Nine Heavens

Chapter 1924 The Sword Spirit Comes to Help

Chapter 1924 Sword Spirit Comes to Help

There are two balls of light, one dazzling purple, the other azure blue and clear, and there are figures floating in each of them, a woman and a man.

Men's red robes, women's purple fairy skirts fluttering.

As soon as the two of them appeared, they immediately used their hands to cast the supernatural hair tactic, urging the two blue and red rainbows of righteous spirits to continuously inject them into the body of the nine-headed dragon demon.

This instantly reduced the pain of the infinite torment felt by the supreme and evil nine-headed dragon demon.

"Nine swords! Zixia! It's you!"

The eighteen dragon eyes on top of the nine dragon heads of the evil nine-headed dragon demon are all entangled in blood. After seeing each other clearly, they immediately shouted in surprise.

"Master is really mean. Didn't we agree when we left? Master summoned us anytime in trouble! If it wasn't for Princess Zhuqing who came to look for us, we would have thought that Master would have been at ease in the heavens!"

When Jianren met, both of them felt ups and downs, and the past rushed to their hearts. Jiujian was a little teary, but he joked when he was in danger.

" know me. This emperor likes to fight alone when it comes to such a quick life and death. If you all come, how can I have a chance to be happy!"

The supreme emperor of the universe, no matter how evil the nine-headed dragon demon, endured the unprecedented cloud calamity, all kinds of calamity, thunder and lightning, his heart and soul were burnt, and he might fall at any time.

However, at this moment, when he saw his Nine Heavens Immortal Fate Sword Entity Sword Spirit Nine Swords coming to rescue him, and also heard that it was summoned by the Palace Master Zhiqing, his heart was not warm, and in gratitude, he even answered funny.

Such a dialogue between the two made Zixia Fairy in Ziyang on the side have an illusion that the emperor of the universe is supreme and the evil nine-headed dragon demon is suffering from the nine-level infinite cloud calamity at all. It seems that there is still something to be desired. a feeling of.

"Where is Xiaojian, master! His current strength should be infinitely stronger than mine, why can't he sense his existence?"

Hearing the words of the emperor of the universe and the evil nine-headed dragon demon, and looking at the master's demon body with thousands of holes, Jiujian asked distressedly.

"Just like you, he is going to have a spiritual body. The spiritual sword of the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword Spiritual Sword will soon take human form. Now the fairy sword is undergoing the final body-spirit fusion in my black jade skull training stage.

You guys came at the right time, if I can't survive the catastrophe, I will definitely protect the Moyu Skeleton and bring it back to the Universe of Waves! I have the evil poison of death in my body, and I have already made the plan to die together with hundreds of millions of immortals and gods in Yunzhou! "

No matter how evil the Nine-headed Dragon Demon is, no matter how crazy and rebellious the Di Zhou Emperor is, he knows very well in his heart that no matter whether he survives the infinite cloud calamity of the universe or not, he will never be able to return to his beloved Langyuan Xianmen! Therefore, the eighteen dragon eyes flashed sadly.

"No! The master can recognize us, which means that the master has defeated the death cloud bird that manipulates your five essences in the body. This is already much more optimistic than the guess of the master of the passion palace!

As for the evil poison of death in the master's body, I believe that the Palace Master of Execution will find a way to rectify the master's body! Master, don't do stupid things like dying with those Yunzhou Yunxians!

The master of the Passionate Palace asked me to tell you that you still owe her a fairy wedding gift to marry her. She said that if the master doesn't give her this fairy wedding gift, she will suffer forever! "

Hearing his master's words, Jiu Jian immediately retorted, and said what the master of the Execution Palace, Rang Yu, said.

"Zhier, haha..."

The emperor of the universe is supreme and the evil nine-headed dragon demon heard the words, the expectations in his heart suddenly increased, and he sighed secretly, it turns out that Zhi'er did not abandon himself at all, he loves himself and loves himself forever, she also said that he would marry her !

"Ha ha……"

Hearing such words, the emperor of the universe, no matter how evil the nine-headed dragon demon, suddenly felt that there was no depression in his heart, and the colorful blood all over his body surged, washing away the nine-headed dragon and demon all over his body.

The languid body, the broken eighteen dragon claws, and the misty eighteen dragon eyes suddenly flourished, and the fighting spirit was instantly high.

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, the body and soul of the nine-headed dragon and demon are in pain, but the five spirits are infinitely joyful, and they burst out laughing majesticly.


"Continue to strengthen the suppression of Yun Ze's mental power in the nine realms of the cloud, the unlimited cloud robbery, the five spirits, and the eight directions and ten. Don't look at him flying wildly and laughing wildly, splashing wine and drifting around, it's obviously just a deliberate posturing before death. !

It just so happened that the two earth spirit demons were also beside him, we just need to keep controlling the infinite cloud calamity and continue to cast it over and over again. Sooner or later, their celestial power and five spirits will be exhausted, so it's no wonder they won't die by then! "

At a height of hundreds of millions of light miles, above Yunzhou Shijie Yuntai, the Northern Desert Shaman Beizhou Emperor, Dongtai Yaotian Dongzhou Emperor and Xiyao Yunyu Xizhou Emperor, there are many ghosts, and they all fell into the state of Shijie's madness , I can no longer see their faces clearly.

The Northern Desert Shaman, the Northern Zhou Emperor, was trembling with magic bells and demon bells all over his body. His mouth was humming and chanting endlessly. In the bewilderment, his sharp eyes swept under the billions of light, and he said coldly.

"That's right, seeing that his nine-headed dragon demon body is almost shattered, it will definitely collapse completely in less than tens of thousands of years. If it weren't for his immortal soul and nine-day bloodless veins, the infinite cloud calamity of 30,000 years would not have happened to him." Absolutely can't bear it.

What's more, the infinite cloud calamity, from the infinite cloud calamity of the first realm to the infinite cloud calamity of the nine realms, repeats itself, how can he resist forever! "

"Ha ha……"

The three Zhou Emperors thought they had the chance to win, and the infinite evil rainbow hurricane roared around them, mixed with their wild laughter, strengthening the infinite cloud calamity moment by moment.


"Master, this is the bag that Jun Yun's innocent Xuanzhi two gods threw to the three cloud demons above. I heard from them that there seem to be many fairy artifacts and treasures in it. Here, let's see if there are any usable things in it to deal with them! "

Nine Swords and Fairy Zixia tried their best to infuse righteous spirit and supernatural power into the body of Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie Nine-headed Dragon Demon, in case Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zai Evil Nine-headed Dragon Demon resisted the infinite cloud calamity, because of anxiety, It causes the demonic nature to explode and stimulates the evil poison of death.

In the process of injecting the divine power of the billion-year-old star orb into the evil nine-headed dragon demon for the emperor of the universe, Jiujian suddenly remembered what he and Fairy Zixia had taken, so he said.

"Naturally there are a lot of miraculous things in it, but don't open it for the time being, Yunzhou Yunjun is very scheming, if he finds out that you have appeared in Yunzhou, and deliberately allows you to win the treasure, it will be a disaster if it contains mystery.

This emperor is already in a catastrophe, so there is no fear of death, but you are different, although you are in a catastrophe, you have not been suppressed by Yun Zhou's spiritual law, it is better to be careful. Give me the kit, it will be useful at critical moments. "

No matter how evil the nine-headed dragon is, the emperor of the universe has already planned in his heart. Since he is suffering from the evil poison of death, if the poison cannot be removed, even death will not be cheap. That's why I say so.

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