Nine Heavens

Chapter 1936 Dragon Demon and Buddha Fate

Chapter 1936 Dragon Demon Buddha Fate

"Do you know the contents of "The Complete Book of Destroying Worlds"?"

The emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, and the nine-headed dragon devil heard Yunzhou Yunjun's words, and instead of answering the other party, he asked.

"Of course not, but I once heard that the dead demon father once mentioned that since the "Complete Book of Destruction" appeared in the dead universe, there was only one flash, and there appeared four words of white light that he had never seen before.

At the same time, a book fairy appeared in the "Complete Book of Destroying Worlds". He was all white and glaring, sitting cross-legged on the "Complete Book of Destroying Worlds", telling the devil father that the dead universe will go, and the living universe will be born. The dead universe has no name!

At that time, the demon father asked where it came from, and what were the four characters of white light just now. He said that he was Hui Laobai, the immortal of the living universe, and the four characters flashing from the spiritual light of the living universe said: Nine Heavens Immortal Fate. It means that the dead universe will decline, and the living universe will live.

The devil father was furious when he heard the words, and he raised the magic wand of ten thousand weights and billion fronts to split the "Complete Book of Destruction" into thousands of light pieces. After the thousands of light pieces flew randomly, they disappeared into the darkness of the universe.

The book fairy who claimed to be Lao Bai also shattered into pieces of light and shadow and scattered. When it dissipated, he laughed wildly and said: "Poor Shi Zhou must die!" The appearance of this immortal is to give immortal books to the dead universe, pointing to the future of the dead universe, but it is a pity that the good intentions are trampled, and it is sad! '

From then on, inexplicable sounds began to appear from time to time in the 100,000 Liao Liao space of the Dead Universe.

The sound was like the roar of a beast, howling to the birds in the sky, and the howling of a hurricane. In different areas of the universe, flashes of light appeared from time to time, and thunderbolts and lightnings that had never been seen before appeared in the sky above, and then flying everywhere gradually appeared in the space. Shooting meteors, shining battles...

The demise of the universe followed.

Seeing all this, the demon father regretted the matter of smashing the "Complete Book of Destroying Worlds" back then, and firmly believed that the way to save the perishing universe must be in "Complete Book of Destroying Worlds". The various means of the book.

When I found out that "The Complete Book of Destruction" was on your body, I couldn't help being ecstatic, and began to think of ways to get it from you.

However, later it was suddenly discovered that there was a "Complete Book of Extinct Worlds". If it does not appear on its own, any magical mechanism in it will be impossible to know, unless there is a person who reads the elements of the dead universe and the living universe together. insight into it.

I heard what you said just now, that you were able to see through the abnormality of Shengzhou impregnated with a part of the death evil spirits of the dead universe. "The Complete Book", so I ask you. "

Yun Zhou Yunjun no longer regards the emperor of the earth and the evil nine-headed dragon demon as a living person at all, so he doesn't care what to say to a person who is about to die for the secrets in his heart. , Think of what to say.

At this moment, if it is an outsider, it is difficult to see that the two are enemies of each other, especially Yunzhou Yunjun is killing the evil nine-headed dragon demon.

Just judging from the content of the conversation between the two, sometimes they are like bosom friends who talk about everything.

"It's a pity that I never understood the "Complete Book of Destroyer Worlds". I remember reading it a few times, but unfortunately I couldn't even open it. It just looked black and contained nothing.

However, I found that the color was the same as cowhide at first, but it became darker and darker later!

Hearing what you said, this emperor suddenly wants to see it, there must be many secrets about the universe of life and the universe of death! "

The emperor of the universe is supreme, no matter how evil the nine-headed dragon demon is, it is a bit bitter. People are about to die, even in the face of their opponents, they say it sincerely.

"Originally you were the one who had the most chance, but now it's gone!

You let Ben Yunjun's ultimate endurance can no longer bear it, and finally made up his mind to kill you, you forget everything about Shengzhou!

From then on, you only have evil thoughts of death in your body, and you are heartless, virtuous and even more ruthless, all you need to know is to slaughter everything in the universe! "

Perhaps Yun Zhou Yunjun felt that he had said enough and finally wanted to stop talking.

After a short pause, he said the above words in a very gentle tone, but it made people feel creepy, and he said slowly.

The sound is long and long, like a mourning song played at a funeral.

Before the words stopped, the heavenly spirit in his hand raised the dust, and suddenly a dark and terrifying evil rainbow shot directly at the earth under hundreds of millions of light miles, and the evil nine-headed dragon demon planned to end life in one fell swoop The mind and body of the five essences of the evil nine-headed dragon demon.

"call out--"


"Little girl, what are you doing, you kicked my old Bai here! Amitabha, good! Good!"

At this moment, the emperor of the universe is supreme and the evil nine-headed dragon demon is staggering, and before the sudden white light rainbow in front of the skeleton body that is pouring wine on the altar, a white and crystal-clear fairy scroll whizzes and flies , sitting cross-legged on it is a white and fat monk!

The big fat monk was playing with a string of Buddhist beads shining with thousands of emerald rainbows in his hands, reflecting the golden divine light all over his body, giving him a miraculous and mysterious look.

He smiled all over his face, and when he smiled, the white halo on his face turned into white clouds in the sky, flying everywhere.

Reciting the Buddha's name in his mouth, the sound was like a howling wind, and he actually absorbed it, and bounced back the pitch-black evil rainbow that was shot by Yun Zhou Yunjun.

At the same time, within the pure white fairy scroll beneath him was also a pure white spiritual light bubbling and rolling, forming a huge pure white fairy light lotus around him.

On the pure white lotus, there are four Buddhist inscriptions and golden light Zen words: Dragon Demon Buddha Fate

Lao Bai smiled and saw the nine-headed dragon demon, and his thoughts moved slightly, and the pure white aura lotus suddenly wrapped itself around the nine-headed dragon demon.

A moment later, the Earth Emperor, who was about to annihilate the five essences, sat down on the golden flower platform of the pure white fairy light lotus.

Laobai looked at Di Zhou Dijun in the pure white lotus for a while, then looked down far below and shouted.

"Hee hee! Of course it is to save Lian'er's father!"

While talking, a Lian'er stepped on the colorful silk, holding the golden pagoda in one hand, holding the nine-color lotus in the other, squatting on Xiaobai's shoulders, and appeared beside Laobai in "The Complete Book of Destroying the World" like lightning, smiling Said.

"How do you know we can save your father?"

Old Bai Maitreya asked with a general smile.

"Of course I heard you chatting in Daddy's Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm, and then I used the method of drawing souls from the universe to trick you into my Nine-color Divine Lotus!

But as soon as I begged you to save Daddy, you shook your head vigorously and refused to agree to me, so I had no choice but to kick you here first, otherwise, Daddy can't bear it anymore!

And the old guy Qianse was also caught here by me. Let me tell you, if I don’t save my father today and restore my fairy body, I will turn you all into my flower girls. From now on, I will give you the Nine-color God Lotus Tears of immortals! "

Lian'er looked at her father with the skeleton body inside the white lotus flower, her heart was tormented, her eyes were hazy, but she smiled bitterly.

Because she had a strange dream at night before, a fairy named Empress Nuwa reminded herself that Laobai and Qianse only like smiling men and ignore teary-eyed women!

If they were to cry, they might get back into the fairy scroll immediately, and then there would be no hope for daddy to be rescued!

So even though Lian'er was heartbroken, looking at her father who was suffering, she didn't dare to cry, she could only laugh and talk.

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