Nine Heavens

Chapter 1938 The Fairy Father Returns

Chapter 1938 Return of the Immortal Father

"Hey! Lao Bai! Are you tired! Lian'er asked you to save someone, what are you talking to him about! Hurry up and get back to sleep!"

The "Complete Book of Destruction" was tens of thousands of miles away, and the colorful "Smoke Book of the Demon Realm" was also called out by Lian Er, floating there, and Qian Se lay on her side, shouting loudly.

"Amitabha, good! Good! Awakening is a dream, and a dream is waking. Spiritual sleep and waking are nothing but illusions. Why go to sleep!

Laobai, I have transformed into a lotus from a fairy, and the golden platform contains the emperor, but you, the thousand-colored five essences have not yet entered the body of the emperor! "

Hearing the words of the book fairy Qianse in "Devil World Smoke Book", and the book fairy Laobai in "The Complete Book of Destroyer World", they twirled the green rainbow Buddha beads and said with a smile.

"Nonsense! Your Buddha's light has not yet revived his nine-dragon hair, and the death poison in his body has not been completely eliminated by you. I, Qianse, forced him to inject Qianse life essence into him. It is strange that his life is lost! "

Qianse let out a sigh of relief, and retorted bluntly.

"Hehe, you and the fool, haven't you recognized who Lian Er is? With her here, the emperor will be fine even if he has ten times the evil poison of death!

You see, where do I need more fairy air from my old white, the nine-color gods in Lian'er's nine-color god lotus rainbow are enough to cleanse the evil poison of death in the emperor's body. It's just that she didn't know it herself, and forced us to help! "

"The Complete Book of Destruction" said that Xian Laobai didn't seem to be angry at all, and still smiled cheerfully.

"she is……"

"Hiss! My God, she turned out to be..."

Qian Se in "Devil World Smoke Book" heard Lao Bai's words, her heart and soul couldn't help but startled, and she stared at Lian'er wearing a rainbow fairy dress in the sky for a long time, and a fairy image of a goddess slowly appeared in her eyes , couldn't help but jumped up in astonishment, bowed to salute, and exclaimed.

"Amitabha! Good! Good! Even if there is a long way to go, good spirits have a long way to go! Those who should go will eventually go, and those who should come can't be stopped. She finally came back!"

Seeing Qian Se jumping up and saluting, Lao Bai also slowly got up, looked at Lian Er high in the sky, chanted the Buddha's name, and saluted deeply.

"Hmph! Let's take advantage of you today! Ben Yunjun will never spare you!"

At the high altitude of Yunzhou in billions of light, Yunjun Yunjun was silent for a long time, when he saw the two volumes of fairy books Shuxian saluted Lianer, he became more sure of his guess about Lianer, after thinking about it again and again, he snorted coldly , angrily blasted the seal of Layers of Clouds, and then left.

"Mr. Yun, let's surrender! Langyuan Xianmen is not as bad as you said at all, and the world is also beautiful, much better than Dead Universe!"

Seeing the figure of Yunzhou Yunjun suddenly disappearing, the dead Yunniaoer Xiaobai who has been squatting on Lianer's shoulder behind Zhengling, seeing his former saint Yunzhou Yunjun still hostile to Langyuan Xianmen, Good shout!


However, how could Jun Yunyun listen to the words of a dead cloud bird who betrayed him. Before Xiaobai could finish her sentence, a pitch-black evil rainbow had already returned to her!

Fortunately, Lian'er immediately activated the Nine-color God Lotus and God Rainbow to block, and Xiao Bai was not hurt at all.

"Miss Lian'er! In fact, Yunzhou Yunjun is also quite pitiful. He has been alone since he was born, and he is still alone. All the Yunzhou gods and gods around him are actually just our own kind of death. It's just a cloud bird..."

Xiaobai was attacked by Yunzhou Yunjun, but there was no hatred in his dark eyes, but a look of pity flashed in his dark eyes.

"Xiaobai, you have changed, and you have truly become a kind and righteous fairy bird. His starting point may be right for his death, but for his purpose, everything he does is full of evil and evil. cruel!

