Nine Heavens

Chapter 1937

Chapter 1937 Laobai Advises Zen

"The Complete Book of Destruction!"

"Oh ha ha... This is really what people say in the world that there is nowhere to find, and it takes no effort to get it. Ben Yunjun worked so hard to think about what he got, but unexpectedly he delivered it to the door and opened it, and the fairy light reappeared!

Devil father! Is it you who is protecting the dead son? The "Complete Book of Destruction" that you wanted the dead son to find has finally appeared again, and it is now in front of the dead son! Ha ha……"

The sudden appearance of "Complete Book of Destroying Worlds" made Yun Zhou Yunjun ecstatic, laughing maniacally, he stretched out his arms, which are hundreds of millions of light miles long, and grabbed "Complete Book of Destroying Worlds".

"Stop it! Don't think about "The Complete Book of Destruction", I'm still using it to save my father!"


Lian'er saw a giant pitch-black claw suddenly shot at the sky, and grabbed it towards "The Complete Book of Destruction". In desperation, she urged the nine-colored lotus and the rainbow to block it upwards.

"Ah! You, you are..."

When Yunzhou Yunjun was in full bloom, he thought that the "Complete Book of Destruction" below was within his reach, but unexpectedly, a little girl flew from the lower realm and suddenly used the nine-colored lotus and rainbow to resist him, and the power was terrifying!

Because Yun Zhou Yunjun didn't pay attention to the other party at all just now, so he didn't take precautions, causing his pitch-black giant claws to crash into the Nine-color God Lotus and God Rainbow.

After a loud noise, Yunjun Yunjun's pitch-black giant claws were shattered by the terrifying divine power of the Nine-Colored Divine Lotus, and the pitch-black giant palms turned into pitch-black residual clouds, scurrying around.

Yunzhou Yunjun stared blankly at the little Lian'er for a long time, then suddenly understood something, and shouted.

"I'm Lian'er, the good daughter of Emperor Di Zhou, hum! You are so wicked! Why are you bullying my father!

old white! thousands of colors! Hurry up and save my daddy! I'm going to use the Golden Pagoda to collect all the robbery elephants in the infinite cloud, and then drive away this bad old man! "

Lian'er didn't care who the guy above was, anyway, bullying her father couldn't do it anyway. She made a tactic with both hands, and at the same time sacrificed the Nine Colors God Lotus and the Golden Pagoda of Sacrificing Robbery to the top of her head, and shouted softly.

"It turns out that you didn't die, but you were reborn in this ruthless love child! This is something that Ben Yunjun never dreamed of. It's really wonderful!

This is also good, but it saves Ben Yun-jun from looking for your scattered Yuanshen, soul, obsession, and wisdom. Since you are reborn in the Dizhou Langyuan fairy gate, let Ben Yun-jun take you together with Langyuan Dizhou Elimination is also good! "

As if he didn't hear Lian Er's words, Yun Zhou Yunjun cursed coldly and sinisterly.


"Will! Will!"

Lian'er didn't know what he was talking about about Yun Zhou Yunjun's words. As soon as her own words fell, her soul moved, and she had already activated the golden pagoda for robbery.

Under Lian'er's control, the golden pagoda suddenly swelled tens of millions of times, and the monsters on the eight floors above it roared instantly, screaming continuously, and flew towards the emperor of the universe, where the nine-headed dragon demon was located, following the golden pagoda The central position of the infinite cloud robbery elephant.

Thirty-two monsters whizzed and circled above the sky-shattering golden tower of confiscating robbery, screaming wildly, stretching their teeth and claws, stretching in all directions, opening a hundred thousand huge terrifying blood mouths, swallowing thunder and chewing electricity, planing beasts and slapping demons, all of a sudden It caused devastating damage to the vast calamity of the infinite cloud calamity.

"Accept it! Accept it! I will let you bully my daddy! 'Nine', 'Heaven', 'Xian', 'Yuan', 'Ni', 'Heaven', and 'Shang' eat all these nasty things for me !"

Lian'er muttered while manipulating the golden pagoda.

"Ah! Amitabha! Good! Good! It's a remnant child in the extinct universe, who didn't intend to be born in the universe, but is still dreaming of the great dream of the future. It's really sad! Ridiculous! Lamentable!

Death is life, life is death! Poor ignorant god, who doesn't know how to convert immortals! There is no light in the dead universe, and there is no sound everywhere! Once the stars are bright, I don't like to resist and fight! I always thought that your Demon Father Dead Universe was ignorant, so he should wake up when he comes to you!

Therefore, when the dead universe dies, leave your dead fetus in the dead realm. I hope you will follow the radiance of the dead universe, abandon the old thoughts of the dead universe, accept the five essences of the dead universe, and welcome a new life!

However, you let the fairy of this book be disappointed, holding on to death, coldness, darkness, silence, and all evils, not only did you not seek self-rebirth, but you actually went against the light of the new universe, entered the universe with the body of the universe, and did harm The matter of living in the universe! Are you still awake?

The dead universe will not come back again, the living universe, the spiritual universe, and the immortal universe are the future of the universe's continuous evolution! Let the past go, don't be complacent and cling to the wrong ones! "

Lian'er was fully displaying the Golden Pagoda for Tribulation, and Lao Bai Du sat on top of the "Complete Book of Destroying Realms" with pure white spiritual light, clasped his hands together, his body was full of Buddha's light, and his azure blue eyes shrouded the clouds high in the sky, Zhou Yunjun persuaded.

"Is this the guidance you said to save the universe when you were run away by the devil's wand?"

Yun Zhou Yunjun let out a sneer, and questioned Laobai, the book fairy of "The Complete Book of Destruction".

"That's right, if your devil father hadn't split my fairy aura back then, my fairy aura would have been able to wash away all evil in the universe!

Then the entire universe of death will transition to the time and space of the universe of life, and all spiritual life will continue to survive, and at the same time all evil will be wiped out!

However, it is a pity that before the kindness of the fairy in this book can be expressed, the fairy aura was split by your devil father, and I had no choice but to float into the world of the universe to practice and condense again!

Then you, the dead universe, started to launch cosmic wars again and again to destroy the living universe. The ridiculous thing is, the more you fight, the more you lose, until you die!

Not only did he fail to defend himself, not to mention the death of the infinite death demon, but he also brought some death and evil poison to the universe where there should only be righteous spirits, Qingning and fairy spirits. Let Shengzhou also fall into the cycle of spiritual life and death, illness, war and many other evils.

I don’t know if you are dead or the source of evil in the evolution of the universe!

In the past, you didn’t know that you could understand these things. Could it be that after countless years, you haven’t realized these things until now! ? "

Although Laobai, the book fairy in "The Complete Book of Destruction", still had a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of tears, recalled.

"It's just a bunch of nonsense, life and death, life and death, sickness, war and dominance come from our dead world! But Sheng Zhou firmly believes that the body is upright and not afraid of shadows! In the end, Sheng Zhou's soul, soul, heart, and five essences are not righteous enough. Powerful, otherwise what if the universe is evil again?

Old bald donkey, stop talking nonsense. Now that I see you, I feel that what the devil father did was right! It's just a pity that the Demon Father didn't kill you completely!

You have heard this clearly from Mr. Ben Yun, Mr. Ben Yun will never give up everything about regaining the universe. If you are sensible, go back to where you came from, otherwise you will have to be buried with the universe! "

Yunjun Yunjun has a firm heart to restore the lost universe, so how could he listen to Laobai, the book fairy in "The Complete Book of Destruction", whose words are full of anger, disrespect, and curses.

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