Nine Heavens

Chapter 1919 Shi Jie Three Emperors

Chapter 1919 Shi Jie San Huang

The waves are beyond the universe.

The emperor of the universe is supreme, no longer the evil nine-headed dragon demon, tormented in pain, crazy wine, trembling and shooting blood, laughing sadly. No matter how poisonous and tyrannical you are, Li Zhou will not fall down!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The emperor of the universe is the supreme and evil nine-headed dragon demon. Due to the attack of the infinite cloud calamity in the upper realm, although he is already covered with bruises, the color of being in the fairy ring has not weakened, but has become more intense and gorgeous.

He laughed wildly, looked at the sky with cold eyes, bathed in all kinds of calamities, poured wine into the waterfall, the fire was burning all over his body, the lightning and thunder continued, countless terrifying cloud beasts biting... wandering in the free!

"He, he's crazy! It's terrible to be unresisted by the infinite cloud calamity!"

Yun Zhou Shi Jie Yuntai.

The Northern Desert Shaman, the Northern Zhou Emperor, the Western Demon Yunyu, the Western Zhou Emperor, and the Eastern Tai Yaotian, the Eastern Zhou Emperor. Emperor Zhou is supreme and will kill the nine-headed dragon demon again.

Therefore, they all exerted all their strengths and used their own housekeeping skills to strengthen the first heavy cloud calamity of the infinite cloud calamity of the universe to the peak of horror.

In front of Dongtai Yaotian, there are three rounds of pitch-black star sun, one round of sun rainbow is like a sea, and the vast sky flows. A round of Yanghong let out a pitch-black fire waterfall, pouring down from the sky. A round of Yanghong crazily hit the Giant Meteor Thunder Mountain in the sky, roaring in the sky.

The three yangs danced violently and exchanged brilliance, displaying a terrifying catastrophe, each forming a vast and majestic vortex, which continuously swallowed the nine heads of the emperor of the universe, the supreme evil, in the billions of light below.

The Western Demon Cloud and Misty controls the fire clouds and storms of all colors in the eight directions, swallows the world, wraps the chaotic stars, and swallows the evil nine-headed dragon demon to the emperor of the universe.

The northern desert shaman's body is covered with broken immortals, five spirits, demon gongs and drums, demon bells and mirrors, crazy songs in his mouth, crazy dances in his body, crazy cloud platforms, and magic sounds and shadows blasting towards Tongyuan.

Infinite Cloud Tribulation All kinds of catastrophes appeared at the same time, and the three Yun Zhou border emperors performed violent catastrophe together. Such a situation has never been seen in Yun Universe since it was recorded.

The three emperors thought that there was no need for infinite cloud calamity, first heavy cloud calamity and above cloud calamity, as long as the three of them acted together, the emperor of the universe would be supreme and the evil nine-headed dragon demon would die soon.

However, they were wrong. Not only did they not see the failure of the heavenly emperor, the evil nine-headed dragon demon body exploding, and the five essences flying out, but they saw this lunatic in the fairy body and the blood clouds flying around. Inside the robbery, they moved the altar and drank wildly, looking carefree.

He was originally a catastrophe, but his body was full of pure white immortals, and his fearless aura frightened his surroundings!

Infinite Cloud Tribulation Initial Stage Cloud Tribulation's various calamity phenomena were originally one hundred thousand powerful and terrifying, but they swallowed him, only howling and whimpering, but they couldn't do anything to him at all!

Seeing this, the Yunzhou Three Emperors who were hundreds of millions of light miles high in the sky were extremely shocked.

They really did not expect that a little wave of the heavens and the lower realms, a kid reborn in the mortal world, would become so powerful as he ascended step by step.

The immortal body is not broken, the five spirits are high-spirited, and the aura of immortal gods is even better than hundreds of millions of immortal gods in the sky!

The three Zhou Emperors stared at each other with big eyes, and the arrogant arrogance before was weakened invisibly because of the unruly and coquettish nature of the Nine-headed Dragon Demon.

Dongtai Yaotian continued to frantically manipulate his three magic star suns, shouting in astonishment.

"Hmph! Perform double cloud tribulation!"

