Nine Heavens

Chapter 1921 The Immortal Shadow of the Universe

Chapter 1921 Yunzhou Fairy Shadow

"Hey! This is already the infinite cloud calamity of the eighth realm! This lunatic is still unstoppable by lightning strikes, and the electric shock is endless! I am afraid that the infinite cloud calamity of the nine realms will not be able to do anything to him!"

Dongtai Yaotian danced three black star suns, eyes full of disbelief, looking at the emperor of the universe laughing and pouring wine in the hundreds of millions of light, the eight realms, the infinite cloud calamity and all the calamities, the supreme and evil nine heads Dragon Demon, Dongtai Yaotian shook his head and sighed.

"Now the emperor of this universe is believed to believe the words of Empress Nuwa. She once said that the beginning of the lower realm of the Tianling River and the lower realm of the spirit should be the time of changes in the new era of the earth, universe, and even the cloud and sky!

Back then we used to laugh at the human race she created successively. We never imagined that after being reincarnated in the human race in the flesh of the little Tianling River, some waves, flowers and plants in the moon ray of sunlight, they would evolve so powerfully. We really underestimated them! It even underestimated the determination of Empress Nuwa to change the rules of the immortals and gods in the sky and the sky! "

Xi Yaoyun heard Dongtai Yaotian's words, although his hands continued to control hundreds of thousands of evil clouds to attack the Zoudijun Supreme and evil Nine-headed Dragon Demon, but the bottom of his heart was already secretly sighing that Zhou Dijun Supreme and evil Nine-headed Dragon Demon At the same time, he remembered the matter of the Nuwa Empress bestowing the soul to Tianlinghe, and said.

"His strength doesn't come from the lowly mortal race, but they were lucky enough to obtain the divine power of the ancient spirit, coupled with the spiritual power of the seven-color fate soul bestowed by the Nuwa Empress, and the various divine weapons bestowed by the Lord Yun, he was able So outrageous!

However, so what, since the beginning of history in the lower realm, that universe has escaped from Lord Yun's control! The surrender of the other ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine universes is proof!

As for his "Wang Yuan Di Zhou", even if he has survived the infinite cloud calamity of Yun Zhou alone, there is still his entire "Wang Yuan Di Zhou" people!

The emperor of this universe does not believe that he has the ability to make every person who wanders into the universe break through the infinite cloud calamity of the universe and break into the universe! Besides, we haven't used the Nine Realms Unlimited Cloud Calamity yet!

Together with the Nine Realms Infinity Cloud Calamity, the entire universe will be turned upside down, and the Wuji Tribulation Elephant and the 99,999 Great Extinguishing Mortal Spirit Five Spirit Clouds will attack at the same time, and from then on, he will not die, and the calamity will continue! No matter how powerful he is, he will be dead sooner or later!

The two emperors of the universe, don't give up, don't do anything, let's just do everything right, and open up the sky, the first time, let's use the nine realms of infinite cloud calamity! "

The Northern Desert Shaman, the Northern Zhou Emperor, has to admit that the Emperor Zhou is supreme, and the power of the evil nine-headed dragon demon is terrifying! However, he still refused to admit defeat, and then proposed to continue to perform the infinite cloud calamity of the nine realms of the universe.

"Exercising the Nine Realms Unlimited Cloud Tribulation is a very important matter. We should ask Yun for instructions and wait for Lord Yun's consent!"

Dongtai Yaotian and Xiyao Yunmi saw that this was the end of the matter, and the immortal Zhou Emperor, the supreme evil nine-headed dragon demon, was sure that the nine heavens would not be quiet, and they had the same intention in their hearts, but they said it.

"That's natural, the two Zhou Emperors will stick here for a while, and this Zhou Emperor will go to Yunting to ask for a decree!"

Seeing that the two Zhou Emperors did not object, the Northern Mo Shaman immediately stopped the crazy dance, slapped the evil bells and drums all over his body, and then Mo Yang was born under his body, and he was about to leave.

"The three Yunzhou Bianzhou and the three Bianzhou Emperors and War Emperors received the order!"

