Nine Heavens

Chapter 1922

Chapter 1922

"Huh! You are He Zhou spirit demons, you dare to fly over the kalpa and fly to Yun Zhou to be rampant. Hurry up and report your name, otherwise you will die!"

The three Zhou Emperors became furious and gnashed their teeth angrily. The Northern Desert Shaman, the Northern Zhou Emperor, roared and asked.

"Oh! Xia'er, the next three days the mad dogs are asking who we are, did you tell them, or came here for the husband."

The man in the red robe is controlling hundreds of millions of divine dragons to gallop with majestic momentum, but he is extremely gentle to the Zixia woman beside him, asking his wife in a gentle voice.

"Let me come, didn't we agree when we visited the hall, the male lead outside, the female lead inside, this kind of declaration of status is really small, let's count it as a small matter at home.

The three big fools below heard it clearly, my name is Fairy Zixia, and I am his wife, and his name is Nine Swords Sword Demon, and he is my husband. We don't change our name when we sit, we don't change our surname when we work, and we don't have any hobbies on weekdays. We just snatch other people's things when we see something we like.

Just now, I had nothing to do to play in the clouds, but I took a fancy to this kit, so we snatched it! But don’t be afraid, we only rob money, if you don’t resist, we won’t kill people, especially old men like you! "

The woman who claimed to be Zixia Fairy, after saying these words, thought she had expressed herself very well, she didn't look down, but looked at her husband, waiting for praise with affection.

"Wow! Xia'er, I really can't see that you are not only good at dancing, but you can also speak so forcefully. I am so lucky to marry you as my husband!"

The woman's words were irritating, and the men's words were boundless and flattering. Tens of thousands of miles below, the three Zhou Emperors were so angry that they couldn't laugh or cry, and their noses were crooked.

"Hurry up and return Jun Yun's kit to us, and go back to your spirit universe immediately!"

The three Zhou Emperors were roaring in anger, and they were already roaring towards Nine Swords and Fairy Zixia who were tens of thousands of miles high.

"Husband, what should I do? I said I don't want to kill them, but they want to die so much?"

Seeing the three Zhou Emperors soaring and surrounding them, Fairy Zixia lay her head on her husband's arms, her beautiful eyes were full of pity, and asked her husband.

"Alas! Humans are mortal, and it's all because we are too great. All demons and monsters like to die under your Ziyang Divine Art, my Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and the Hundred Million Years Shenyue Punisher!

Since they are so persistent, why don't we be beautiful as adults! Do it, or they will do it first! "


It's too late, so fast! Just when the three Zhou Emperors were about to strike, the Nine Swords suddenly slashed out. After Zhou Tian slashed out a huge circle of rainbows, surrounded by hundreds of millions of dragons, they instantly disappeared into divine light.


Then I heard the resonance of the three Zhou Emperors besieging Nine Swords and Fairy Zixia. However, this sound was the loud noise of the collision of three evil rainbows blasted by the three Zhou Emperors, and the central targets of the attack, Nine Swords and Fairy Zixia, had long since disappeared.

"Hehe... Husband, you are good or bad, why did you lie to three silly old men?"

"The lady is even worse. She clearly said she wanted to kill them, but she ended up hiding with me."

"I didn't learn from you. It is said in the world that if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, and if you marry a dog, follow the dog. I, Fairy Zixia, married you Cowardly Nine Swords, so I naturally learned how to run for my life!"

"You've said the wrong thing. My Nine Swords follow the master. My husband today is the one who dominates the world of the ancient universe and the world of the earth and immortals. There are hundreds of millions of immortal battles, not to mention hundreds of millions. Otherwise, how could it be possible?" I met my wife in Nether Hell.

I, Nine Swords, are not timid. I have understood a truth since I was a child. If you can't beat someone, you should run away quickly. If you are not good, you will be killed or disabled. Only by running away can you change to another place and continue to enjoy yourself! "

"Oh! Husband is so evil, he is a big liar. You act like this, and dare to say that you are a fearless hero everywhere. Pity me, I saw you controlling hundreds of millions of dragons in the nether hell, and I admire you as a hero. Heart to heart! It turns out that you are not a hero, but a bear!"

"The universe is so chaotic, no matter what hero, it's not easy to have one. Look at the master's appearance at this time. If I, a bear, sensed the danger of the master, I asked the twelve peak masters of the overlapping universe to send us two away. If the three old men get Yun Jun's kit for entering the crack in the universe, then it will be fine!

You and I both know that our strength at this time is not their opponent, but our superimposed universe instant escape magic skill is incomparable to them, let's go, go to see our emperor! "

"Husband, what you said seems to make a little sense, we'd better run away.

However, according to Palace Master Zhiqing, the emperor seems to have been poisoned by death, and his immortal body is controlled by the death cloud bird. He probably doesn't even know himself. Will he recognize us? "

"Whether we recognize it or not, we have to help the master. I have figured it out with Nine Swords. No matter how happy the two of us are, we will not be happy by the master's side!

The world is happy and warm, but I am a fairy sword, and my wife is Xiaxian. In addition to our own happiness and warmth, we can also help the master so that more people in the universe will be like us. This is the greater meaning of our existence! "

"Ah! Husband, you are so brilliant! I take back what I just said. I am not marrying a chicken or a dog. I am marrying a wolf dog! Husband is so domineering and ambitious!"

"Stop! The lady should praise me as a chicken or a dog. The lady's fairy tales should be studied hard. Why have I been in the world for tens of thousands of years, except for cats and dogs, I have been chickens and ducks. The most courageous description is a wolf dog! Pity my generation of immortal swords that used to dominate the wind and clouds, turned into a sickle!"

"Okay, don't be angry. In the future, you should study hard and merge into the five elves, and lose to me. My God! Husband, look, can we deal with those infinite clouds and calamities that the emperor killed?" ?”

"Of course I can't deal with it, but I have a hundred million years of Xingchenzhu, and you have Ziyang. We will hide in it, turn into a spirit and spin, and protect him. In case his immortal body is destroyed, we can take him in." The Five Essences and Immortal Treasures back to Earth, let him be resurrected!"

"Well, Husband is still thoughtful, Xia'er listened to Husband. But Husband promised me to help me find Yang'er and Yueer after Dijun recovered his fairy body."

"Okay, okay, my husband has always remembered, we are going to protect the master!"


In anger, the three Yun Zhou Emperors rushed to attack, but they failed to attack Nine Swords and Fairy Zixia, their expressions were stunned again, they looked around each other, they were all baffled in their hearts.

Then they heard Jiujian and Fairy Zixia talking and laughing from Yunzhou's unknown direction.

"How is this possible? They are obviously the spirit immortals of the universe, how can they escape the speed attack of the cloud spirits of our upper realm Yunzhou!?"

Regarding this, Dongtai Yaotian Dongzhou Emperor frowned and thought for a long time, and asked the other two Zhou Emperors in confusion.

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