Nine Heavens

Chapter 1913 Receive Father Lian Er

Chapter 1913 Receiving Father Lianer

Several hours later, when Langyuan Four Masters and Yaya Feifei saw the Dongyang Mountain of Langyuan Xianmen from a distance, all the people from Langyuan Xianmen were standing on the top of the mountain, looking in their direction.

One of them was a six or seven-year-old girl who was wearing a rainbow dress, stepped on a rainbow silk, and held a nine-color lotus in her hand. Her eyes were shining, and a small white bird was squatting on her shoulder. They fly.

"Will! Will!"

The little white bird flying over the girl's shoulder screamed crisply, and the sound was getting closer and closer.

The four gods of Langyuan Xianmen and Yaya each stepped on the fairy pet artifact, their faces were already calm, but when they saw the little girl flying over and heard the approaching birdsong, their hearts tightened.

Slowly stopping in the sky obliquely above Dongyang Mountain, all eyes looked at her with shame, and the people standing behind her on Dongyang Mountain.


"Aunt Juan! Aunt Feng! Uncle Zhen! Uncle Yuanfang, Lian'er misses you so much!"

Lian'er flew to Lian'er on the colorful silk, with a childish face and sparkling eyes, happily watching the four relatives of Langyuan reunite after a long absence, smiling and shouting coquettishly.


True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan suddenly choked up her throat, and her eyes couldn't help getting wet when she called out Lian'er's name.

This child, who seems to be stubborn and stubborn, is actually so sensible and kind. Before I forced her to Wuzhenghai and Wuzhengdao, she didn't hold any grudges. She was the first person she met to call herself affectionately.

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan felt a little ashamed of her affection for Lian'er, and then spontaneously accelerated the gallop of Lianxiang Gupa, and after a while, leaned over and hugged Lian'er in her arms.

"Lian Er, Aunt Juan misses you so much! Aunt Juan is not good, let Lian Er leave us for tens of thousands of years!"

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan hugged Lian'er, and said with ups and downs, her heart was throbbing with pain.

At this moment, Qixiang True Monarch Liu Juan really regretted that she agreed with her younger brother Emperor Zhou Emperor Wushang to let Lian Er go to Wu Zhenghai. Because if Lian'er is not as good, she will definitely have more father-daughter days with brother Qianlang.

However, now...

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan gently smoothed the strands of hair fluttering from Lian'er's temples, her emerald eyes flashed with distress and regret.

"No, Aunt Juan, Lian Er was too young and ignorant at that time. Aunt Juan and everyone else let Lian Er go to realize Zhenghai for the good of Lian Er, and later went to the world with Mengmeng to collect all kinds of things. The elements of family love and affection in the ordinary world have finally been practiced into the Nine-color Fate Soul Magic Art!

Aunt Juan, Aunt Feng, Lian Er was too willful and ignorant before, you and Aunt Feng love Lian Er very much! "

Lian'er looked at Cheng Shifeng's familiar and soft face with long blue hair fluttering and Wang Ran's teary eyes of Cheng Shifeng, who was floating in front of him at this time, and smoothed the emerald strands of Liu Juan's emerald hair, said.

"Lian'er, you are really good and good when you go home this time! She is so warm, and our Lian'er is also infected! Sister Juan, don't blame yourself, Lian'er has become so sensible, it is the good thing about this trip. .”

Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, held Lian'er's fair and chubby little hand lovingly and affectionately, while consolingly persuading his heartbroken sister.

"Aunt Juan really don't worry about my going to Wuzhenghai at that time, Lian'er is not alone at all there, she is happy to have Mengmeng and Xiaobai by her side!

Later, when I was in the human world, I also received my father's Lingyun seal cloud book, and my father let me understand that Aunt Juan is for my own good, saying that Aunt Juan and Aunt Feng love Lian Er the most, and they are the best aunts in the world ..."

As Lian Er talked, Wang Mu shed tears.

