Nine Heavens

Chapter 1929

Chapter 1929

"Brother, is what Master said true, that nine-headed dragon demon?"

After Langhua Feixian and Luo Ying listened to Yun Zhou Yun Jun's words, their eyes were all directed towards the Di Zhou Di Jun Supreme Evil Nine-Headed Dragon Demon on the opposite side.

After pausing for a long time, Luo Ying glanced sideways at her elder brother Langhua Feixian whose face was still icy.

"It's not wrong. Master doesn't need to lie to us. It seems that he has been poisoned by the evil poison of death that we have planted on the border of the universe!"

"Then we still..."

"Of course we will do justice for the heavens! As righteous spirits and immortal gods, we set up destiny to save the world and bring peace to the universe. Our mentor and teacher's wife did not hesitate to kill the death blood demon and the lifeless tearful mother of the universe, and personally acted as the death of the undead souls of the universe. Be the leader of the cloud birds, and subdue them, train them into the death sky army, and suppress all unrighteous things in the two universes of the sky and the universe of the world!

Even Master loves us infinitely, his old man endured the pain and shed tears and sent us to the universe of death to practice the evil art of death.

For the sake of the universe, it can be said that the master sacrificed what ordinary people cannot sacrifice, and did what all the gods in the sky and the sky could not do, and then he did so many things for the benefit of the three worlds behind his back, but he never explained to others , willing to bear everything alone!

If the master is like this, we, as disciples, have listened to him since childhood to protect the peace and tranquility of the heavens and clouds, and the truth that he will not hesitate to sacrifice himself. In the face of righteousness, how can we be confused about where we should go? "

"Brother means... we treat him..."

Brother and sister Langhua Feixian and Luoying Fairy talked so far, Luoying Fairy looked at the supreme and evil Nine-headed Dragon Demon, staring at the nine-headed Dragon Demon's eighteen non-hostile eyes, suddenly her heart was shocked, and she didn't want to The meaning of making a move asked his elder brother Langhua Feixian without hesitation.

"Since he has fallen into a demon, he is no longer our father, leaving him as a threat to the future of the Yuntian universe, a scourge to the universe, and a heinous demon around my mother.

In order to save the lives of millions of people and spirits in the Yuntian II Universe and the Earth Universe, as well as the safety of their mothers, we must destroy them! "

Langhua Feixian, recalling in his mind his teacher Yun Zhou Yunjun instilled in him all kinds of educational ideas of righteousness and extinction of relatives for the universe since he was a child, and the scene of his teacher caring for him in every possible way. He firmly believed that his decision was right, so he said very resolutely.

"But he is our biological father after all. We claim to protect the safety and happiness of all living beings and spirits in the universe, but even our own biological father is going to be killed. How can we convince the immortals of Yuntian II universe!"

At the critical moment, Luo Ying couldn't bear it, and said.

"Huh!? Didn't you hear what I said just now? He is already a demon, and he is no longer our father. Our father, didn't the master say that he used to be a handsome, unrestrained and unrestrained man with a clear distinction between justice and hatred?" Shang Dade Xianjun.

It's a pity that Shui'er, the demon girl from Liling Cave, the first evil sect in ancient times to chase after his wife, gradually fell into the way of demons, but she kept deceiving and robbing Niang and other eight daughters of the righteous fairy sect in the world as demon wives. It's so hateful, my mentor and sister are all in pain and weeping endlessly.

He often lamented that he was too benevolent and couldn't bear to clean up the family, so that his demonic nature gradually increased, and now he dominates the universe of waves and fate, and he even has the heart to lead the whole family to rebel against the sky and the universe!

In desperation, for the sake of the universe, the master endured the pain and entered the universe of death, raising us two brothers and sisters to be the God of Death, all for the purpose of dealing with this demon!

Now this demon is right in front of you, Luo Ying! Don't be confused, if you don't remove it at this time, the girl you dream of seeing will never be possible.

The mentor said, as long as we kill this demon and get rid of Langyuan Xianmen, we can save our mother.

Then the teacher personally washed us away from the evil poison of death in the Yuntai of Shengxian baptism, and gave us the Yunzhou Immortal Mansion. From then on, our mother and we can live a peaceful and peaceful life forever! "

Speaking of this, Lang Yuan Feixian's handsome and cold eyes were full of longing, and he looked at his sister Luo Ying.

"Can't we find a way to remove the evil poison of death in his body and restore him to his original appearance as a righteous spirit and fairy god!

The master didn't mean that he was once a disciple of the master, but he was kicked out by the master because of his many evil deeds. Since Master can remove the evil poison of death from our body in the future, he can definitely remove it for him.

Didn't Master often say, do good deeds and live happily ever after, and don't have an evil thought? Although he is evil, if we kill our own father, isn't it like a demon!

I will ask my teacher to ask him to help us. It is better not to kill him. I think no matter how evil he is, mother will not want him to die! "

Fairy Luoying is kind-hearted after all. Although the death and evil poison in her body invaded, the five essences are always of good destiny, so she is always unwilling to make decisive things against the evil nine-headed dragon demon.

Just when the death war elephant of myself and my brother was close to the edge of the emperor's supreme and evil nine-headed dragon war elephant, I was still hesitating.

"My silly sister, you are so naive, do you think it's that simple.

Even if the mentor promised to get rid of the evil poison of death in his body, would the infinite evil things he had done before be wiped out?

As a result of God's will, all the consequences of his mistakes must be borne by him! All he faced was death! Otherwise, the universe will not tolerate it! "

"But! Why did the master choose us and let us do such a rebellious thing as children killing their own fathers!?"

Fairy Luoying felt very uncomfortable in her heart. For some reason, the opponent was clearly a nine-headed dragon demon, but when she saw the opponent's eyes with eighteen dragon eyes, they were infinitely warm and loving.

Luo Ying saw it in his eyes and warmed it in his heart. Luo Ying felt that the other party's ferocious demon state gave Luo Ying the feeling that at this moment, he didn't feel the slightest disgust.

Therefore, Luo Ying was trying her best to find a reason, hoping that the war that was about to break out in front of her would not happen.

"Master didn't force us, didn't he say that this is our personal robbery, whether to do it, everything is up to us!

If the devil in front of me is still the father of the righteous fairy god, I, Langhua Feixian, would rather survive the catastrophe. I will naturally accept the test of anger, and I will never do the evil deed of killing my own father of!

But it’s different now, we’re not doing justice for the heavens, we’re not doing justice for the heavens! So sister, listen to brother, do it! Kill him, and then immediately go to Langyuan to save your mother! "

"Go save my mother!"

Hearing this word, Fairy Luoying suddenly felt a move in her heart.

Wanting to see what their mother looks like, this is what Fairy Luoying and Feixian Langyuan have always dreamed of since they were young.

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