Nine Heavens

Chapter 1930 Attacking Father's Confusion

Chapter 1930 Attacking the Confusion of the Father

The master described more than once how beautiful his mother was, how she was controlled by the devil father, and was in great pain. He encouraged himself and his brother to practice magic skills well, and when they grow up, kill their father to save their mother.

Wanwang's impulse to miss her mother, the teacher's preaching in her ears, and her brother's order finally made Fairy Luoying reluctantly make up her mind, and then her slightly peaceful face was instantly covered with frost.

This face was as good as Dong Luomei's face, and it was so beautiful that it was suffocating. However, it was pale and daunting for a moment, and there was a billowing black death evil spirit all over it.

Seeing her sister finally made up her mind, Langhua Feixian Qian'er showed an unhappy smile on her resolute and cold face, and nodded slightly.

Even though Langhua Feixian has a resolute personality with clear distinctions and an unambiguous principle of grievances and hatreds, but when persuading his sister he is articulate, but when it is his turn, his heart is actually very painful.

Killing one's own father, such an act, no matter for any reason, is absolutely not what a brother and sister should do.

However, at this moment, he had to make a difficult choice. Not being able to make a choice, she is still persuading her kind sister to do things against her will with her.

Langyuan Feixian has a long-term vision since she was a child, that is, whenever the master said that her father was a devil and bullied her mother, she would silently pray in her heart, hoping that her father would turn his back on evil as soon as possible.

Then, when I and my sister grow up, I will go to my father and mother together and live happily together.

But this wish, as he grows up, is completely wiped out by his teacher's evil stories about his father one after another, and what follows is infinite resentment towards his father.

If I am like this, so will my younger sister. Her wish is broken, but she still has her mother in her heart. According to Master, Niang is 100% perfect, kind, beautiful, and emphasizing love and righteousness.

This is my mother's strength, but also my mother's shortcoming. Because of her beauty, she was favored by the evil father, and because of her kindness, she was deceived by her father. So much so that my mother was trapped in the dire straits of Langyuan Xianmen, bewitched by her father's sweet words, and she was willing to be tortured and bullied, and lived like a year.

Countless scenes of mother being beaten and bullied by her father, and the bullying was once copied in a magic sound shadow stone. Every time I and my sister saw it, I couldn't bear to look directly at it, and we burst into tears.

Every time I watch it, I swear that I must tell the devil-like father to kill and save my mother.

It is precisely for this reason that the brothers and sisters are willing to accept Master's arrangement to enter a strange closed time and space in the Dead Universe, and they are practicing death evil arts. , Rescue mother.

The two brothers and sisters finally agreed, and they looked at each other complicatedly. Then they stepped on the death cloud bird and released the death cry.



The war elephants on both sides finally devoured each other, and there was a huge explosion that exploded throughout the universe, and roared and rolled rainbow waves everywhere.

The brothers and sisters of Langhua Feixian and Luoying Fairy are pitch-black and dead, and the evil rainbow has swallowed up the power of the emperor of the universe, and then the evil nine-headed dragon demon. Then the evil nine-headed dragon demon kept flying and retreating.

Only at the beginning of the meeting of the battle elephants of the two sides, the emperor of the universe and the evil nine-headed dragon demon were instantly knocked away by the powerful hurricane vortex war waves of the opponent's death evil spirit because they did not mobilize their magical powers to resist. .

And then the more and more powerful evil spirit of death attacked, so that Emperor Di Zhou continued to be pushed back wildly without the evil nine-headed dragon demon not resisting.

"Boom! Boom!"

The black lightnings transformed by the evil spirit of death continuously exploded on the body of the emperor of the universe and the evil nine-headed dragon demon, and the thunderbolts of death, which were more terrifying than the infinite cloud calamity, also exploded on him mercilessly!

The dragon body of the nine-headed dragon demon, which had just recovered, was blown up terribly in an instant. Three of the nine dragon heads were blown away, and the other five sides were like broken roots, hanging down.

But the master has always stood proudly and unyielding, despite the violent bombardment of a pair of sons and daughters' dead evil spirits, he is unyielding, Jol dragon scales are flying all over his body like snow, eighteen dragon claws are broken, and dragon claw crumbs are flying all over the sky.

"Ha ha……"

"My child is so good, he has such a supernatural power, haha..."

No matter how evil the emperor of the universe is, the nine-headed dragon demon sees that the demon body does not cover the immortal bones, and the nine heavens have no veins, and the soul of immortality is exposed.

"Kill the others! Kill him quickly, he is about to turn into a death demon, the death poison in his body is rampant, don't you see that his Nine Heavens End Vein is emitting black smoke!"

The brothers and sisters of Langhua Feixian and Luoying Fairy were shocked by the demon father who was chased by the two with wild laughter and loud words.

Because in their imagination, when they attack, this demon will love to fight back a thousand times more cruelly.

However, the facts did not develop as the two had imagined. The other party did not fight back at all, but was willing to be attacked by themselves.

The other party's behavior made Feixian Langhua and Fairy Luoying unexpected, and even began to feel a little disrespectful to the other party's definition of demon.

What is a demon? The reason why they are called demons is that they are the ones who have no profit or no intention, and who have no preemptive possession. But when the other party faced life and death, L was so calm, he didn't cry out in pain, and he still had the heart to praise the other party.

What does this kind of behavior show? Both Langhua Feixian and Luoying Fairy are people with five spirits and wisdom, and they immediately found out that it seemed that the devil father was not as vicious as the master described.

With such hesitation in his heart, the attack speed of his subordinates slowed down, and then the two brothers and sisters did something that they understood but could not understand by themselves.

The combined efforts of the two brothers and sisters managed to stabilize the figure of the Nine-headed Dragon Demon, and then stopped the attack, tens of thousands of miles away from the Nine-headed Dragon Demon. On the opposite side, staring silently at the other party's physical body, only the remnants of the skeleton skeleton.

At this time, apart from the loud laughter of the proud leader above the broken body in the hole opposite, the brother and sister also heard another anxious voice, you are the voice of Master Yunzhou Yunjun.

The two brothers and sisters are young crazy immortals, no matter who they are fighting with, they will never bear that the other party does not make a move, and even put the other party to death. Doing so is a great insult to oneself.

The reason why the two stopped fighting was that apart from the brother and sister who were shocked by the calmness of the other side in the face of death, the two really wanted to ask the other side why they didn't resist.

Therefore, this time, they did not listen to the meaning of Master Yunzhou Yunjun, who was in an inexplicable position in the sky above, and silently examined each other, including the glittering golden skull of the other party mentioned by the master and the existence of the black smog of the Nine Heavens Jue Vein.

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