Nine Heavens

Chapter 1914 Blocking the Robbery Alone

Chapter 1914

On the night when all the immortals of Langyuan Xianmen returned to Langyuan Emperor Palace, all the elders gathered in Langyuan Hall to discuss the countermeasures of Yunzhou Yunjun's attack on the earth and universe catastrophe.

The junior Langyuan force is led by Yaya and Liu Yun, and they are distributed in all areas of Langyuan's universe. They closely observe the cosmic transient superimposition magic skills left by the emperor of the universe, and create a magical seal state, as an observation and investigation force. .

This part of power is divided into three layers, which surround the universe and the sky. The outermost layer is the supreme and evil Jiuying power of the emperor of the universe. Zhou Tian, ​​at the same time, each led millions of Jiuding spirit beasts and spirit soldiers who he had tempered by using the soul refining Jiuding.

The role of the Nine Infants is very important. In case of any change in the seal of the supreme and evil cosmic transient superimposed magical power, the divine rainbow, they need to infuse the soul refining Jiuding ancient gods, and do their best to consolidate the cosmic transient superimposed supernatural power, the divine rainbow. Seal, so that the core of the universe can complete the strategic deployment as soon as possible.

Inside the Jiuying forces, it is the second ring of the short-term defense of Langyuan Diyu. Soul Nine Cauldrons are short of divine power in ancient times, and they need them to stimulate their own magic skills to ensure the peak of the divine power of refining Soul Nine Cauldrons.

The innermost layer of protection in Langyuan Dizhou is the three-color fire baby, the red fairy, the five-color spirit ginseng Linger, Xiaomei, Xiaolin, the little devil turtle, Qiqi and Xiaohongdian who just left the level, and the thirteen The elf emperor, the nine-tailed golden statue, etc., are densely covered in the sky.

Their role is not only to pay attention to the status of the nine wandering young masters above their heads, but more importantly to protect the safety of the universe, the immortal world and the human world. Once the two rings above their heads have fallen, the only thing they have to do is to protect the immortal world from the lower realms. and the peace of all beings in the world.

For this reason, the emperor of the universe has already created an ark of refuge for them. No matter what the final direction of the universe is, as long as the waves and fates are not destroyed, all the souls in the universe can be guaranteed to be safe!

The high-level strategic meeting of the Dizhou Emperor Palace has been going on for three days, and it has not yet been completed. It is still intensely and carefully studying all the major strategies and details to fight against the Yunzhou Yunjie.

This catastrophe of the universe can be said to be the most difficult catastrophe that Langyuan Xianmen has encountered, but at the most critical moment, the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, but he is not there.

Therefore, Langyuan Gaozun must be cautious and cautious, for fear that there is any place that is not studied, and eventually the Langyuan Xianmen will be ruined!

At this moment, the nine young masters of Langyuan, who are located in the second ring of Langyuan's universe defense, each guard a side of the sky.

Lian'er is guarding the eastern position of the universe. From the top, she can look at Brother Chaos who controls the Nine Cauldrons of Soul Refining Chaos Cauldron. From the bottom, she can see the nine golden statues flying over Dongyang Mountain.

Lian'er holds the Nine-Color Divine Lotus in her hand, urging the Nine-Color Destiny Soul Divine Art, through the lotus's rainbow and rainbow microscopic, through the heavenly father, Zhou Dijun's supreme and evil cosmic instantaneous superimposed magical power and divine rainbow seal, to examine Looking at the situation outside the universe.

In the outer space of the waves, there are dark clouds, thunderbolts flashing in bursts, groups of evil poisonous mines suddenly explode, and then suddenly go out, constantly changing strangely.

In the meantime, the pitch-black vortex of Zefeng and the pale ghosts of death circled together mysteriously and unfathomably.

Looking at it, it is cold, depressing and terrifying.

However, Lian'er has been staring at this evil space outside the universe for a long time, looking for a figure with flying white hair and silver clothes.

Because in her heart, she firmly believed that her father would definitely be able to defeat her, restore her own fairy body, and protect her daughter!

Lian'er stared at the terrifying space outside the universe in the mysterious nine-color divine rainbow of the nine-color divine lotus, her eyes glistening with tears. In my ears, I recalled what my mother lied to me three days ago.

"Mother! Lian'er knows everything. You knew that Daddy would encounter an unprecedented disaster. In order not to frustrate Daddy's self-esteem, you deliberately made noise and chose to leave him!

Then I couldn't bear to leave daddy behind, came back with Sister Yaya and us, now I'm worried that Lian'er will be sad, you are all lying to Lian'er, saying that daddy is retreating in Zhouwai!

Do you know that Lian'er has already practiced the immortal mind consciousness technique that my father taught me. Lian'er heard what you and the ladies said.

Dad didn't retreat outside the universe, but was poisoned by the evil poison of death and turned into a nine-headed dragon demon, wandering in pain outside the universe!

Daddy, where are you, Lian'er misses you! Lian'er is not afraid of her father being ugly, Lian'er likes her father's serious look when she interviews Lian'er, Lian'er likes how serious her father is when teaching Lian'er's exercises, Lian'er likes to watch her father fly among the white clouds, pour wine on the altar, and sing poetry freely The way you sing..."

Lian Er thought in her heart, she gradually said oh oh. Unexpectedly, for a six-year-old girl, the heart of the sky is burning!

"Miss, don't cry, if you cry again, you will cry too! Uh uh..."

Xiaobai squatted on the colorful damask and was looking around when he suddenly felt a hot tear drop falling on his head. When he looked up, the little master Lianer was crying.

Immediately from Lian'er's feet, the bald one flew to Lian'er's shoulder, and said with blinking black eyes.

"Don't cry! Lian Er and Xiao Bai are brave people, we are not allowed to cry!"

Lian'er heard the words, quickly wiped her eyes, and said seriously.

Xiaobai immediately stopped his ugly crying, and said with a smile:

"Hee hee! I lied to you, so I won't cry. In my opinion, it's good until the news of Dijun. Dijun is so powerful, any disaster will pass!

Believe me, Xiaobai, after our earthly situation has passed, your father, Dijun, will definitely recover his fairy body, and fly back in a fairy posture! "

"You are good at persuading people. Well, I hope that with your good words, I will see my father soon. I really want to tell him personally that he has always wanted me to practice the Jiucaiyuanshengong. I really did it." !"

While talking, Lian'er continued to stare at the nine-color lotus rainbow dancing like a flame.

Suddenly, one person and one bird suddenly held their breath and stared at the dark space outside the universe in the nine-color divine lotus and divine rainbow.

"Then, is that..."

Xiao Bai half covered his eyes with his pure white wings, and said tremblingly.

"It's Daddy, he is Daddy, no matter what he becomes, I can recognize his pupils, his eyes are always warm!"

Lian'er stared closely at a piece of space outside the universe in the nine-colored lotus rainbow, and saw a nine-headed dragon demon opening its teeth and claws, raising eighteen dragon claws, facing the sky with thunder and lightning, and the storm roared!

Lian'er screamed out!

Then tears of distress welled up in his eyes, na na said:

"Daddy is suffering from cloud and thunder, storms, lightning and all kinds of disasters alone! Our protection has never been in danger, and it is Daddy who is suffering the torture! Daddy——"

Lian'er watched, nana, and finally couldn't help crying loudly.

However, her crying could not float very far in the vast space of the universe, and no one in other parts of the universe could hear the gusts of cosmic wind.

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