Nine Heavens

Chapter 1918 The Devil of the Golden Pagoda

Chapter 1918: The Golden Tower to the Devil


The white jade box shattered, and the white jade box behind Lian Er's heart was also shattered instantly, and then the white jade fragments turned into strands of white cloud silk.

Then, under the beautiful sunlight, these cloud filaments began to attract each other, fluttered together, and entangled with each other, and each strand of cloud shone with nine kinds of divine lights, iridescent lights of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, gold, and silver.

After entwining for a while, those cloud threads actually condensed into a human figure with fluttering white hair, hunting in silver clothes, and holding the Yinhong Liuxia Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword in his hand.

This human figure is really too lifelike, the facial features are clearly visible, and the spirit crystal and the spirit diamond under the feet are holding the sparkling shuttle.


"It's Daddy, that's Daddy!"

Lian'er looked into her heart, her heart was full of joy, and she shouted excitedly.

She forgot the golden pagoda in her hand, stretched her hands above her head, and happily waved at her father, Zhou Dijun Supreme.

And Di Zhou Di Jun Wu Shang Zai Xie was also looking at her with a smile. Although he was speechless, his warm smile made Lian Er feel warm when he saw it...

Lian Er fell into internal thinking, completely forgetting herself, not knowing that changes were also taking place outside her body.

"Oh my god! Young lady, stop giggling, Xiaobai made a mistake, I didn't know that the white jade box was so flimsy, I just wanted to blow it over!

oops! Scary! Miss, let's run! All the monsters on the gold tower are alive! "

Xiao Bai heard a bang, and then saw the pure white jade box exploded by himself, and was frightened immediately.

Because she knew that whatever the emperor gave to the little master, she would treat it as a treasure and put it here, and she broke the little master's treasure, what to do now, Xiaobai immediately looked at the little master apologetically, Dare to speak up.

However, at this moment, she suddenly found that both the broken white jade box and the golden pagoda had changed.

"Ni", "Heaven", "Er", "Shang", "Nine", "Twin Heaven", "Xian", and "Yuan" all of the nine-layer monsters suddenly came to life, all baring their teeth and claws, roaring wildly.

It was about to burst out of the vast golden light of the Golden Pagoda, and rushed in all directions!

And the shattered pieces of the pure white jade box also inexplicably turned into strands of pure white clouds, and then quickly gathered together to bridge.

Seeing this, Xiaobai thought that he and his little master were about to die, so he shouted and pulled his little master Lian Er with his little wings to run out of Rainbow Building.


However, Lian'er was still smiling happily, looking up at her head, as if admiring the terrifying roaring scene of the eighth-floor monster that robbed the Golden Pagoda.

"Crack! Crack..."

In anxiety, for the sake of the savior, Xiaobai was angry and resorted to force, stood on Lianer's chin, bowed left and right, and gave Lianer dozens of mouths one after another.

Because of Xiao Bai's beating, Lian'er's thoughts suddenly stopped, and when she woke up, she suddenly felt her face was hot and her nose was itchy. The most important thing was that she saw that her father had disappeared, and she burst into tears in a panic.

"Run, cry later!"

Seeing that the little master finally woke up, Xiaobai hurriedly dragged her to continue running for his life.

In a daze, Lian'er also felt that something was wrong, and couldn't help running out of the Rainbow Building following Xiao Bai's pull.

"I'm sorry! Little master! This time it was me who caused the trouble. I smashed that empty white jade box, that's why it happened!"

While fleeing for his life, Xiaobai couldn't help apologizing. In order to save the little master from being too distressed, he deliberately said the word "empty" very strongly.


After Xiaobai finished speaking, he lowered his head and waited for the little master to lose his temper. He squeezed his mouth left and right, not daring to look at the little master's crying face.

However, Xiao Bai lowered his head for a long time, but he didn't feel any pain in his face, instead he suddenly heard the little master's happy laughter.


Xiaobai was so surprised, he slowly raised his head to look at his master, and found that he and his little master were still in the Rainbow Building after running for a long time. At this moment, the little master looked up at the high place in the building.

Xiaobai suddenly followed the young master's line of sight.


