Nine Heavens

Chapter 1923 The Sky Witch's Prophecy

Chapter 1923 Sky Witch Prophecy

"Sigh! Yuntian Erzhou may no longer be the most powerful existence in the Yuan Universe in the future!

Sure enough, as Mr. Yun expected, after six times of spiritual extinction and nine rebirths in Wanwan Diverse, overlapping universes still appeared after all! "

The Northern Desert Shaman, the Northern Zhou Emperor, looked at the scene of the nine-headed dragon demon drinking and fighting wildly under hundreds of millions of miles of light, and sighed.

"Overlapping universes!? Could it be that the Nine Heavens Daluo that Jun Yun once said is a disaster!"

Hearing the exclamation of Bei Zhou Huang, the shaman of the Northern Desert, both Dong Tai Yao Tian Dong Zhou Huang and Xi Yao Yun Mi were shocked.

Because they also heard Mr. Yun mentioned that in the future, the spiritual bodies of the myriad universes in the time and space of spiritual life, that is, the strength of the cultivators of the human race in the universe of the universe may surpass the strength of the ancient spirits and gods of the two universes of Yuntian, and become Zhuyuan. Lord of the universe.

That is to say, the current Yuntianzhou may be occupied by Wanwan Dizhou Lingminglingxian in the future and become the master of the universe.

And when this happens, there will definitely be thousands of terrestrial and cosmic changes in time and space. This form was predicted by Yun Zhou Tian Wu's ancestor.

The ancestor of Tianwu once said to Jun Yun:

"The spirit of the chaotic universe breaks through the five elements of the spirit, and beyond the balance of yin and yang, a magical universe will be born!"

It means that in the chaotic universe of the ancient spirit, if the spiritual body breaks through the basic life elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, a new terrestrial variation time and space will appear in the tens of thousands of universes.

In this time and space, the five spirits and physical elements of the human race will not only have the elemental characteristics of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, faces with seven orifices, and balance of limbs, four directions, and eight positions, they will appear in strange and unspeakable forms.

They can not only live in the single universe of the myriad universes, but also travel through any parallel universe of the myriad universes at will, and they can even go beyond the parallel universes of the myriad universes and live in a time-space that has never been changed before. middle.

The space-time, inexplicable elements, and inexplicable latitudes of this mutated universe are not only energy matter, but also spirit. Spiritual life exists in it, and it can exist in formless or in ever-changing forms.

The spiritual immortal bodies there are connected with each other, no longer relying on the senses, but the spiritual thoughts are acting to perceive each other. If you want, of course, the senses can also feel the existence of the other party, and you can define the other party's appearance and posture arbitrarily. As perfect as you want the other party, the other party will be as perfect as you see.

That's all for nothing, the most terrifying thing is that the strength of any spiritual human race in this mutant universe will be extremely terrifying.

They want to destroy the galaxies, the sky is just a blink of an eye, and they can change the laws of the existence of all the universes according to their own wishes, making the existence of the ancient Ling Yuntian two universes useless and constantly dying!

When the ancestor Tianwu proposed this kind of change to Lord Yun in Yunzhou Palace, the hundreds of millions of immortals and gods in the Manchu Dynasty scoffed at it, thinking it was impossible.

At that time, Lord Yun was also furious, and he ordered people to arrest the ancestor of Tianwu on the spot, and burned the ancestor of Tianwu to death in court for the crime of bewitching Yuntian to comfort him!

Ancestor Tianwu kept yelling when he was dying in the True Fire of Ten Thousand Immortals:

"Your generation is not benevolent, Kowloon breaks into the sky! The waves are not extinguished, and the sky is dark!"


"That's right! Ancestor Tianwu doesn't seem to be groundless. He must have divined something back then, so he broke into Yunting suddenly, and made a feast for peace in Tianqing. He didn't hesitate to provoke Yun Jun to speak out!

