlan Xiexie Bow rested on his hand, and in the next second, nine golden arrows entered the string at the same time, and then shot out.

The whole process was completed in the blink of an eye.

"Bang! Bang!"


"call out--"

I saw the nine golden arrows flashing with a huge golden rainbow, and with a sky-cracking whistle, they shot straight at the nine death cloud birds!

"Quick! Don't let it fall into the eyes of the cheap fairy below! It's his evil-killing golden arrow doing bad things again!

Immediately put on the spirit armor, Yun Jun said, with the spirit armor to protect the body, no matter how powerful the fairy sword is, it can't help us! "

One of the death cloud birds saw Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Sirius who was tens of thousands of miles below him, stepping on the dark wolf castle and shooting nine evil-killing golden arrows in his direction. He urged his companions to sink quickly, and reminded them Put on the spirit armor.

"Yes! Six Days of Death Bird Xiao!"

Hearing the words, the other four Death Cloud Birds immediately responded in unison, and then a blazing, paler fluorescent light flickered outside her, covered them with the so-called reverse spirit armor, and then continued downward to fall into Sirius Sirius Cheng Yuanfang's chaotic God's "Book of Extinct Realm" is wildly chasing!



Seeing the Supreme Emperor of the Earth and the dead Yunniao among the five evil spirits all appearing together in the ink jade skull of the obsessed spirit, Liujuan, the true monarch of Qixiang, Zhanxuanzi and Zhanxuanzi, who are hundreds of thousands of miles away Cheng Shifeng's expression of excitement just now was suddenly replaced by shock and anger.

What kind of important existence is Moyu Skeleton, but the other party actually followed him and sneaked in, exposing the most mysterious refuge of Langyuanmen, this is really not a good thing!

At the same time, the three of them discovered that the death cloud bird this time was shaped like an eagle, with sharp and vicious jet-black eyes!

The strength is stronger than the death cloud bird that I have seen before, and I see myself as nothing.

Especially after hearing their conversation, knowing that they came to snatch the two volumes of fairy books, the four masters of Langyuan Xianmen were even more angry, they all screamed, and then the three of them simultaneously resorted to housekeeping ability.

Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan, with emerald rainbows bursting all over her body, 99,999 spirit crystals, diamonds and gems on the soul clothes are shining brilliantly, holding the bright red Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal in one palm, and the other With one hand pouring almost all of his immortal power, he blasted the terrifying Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal Hongtao towards the five flying death cloud birds.

Stepping on the fragrant ancient handkerchief, the feet are like clouds, the green hair on the head is surging, a pair of emerald eyes and the soul-controlling tree on the forehead, the mang is shining green, domineering and cold.

There was a trace of arrogance and a trace of disdain at the corners of his mouth, a smile that captivated the city, and another smile that captivated the country. However, at this moment, there was only mockery on her pale and condensed face!

Cheng Shifeng, the true king of the spirit demon, waved the golden whip of the spirit demon in his hand, with long blue hair fluttering, flying with the others amidst the roar of the white-faced tiger king under his feet, and forced the five death cloud birds that flew down, the whip rang Like thunder, the golden light flashed and blasted towards the target.

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, flew into the sky on the howling blood unicorn, the star sword flew above his head, and countless stars turned into the celestial sphere, forming a vast vortex of stars, shocking like the waves of the ocean.

"Sir Sirius! Don't be distracted, fly to the sky to grab the book, and leave those death cloud birds to us!"

Fearing that the five cloud birds' pounce would affect the capture of the "Book of Destruction of the Realm", Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, was galloping to attack, and he sent a voice transmission to remind the True Lord of Sirius, Cheng Yuanfang.

"Brother Zhen, don't worry!"

True Lord Sirius, with black hair flying wildly, shot the evil-killing golden arrows one after another, as steady as Mount Tai, he replied in a concentrated voice.

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