This time, Xiaobai knew why the little master laughed.

Because she saw that the blank jade box that was smashed just now turned into the image of the emperor, Zhengxian fluttered down to the eighth floor of the golden pagoda for robbery.

Immediately, those roaring eighth-layer monsters stopped roaring, and slowly returned to their positions in the golden pagoda, and then the vast golden awn color shrank completely.

However, the emperor's incorporeal body landed on the golden pagoda for robbery, and after a long time, it fully fused into a pure white shining pearl and condensed on the top of the step.


"It turns out that Daddy is at the top of the Sacrificing Golden Pagoda, giggling...Thank you Xiaobai, thanks to your death demon energy that opened up Daddy's magic essence for me, the current Sacrificing Golden Pagoda has truly been constructed successfully.

Last time Wanyang Lianhong, even if I didn't destroy it, even if I didn't destroy it, I couldn't temper it successfully! Dad must have seen this too, but he couldn't open his own parallel five essences of cultivation, so he handed over the magic box to me, hoping that I would have a chance to do it.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, it was Xiaobai who helped daddy and me, giggling...boom! "

Lian Er said happily, her eyes turned white, she almost put Xiao Bai's head in her mouth after grabbing Xiao Bai, and kissed her hard.

Then, when Xiaobai was dizzy, he happily pulled Xiaobai's face left and right with both hands.

"Wow! Little master, don't you say thank you, why are you still pissed off!"

Xiaobai yelled with a bitter face.

"Oh! Hee hee...forgot, it should be happy and the reward is to pull the wings and pull the face when angry, I will change it now!"

Lian'er was so happy that she helped her father again, seeing Xiao Bai's funny face, she hurriedly said.


Hearing this, Xiaobai quickly kicked his legs and flew over a round of orbs in the distance, shouting:

"Forget it! I don't want your reward, and your punishment is too scary. I am a beautiful little bird with a gentle and weak body, how can I stand your torture!

Let me tell you, young lady, from today on, you are never allowed to pull my wings or pull my face again. Otherwise, with big wings, big feet and a big face, how can you get married when you grow up! "


When Lian Er heard this, she couldn't help but feel it was even more ridiculous. She laughed so hard that she waved her hand to hold the calm Shou Jie Jintana in her hands, and then she solemnly agreed.

"Come back, it's all right now! Don't I like you? Look at when I pulled the wings and face of little sister Xiaohong!"

Lian Er got used to the feeling of Xiao Bai squatting on his shoulders, and shouted with a smile.

"It's nonsense, you also like sister Xiaohongdianer very much, but brother Qiqi is always there to protect you, so it's true if you can't drag it!"

This Xiaobai is very smart, and he can see everything roughly when he lifts his eyelids. Lianer's words obviously can't catch her.

"Well then, it's up to you, I'm here for our Waves Fate Immortal Universe Wanyang Lianhong to look forward to, if you don't want to go, just sleep at home.

However, maybe one of the monsters in the golden tower that was robbed just now didn't return to its place, but squatted in the corner, hehe! I can go! "

Lian'er was amused for a while, and left such a sentence, holding the golden pagoda and nine-colored lotus, and flew out of the Rainbow Building, pulling the colorful silk.

From behind, Xiaobai flapped his wings and shouted:

"Hmph! Who are you scaring, you go on your own, don't think that I, Xiaobai, am a coward, I also know how to use magic!"

Lian'er naturally ignored her, and was already flying outside the Rainbow Building after a while.

When Xiaobai couldn't see Lianer's figure through the building window, he suddenly felt the building was empty. Looking at Lianer's strange treasures, his eyes flashed wildly, all of them looked like monsters.

After standing still for a while, he suddenly shouted:

"What's wrong with being a coward, little master wait for me..."

Then, immediately shot out of the Rainbow Tower.


"I'm here, I know Xiaobai doesn't want to miss Lian'er sister!"

Just as Xiaobai flew out of the Rainbow Building, Lian Er floated on the roof, greeting Xiaobai with a charming smile.

"Cut! You're kidding me again!"

Seeing the little master, Xiaobai rushed over happily and said angrily.

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