At this moment, the northern desert shaman Beizhouhuang, the Dongtai demon Tiandongzhouhuang, and the western demon Yunmi suddenly heard the voices of the two gods, Qingbai Xuanzhi, from hundreds of millions of miles above their heads.

The Northern Desert Shaman, the Northern Zhou Emperor, stopped immediately, and saluted the other two Zhou Emperors together:

"I respectfully invite the two gods to declare the decree!"

"Well! For the sake of Yunzhou's safety, Shi Jie Yuntai flexibly established Yunzhou's immortal power. Yunjun is very satisfied with this. Yunjundao, the great virtue Yunzhou has always been broad-minded, pointing out all the benefits of heaven and heaven, Zhou Lingxian Ascension, and then turned against the world, and even the example of Yuntian.

However, there is a limit to everything, and those who benefit the sky will help! Those who harm the sky will kill! What kind of fairy body does the person who crosses the catastrophe below belong to? Wanwang will judge, and will not let go of any cause that harms the sky. This! "

The three Zhou Emperors raised their heads and looked up, just in time to see a blue fairy robe covering the body, a pure white cloud robe covering the body, and two handsome and elegant Yunjun Xuanzhi two gods standing in the clouds.

Half of the edict proclaimed is blue and the other half is pure white, on which are written on the leaves of Jin Guangxian's book, and the spiritual light bursts out.

"Haha... Yunjun Shengming, thank you Xuanzhi and the two gods, please tell Yunjun, we will definitely not insult Yunzhou Tianwei, use the nine-level infinite cloud calamity, and destroy the earth's emperor, the supreme and evil nine-headed dragon demon!"

The three Yun Zhou Zhan Emperors were overjoyed when they heard the content of Yun Jun's decree and heard the content of Xuanzhi and the two gods.

"With your words, Mr. Yun's heart can probably be put down. The robbery is important. We will go back and reply! Don't bother me anymore!

oh! One more thing, Mr. Yun asked us to bring you the Celestial Artifact of Yunzhou Immortal Armament, the Celestial Artifact of Zhou Palace, and Jun Yun said that the infinite immortal weapon and divine weapon within it are for infinite cloud calamity, so you just use it! "

The two gods of Yunzhou Yunjun's innocence and Xuanzhi had already floated away, but after a while, they suddenly turned around and threw down a flashing evil rainbow kit, then turned around and left with a sigh.

"Thank you Yun-jun! Thanks to the two gods for proclaiming the decree, Shi Jie Yuntai is so negligent, I respectfully send you two!"

When the three Zhou Emperors heard that Lord Yun was willing to let them use the Yungong Immortal Artifacts, they were all elated and happily agreed, letting you grab them into the sky almost at the same time.

" don't look at yourself in the cloud mirror, whether it is a demon, a demon or a fairy, the magic treasure bag of this monster should be taken by you, it should belong to me and my wife!

What do you say, Xia'er? "

"Hehe...Xia'er is at her husband's discretion. Xia'er thinks what the Nine Swords say about Yue is right!"

"Cut! Fairy Zixia, you weren't like this before. When I got married with you, I got you after fighting your Ziyang magic skill! Why is the hero short of breath now and has become soft cotton? Gentle, I am so unaccustomed to Nine Swords!"

"You! I think you just like being abused. Don't talk nonsense. If you don't take away that Yunjun magic weapon and magic weapon kit, I will like it just by looking at it!"

"Hey! Yes, lady!"


However, after the three Zhou Emperors watched the two gods Xuanzhi leave, just as the kit was about to fall into the hands of the three Zhou Emperors, a hurricane of ice swirled behind them. The rainbow bag roared and rushed tens of thousands of miles into the sky.


The faces of the three Zhou Emperors changed drastically in an instant, because they saw two fairy shadows appearing in the sky above, controlling hundreds of millions of dragons to roar and gallop, and standing steadily on top of the hundreds of millions of dragons.

Those two fairy figures, a man and a woman, one was wearing a bright red robe, the other was fluttering in a purple fairy costume.

One holds the Yinhong Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword in one hand, and the other holds a round of Ziyang in one hand.

The two embraced each other, flirting and flirting, the man waved his hand, took the Xiehong bag in his hands, and then offered it to Zixia woman with a smile.

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