Look at my dad, you know how handsome he used to be, but now... all of this is his fault! "

Lian'er looked at Daddy Nine-Headed Dragon Devil, the skeleton and nine-headed dragon devil, among the tens of thousands of light inside and outside the pure white lotus with hazy eyes, and said with a sob.

"I'm sorry, Miss Lian'er, I'm not talking for him, I just think we are all so pitiful, but we are still fighting with each other, what is this all about, no one provokes anyone, we live in peace, no okay?"

Seeing that the little master was crying, Xiao Bai imagined a handkerchief to wipe Lian'er's tears, and said innocently.

"I don't quite understand either, don't think about it so much, just focus on saving Daddy first!"

Lian'er's eyes shed a few big tears, and her eyes suddenly became much clearer. She saw billions of lights inside and outside, and the vast white waves of light outside her father's body inside the white lotus began to change in the nourishment, and the eight lost dragon heads suddenly appeared again. After that, his whole body was filled with a variety of colors, and the sparkling dragon scales of various colors also quickly recovered.


Seeing such a change, Lian'er was overjoyed and couldn't help laughing out loud. Then her confidence was greatly boosted, and she stepped up to mobilize the Nine Colors God Lotus and the Golden Pagoda.

At the same time, Lao Bai in "The Complete Book of Destruction" and Qian Se in "The Book of Smoke in the Demon Realm" also began to concentrate on injecting mysterious and powerful fairy spirits into the pure white lotus where the evil nine-headed dragon demon resides. Smug.

After several hours.


The emperor of the universe is the supreme evil nine-headed dragon demon, and the nine dragon heads are soaring into the sky together. The fairy spirits around him are full of vastness, roaring endlessly, and regaining the momentum of baring their teeth and claws.

"My Lian'er, it was you who saved my father from poisoning! You saved my father again! Thank you, my good daughter!"

The emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, and the nine-headed dragon demon suddenly ejected from the pure white lotus into the sky at a height of thousands of light miles, and then the nine dragon heads swayed to and fro, and the eighteen dragon eyes widened, looking down and searching the field of vision everything of.

Soon, I saw the little beloved daughter Lianer dancing in the sky on a rainbow, controlling the Nine-Colored God Lotus and saving her from the Tribulation Golden Pagoda that she had failed to create. I felt infinitely gratified and grateful .

"Thank you two book fairies for your help!"

Di Zhoudijun Supreme was patrolling the evil nine-headed dragon demon, and soon saw the book fairy Laobai of "The Complete Book of Destruction" and the book fairy Qianse of "The Book of Smoke in the Demon World" below Lian Er, and gathered his thoughts for a while. Recognizing them immediately, the eighteen dragon claws saluted together.

"Amitabha, good, good! You don't need to be polite, the emperor of the universe, it's not our fate, it's really due to your merits and virtues, why don't you return to the nine tops of the Golden Pagoda as soon as possible, and return to your body!

Although this catastrophe is infinite torment for the emperor, it is precisely because of this temper that the immortal soul in your body, the nine-day blood, colorful blood, etc., can be transformed into a truly righteous and immortal official! Congratulations, the emperor finally has the five essences pure, and the whole body has become a fairy!

From now on, no matter how the demon changes, demonizes, dies, spirits, or spirits, she will never fall into evil! "

Laobai, the book fairy in "Complete Book of Destruction", said with a smile.

"Yes! What are you waiting for, your Lian'er is waiting for her fairy father to return!"

"Devil World Smoke Book" Shuxian Qianse also sighed.

"Ha ha……"

"Okay! Lian'er, Daddy is back—"

Hearing the rumors again, Emperor Di Zhou laughed loudly, and then suddenly flew across the sky, flaring his teeth and claws, and landed on the highest top of the golden pagoda that was still spinning in the sky, and the beasts howled wildly.

In the midst of his laughter, the nine dragon heads and eighteen dragon claws howled wildly, smashing the clouds and tearing the sky for a moment, then suddenly disappeared, and then Lian'er saw the white hair fluttering around, and the silver-clothed immortal father finally came back up!

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