Yun Zhou Shi Jie Yuntai Mountain, Northern Desert Shaman Bei Zhou Huang became angry from embarrassment, and snorted coldly. The cold voice pierced through the chaotic sounds of various magic music and passed into the ears of Dongtai Yaotian and Xiyao Yunmi.

"This? Without Lord Yun's decree, it's not good!"

When Dongtai Yaotian and Xiyao Yunmi heard the words, they both looked back at the Beimo Shaman who was frantically dancing and knocking, and then said.

"Do you think Mr. Yun is really pitying this hateful and rebellious apprentice! The reason why Mr. Yun didn't want to directly take the high-level infinite cloud calamity to kill him is that the only thing he cares about is the opinion of hundreds of millions of Yunxians in the universe. That's all!

Jun Yun has always been kind and considerate, he doesn't want to lose the reputation of killing the immortals of the lower realm and attract hundreds of millions of Yunxians to think badly about him!

But we are different, we are the four great frontier war emperors of Yunzhou, and it is commonplace to slaughter any rebellious immortals who hinder Yunzhou's safety! So, what Mr. Yun cares about, we help him, wouldn't it be better! "

The Northern Desert Shaman, Bei Zhou Huang, stopped the sound of chanting crazy songs and said.

"Having said that, after all, he is Lord Yun's apprentice. If Lord Yun doesn't cherish it, just as what Lord Yun said, why would he go to such lengths to save him from the lower realms and return him to heaven! To slaughter him, I would Zhou Huang wished to do it immediately, but this Zhou Emperor still can't figure out what Lord Yun is thinking, so I ask Bei Mo Shaman Bei Zhou Huang to think twice."

Xi Yao Yunai hesitated for a moment and said.

"In Jun Yun's eyes, only the overall situation in the universe is stable, life and death are at stake, and he never cares about closeness and distance, you know this too!

That's right, you're right, Emperor Zhou, Supreme and Evil, is indeed Lord Yun's former apprentice! But now is not then! In the past, he and Jun Yun were of one mind, Jun Yun naturally protected him!

It's different now, he is the head of the Heaven-Defying Immortal Sect, Di Zhou Emperor, if we don't slaughter him, he will challenge Yun Zhou Yun Wei!

Could it be that, waiting for him to kill the immortals and go to the upper realm, and take away our great Yunzhou country! ?

Besides, didn't you see it in your eyes? He has now been poisoned by the evil death and turned into a nine-headed dragon demon. What's the use! "

The Northern Desert Shaman, the Northern Zhou Emperor, strongly insisted on his point of view.

"Hmm! The Beimo shaman Beizhou Emperor is indeed very reasonable in saying this, so let's cross the border and destroy him as soon as possible, for the sake of Yunzhou's peace, even if Lord Yun commits a crime, we will admit it!

However, this initial stage of infinite cloud calamity can no longer do anything to him. It is best for us to use several stages of infinite cloud calamity, so that we can slaughter him without disturbing the evil palace of death bell too much! "

Dongtai Yaotian and Xiyao Yunai heard the words of the Northern Desert Shaman Bei Zhouhuang, and they also deeply agreed, and they agreed one after another, asking you Dongtai Yaotian and Dong Zhouhuang to ask the other two Zhou Emperors.

"Hmph! It's enough to slaughter him in the Three Realms of Unlimited Cloud Tribulation!"

Although the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, the performance of the nine-headed dragon demon in the first stage of the infinite cloud calamity of the universe made the three emperors of the universe very annoyed!

But they are all unwilling to accept being defeated and insulted, so the North Desert Shaman still underestimates the evil Nine-headed Dragon Demon, Emperor Zhou, and said.

"Okay! Then let's kill him without delay!"

Dongtai Yaotian and Xiyao Yunai also thought that the Three Realms Unlimited Cloud Tribulation had already been destroyed, and Emperor Zhou Emperor Wushang was more than evil enough, so they responded in unison.

Then the three Yun Zhou Bian Zhan Zhanhuang suddenly exploded with whistling hurricane vortex, and immediately brought the even more terrifying third realm of Unlimited Cloud Calamity in Yun Zhou.

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