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan and True Monarch Lingyao Cheng Shifeng looked at each other with heartache, while being grateful that Emperor Zhou was supreme and evil for enlightening the two, at the same time feeling sorry for Lian Er's loneliness in Wu Zhenghai:

Regarding Wuzhenghai Lian'er's experience, the two are not unaware. After Lian'er went to Wuzheng Island in Wuzheng Hai, Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan and Lingyao Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng missed Lian'er, and they went to the Nine Worlds almost every day. Take a look at Lian'er's progress in practicing Nine Colors Fate Soul Divine Art.

In the beginning, Lian Er really enjoyed playing with Mengmeng and Xiaobai with her cleverness and stubborn personality.

But only a few months later, they gradually entered the depths of Wuzheng Island. The environment there, the mysterious method, became terrifying and unpredictable, and Lian Er had already entered, and there was no way back. The internal method is copied here by the emperor of the universe.

Otherwise, Lian'er would have to practice and suffer in a certain area. How many times did the two of them see Lian Er's small figure, because of the cold, they hugged their shoulders and called mother, father, aunt, uncle, sisters...

However, when she burst into tears, looking at the sky and the cold moon and shouting, only Mengmeng, who was also bursting into tears, wiped away her tears, and Xiaobai, who was shivering, cheered her up!

The three poor little figures are even more small and helpless on the vast and cold Wuzheng Island...

The two looked at their beloved Lian Er, and they couldn't help recalling the days when Lian Er was not by their side, and they went to the nine worlds to look at her every day.

"Hey! Where is Daddy, why didn't you see Daddy!"

The two lost their minds for a moment, and suddenly they heard Lian'er's crisp voice asking their father where the Emperor Zhou Supreme was.

Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan and Lingyao Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng withdrew their thoughts, just in time to see Lian Er flying slowly towards the dark wolf castle far away from Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuan and the sword god Zhanxuanzi standing on the blood unicorn The barking eyes searching behind him.

The two could not speak to each other in silence, shaking their heads and looking at the slightly frowning nephew.

"Lian'er, just now my mother received the Yunling seal book from your two aunts. Inside the Yunling seal book is your father's seal words. Your father said that you need to retreat inexplicably outside the universe and practice a kind of miraculous magic. It will take ten thousand years to leave the customs!"

Just when Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan and Lingyao Zhenjun Cheng Shifeng were speechless, and the ever-approaching Sirius Zhenyuan Cheng Yuanfang and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi were heartbroken, Yaya dared not look at her sister, Lian Er behind Lian Er , her biological mother, Emperor Shuangtian floated forward, looked around Langyuan and Yaya, then looked at her daughter Lian'er very lovingly and said.

After Emperor Shuangtian said this, he turned his head and glanced at the eight sisters who flew over from Dongyang Mountain together, Shui'er, Yan'er, Yun'er, Fang'er, Ling'er, Yan'er, Luo'er and Pa'er.

The eight sisters all looked calm, and when they saw the gaze of Emperor Shuangtian who was looking back, they nodded in tacit understanding and exchanged something silently.

"Oh! Really, the emperor's father is so powerful! Then let's go back to the emperor's palace! Didn't Pa'erniang say that we should hurry up and make arrangements to meet the Yunzhou Yunjie!"

Lian'er was stunned when she heard the words, and then she returned to normal, looked back and forth at Lang Yuan's relatives for a while, and sighed.

"Lian'er is really sensible, let's go! Let's go home together!"

For Lian Er's such a peaceful reaction, the flying back Lang Yuan Wu Zun really didn't expect that this would be the best ending among all the embarrassments.

After making eye contact with each other, the Lords of Langyuan flew to Dongyang Mountain with Lian'er in their arms, and then all the people of Langyuan Xianmen on Dongyang Mountain took off more majesticly, and the shadows of the sky fluttered towards the Langyuan Emperor's Palace.

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