Nine Heavens

Chapter 1912

Chapter 1912

"Yaya! Go back, your master is willing to leave us, he is afraid that his terrifying Nine Dragon body will frighten the immortals in Langyuan, and he is even more worried that the death poison in his body will harm the immortal sect.

He is sacrificing himself to save us! We can't let him down, Yunzhou has already started to attack us, we still have a lot to do!

Believe in Aunt Feng, as long as we are here, your master will come back sooner or later, because you and I, everyone knows that the only thing he cares about is the Langyuan Sect and all the relatives.

Langyuanmen is his home and his love. For this home, he reluctantly left, and for this home, he will try his best to get rid of the evil poison of death, and then return with a wine jar and pour wine like before. of! "

Cheng Shifeng looked at Yaya with tears in his eyes. The more he comforted Yaya, the more tears fell.

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan has long emerald green hair fluttering, pale and dignified complexion, she smiles all over the city, and then smiles all over the country, at this moment she is sneering!

There was a trace of arrogance and disdain at the corner of his mouth!

She didn't have long-term grief, or no time to grieve, because she had seen drastic changes in the celestial phenomena outside the universe, at the junction of the earth and the cloud, so she was sneering!

Naturally, Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Sirius, and Zhanxuanzi, the Divine Lord of Sword Zhan, also saw the changes in the surroundings beyond the universe!

Although the two of them were suffering in their hearts, the tears were still in their eyes and never fell!

The two recalled the eyes that the emperor of the universe looked at him deeply before the evil nine-headed dragon demon. Those eyes were filled with the cherishment of the brotherhood in the past and the infinite expectations for the two to protect the immortal gate of Langyuan.

Although the emperor of the universe is supreme and the evil nine-headed dragon demon did not say these words, it is a tacit understanding of brotherhood for a long time, and the two of them have a clear understanding.

"Let's go back to the imperial palace!"

The two silently watched Yaya and Cheng Shifeng, who suddenly appeared, embrace each other for a long time, and after crying for a long time, Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, said in pain.

Then, he took a long look at the direction where the third brother passed away, stomped on the blood unicorn, and flew towards the imperial palace roaring.

The moment he turned around, his tears finally couldn't hold back, and the hot tears couldn't stop flowing!

"Master! You are still crying!"

The blood unicorn at the foot of Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jian Zhan, changed from the usual state of running and screaming. Although he was running, he was silent, feeling a burst of heat on his body, and said softly.

"I really want to accompany third brother!"

Zhan Xuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, replied.

"But the emperor wants you to stay in the imperial palace and protect the Langyuanmen with other emperors! In the eyes of the emperor, the safety of the Langyuanmen is more important than his life!"

The blood unicorn said again in Mercedes-Benz.

"Unexpectedly, brother Lin is also such a bosom friend, third brother, it is so lucky to have brother Lin Yun Lingqi! I know what you said, so I feel even more heartbroken! Third brother will always only think about the fairy sect and brothers and sisters, but every time he When I suffer, I always carry it alone!

As a brother, not being able to share a little bit for him is really heart-breaking, and it hurts me so much! "

After Zhanxuanzi said, the black and white eyebrows trembled, tears flowed, and the nose flowed, fearing that Cheng Yuanfang, the real king of Sirius who was not far behind, would see him, and galloped desperately on a bloody unicorn.


True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang's black hair flew wildly, the chaotic eyes and the countless three-eyed wolves on the pitch-black castle, the same bright red eyes, the same cold and intense color!

The Youlan Xiexie Golden Arrow on the back of True Lord Sirius was already extremely angry, humming, howling, and jumping, wishing to rush out of the universe immediately, and kill it in the universe!

The dark magic robe outside him was bulging, and his dark face became even darker because he loved his brother and resented Yunjun. With the combination of pitch-black fairy eyes and bright red chaotic eyes, it was a bit ferocious!

It wasn't until this moment that Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, truly understood why the brothers would force the nine younger brothers and sisters away at a critical moment. It turned out that it was not only Yun Zhou Yunjun who had ulterior motives, but also the Emperor Brother himself.

Because he had expected that his current demonic state would not recover for a while, he didn't want Xianmen to be ashamed because of his troubles, and he didn't want his nine beloved wives to worry about him!

"Qianlang! You should change your character, you always cherish all the people who are in the fairy gate as your own life, but have you ever thought that everyone in the fairy gate is also for you!

When we are in trouble, you will sacrifice everything to protect us, but when you are in trouble, we are also willing to help you in this way!

Don't you always say when you drink, we will always be a family, and if we don't ascend to heaven together, we will be happy together in the world of mortals! You regard everyone as your family, but you only put yourself outside the home, to be the patron saint of suffering!

Home is warm and caring for each other, and you should also deeply enjoy these. Come back earlier, even if you will always look like a nine-headed dragon demon, you will always be the god of Langyuan Xianmen! Forever our loved ones! He will always be a good brother of Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Sirius!

So what if you have the evil poison of death on your body, even if we die together because of this, and we will die together, we can die and be at ease..."

True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang stepped on the pitch-black wolf castle, amidst the sound of wolves howling, his heart fluctuated and he was in torment.

Controlling the Dark Wolf Fort, roaring and galloping, chasing after Zhan Xuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, however, he slowed down on purpose.

Because he knew that Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan at this moment, must be full of tears!

As a man, True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang knew how precious a man's tears were! The tall man in front didn't want me to see his fragility.

True Sirius Cheng Yuanfang has been a hunter's child since he was a child. He has a resolute and calm personality by nature. He seldom sheds tears in the face of any pain or sadness.

But at this moment, my mind is full of the mournful and departing figures of the emperor brothers and nine-headed dragon demon, and the sword Zhanxuanzi who seems to be galloping bravely in front of his eyes, but is actually crying, and the younger sister and niece who are supporting each other and crying behind him. bewildered.

However, Cheng Yuanfang, True Lord of Heavenly Wolf, never shed tears, because he knew that when the whole family is sad, there must be people with clear eyes.

Outside the universe, an unprecedented catastrophe has spread densely in the sky.

Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang tried his best to withdraw his lingering thoughts and calm his emotions, and then he planned in his mind the next move of Langyuanmen.

While thinking about it, he heard the conversation between his younger sister Cheng Shifeng and his nephew Yaya:

"Aunt Feng, let's not cry! Master said, no matter how sad it is, it will pass, it will pass!"

"Yaya, you are really good, you are worthy of being the apprentice of brother Qianlang and sister-in-law Meng'er, you are more and more like them!

good! Aunt Feng stopped crying, we will go back with your distant uncle and father, and then find a way to deal with the disaster outside the universe. By the way, Yaya, why did you come back suddenly? "

"It's not just me, teachers and wives, but also Tianling, Lian'er, and all the members of the Langyuan Sect in the human world have returned."

"Oh why?"

"Because as soon as I heard what the nine wives said, I knew that the master must have encountered another disaster and deliberately drove the nine wives away.

So under my insistence, we all came back, and the upper realm mana of the nine masters was also opened up by me. Because I was in a hurry, I got here first! They should have arrived at the Imperial Palace by now..."

Cheng Yuanfang, the True Lord of Heavenly Wolf in front, relaxed a lot after hearing the conversation between the two behind him.

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