Later, Mr. Yun himself also divined that inexplicable time and space did appear in the universe. That inexplicable time and space is mysterious and unpredictable, and it seems to exist, and any law of the sky cannot fail to capture the form and direction of its existence.

The only thing that is certain is that the formation of this inexplicable time and space, all the incentives come from the universe of waves. This is the main reason why Jun Yun must kill Lang Yuan Di Zhou.

Mr. Yun suspects that the inexplicable time and space has the participation of the evil palace of the heavens, and it may be a farce of the cooperation between the wave and the universe and the evil palace of the heavens.

No matter what, this inexplicable time and space has become a powerful catastrophe in the future of Yuntian Eryu, and Lord Yun called it the disaster of the Nine Heavens Daluo! And the future countermeasures have already been planned!

Now that these two Earth Spirit Immortals appear in our Yunzhou time and space so casually, they must come from the inexplicable time and space, that is, the overlapping universe mentioned in the report of the dead mourning seven birds.

Otherwise, with their strength, it is impossible to break into the eight heavenly gates in all directions of Yunzhou, and it is impossible to escape casually under the attack of our Yunling's speed! "

The Northern Desert Shaman Bei Zhou Huang's eyes flashed rainbows, staring at the location where Nine Swords and Fairy Zixia disappeared, unwilling to let them escape like this.

However, they were terribly disappointed, no matter how much the three Zhou Emperors bent down to look around, the two figures that made them roar angrily were never seen again.

Then they roared and rushed to Yunzhou Shijie Yuntai again, and after a while, they performed the terrifying nine-level infinite cloud robbery.


Nine realms of infinite cloud calamity, except for the infinite cloud calamity, the entire cloud and sky became as black as ink, and the power of infinite power turned into thunderbolt and lightning, killing souls and destroying spiritual swords, blasting to the ground like a storm Zhou Dijun is supreme and no longer evil nine-headed dragon demon!

The emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, and the nine-headed dragon demon is laughing and pouring wine in the whistling hurricane vortex around him, manipulating the Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword, and when he is overwhelming the situation, he suddenly feels the pressure of hundreds of millions of clouds and clouds under the pressure of hundreds of millions of divine power, Jiu Lian's body It is difficult for the nine strands of ancient spirit and chaotic divine power to compete with it!

In an instant, the supreme and evil Nine-Headed Dragon Demon felt that the body of the Nine-Headed Dragon Demon, which was covered in wounds and bruises, became thousands of wounds and hundreds of holes in an instant, and blood spouted by fairy spirits!

The colorful blood in Jiutianjue veins is like the sea rushing, with violent waves.

Immortal soul, varicose veins, wild jumping and roaring. The viscera and six internal organs are constantly tossed and twisted, coupled with the siege of infinite calamities around the body, resulting in the supreme emperor of the universe and the evil nine-headed dragon demon, a headache that is about to split, and the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are all tormented.

The emperor of the universe is the supreme evil nine-headed dragon demon. Because of the pain, he roared up to the sky and controlled the flying speed of the shuttle. It was like a meteor lightning, and the nine dragon heads screamed and shook the sky.

"Haha...good wine!"


Such painful torment, the body of the Nine-Dragon Demon, flying scales and lost horns, but the Emperor Di Zhou is supreme, no matter how evil the Nine-Headed Dragon Demon is, he is still flying and laughing wildly, holding wine and wielding a sword, looking at the beheaded elephants around him, and looking at the greatness of the upper world. Then there will be thunder and lightning, and the wine will still be poured!

"Well, haha...Xia'er, look at Dijun, he is still my former master, no matter what he has become, just rely on this wild and unyielding energy, which is what my master has!"

"Fairy Zixia sees the emperor!"

"Nine swords come to help the master!"

When the emperor of the universe, the evil nine-headed dragon, the righteous demon, and the madness poured wine on the infinite cloud calamity of the nine realms, he suddenly felt a kind and powerful breath, and then saw a flashing light ball appearing on the left and right sides of his body.

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