Nine Heavens

Chapter 1940 Great Love and Kindness

Chapter 1940 Great Love and Kindness

Once the roaring horror and hustle and bustle of time and space calmed down, the sky was full of flowing clouds, and the sky above the universe was full of stars. The airspace is magical and beautiful.

The upper tranquility is the sea of ​​clouds, and the lower tranquility is the sea of ​​stars. The two seas are boundless, quiet and peaceful, and there is no sound of the universe.

The universe is truly miraculous, and human beings are even more legendary. A few days ago, there were infinite clouds and catastrophes, the golden pagoda of collecting catastrophes, the Nine Heavens Immortal Sword, and all kinds of artifacts of Yunjun. "Devil's Smoke Book", the scene of book immortals with thousands of colors of magical weapons flying criss-crossing, thunder and lightning everywhere, is now peaceful and picturesque.

Everything seems to be frozen for eternity.

Lian'er finally woke up, she slept for nine days.

"Hehe... Lian'er is so happy lying in Daddy's arms and sleeping!"

After waking up, Lian'er opened her big eyes, her eyelashes fluttering, and smiled happily as she saw her father looking at her lovingly.

"The same goes for Daddy. Daddy hopes so much. Daddy will never leave Lian'er, and Lian'er will never leave Daddy. Just like this, forever, forever, forever!"

For the past nine days, Emperor Di Zhou has never blinked, and has been staring at his daughter Lian'er. Lian'er's body is shining in circles of rich seven-colored soul fairy rings in her sleep.

Emperor Zhou of this fairy ring is very familiar. Looking at his daughter, he gradually understands why this daughter is different, why she is born with supernatural powers, and why she is always obsessed with thinking about her own safety...

No matter how evil the Emperor Di Zhou was, he was suddenly filled with infinite gratitude, infinite pride, and even more infinite reluctance for this daughter.

However, he knew very well in his heart that this daughter might leave him soon, far away, very far away, and he would never see her mischief or hear her laughter again.

Thinking of this, Emperor Di Zhou came here for another nine days, and hugged his daughter tightly, forming layers of fairy rings around his body, for fear that any sound would disturb her.

"Hug her well, she actually has such a relationship with you as a father and daughter of the human race, it can be said that you have infinite trust and closeness to each other!

It’s not the time when Qianse and I were born, but she broke the precept and came out to help us only because her true love for saving my father moved us. No matter how evil the emperor is, please do it yourself. "Devil World Smoke Book", let's not ask us anything, the fate is so great, it is self-evident. Amitabha, goodness! Good! "

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable!"

This was the only thing that Laobai, the book immortal in "The Complete Book of Destroyer Worlds" and Qianse in "The Book of Demon Realm" entered the fairy scroll nine days ago, and the emperor of the universe was supreme and evil, and the emperor of the universe did not say a single word. Let them turn into divine light and enter the Black Jade Skeleton Profound Realm that reappeared in front of his chest.

"Lian'er, Daddy's good daughter! Let Daddy take a good look at you. Hehe, Lian'er is just cute. Countless years of time have never made Lian'er lose her naughty and cute innocence. No matter when, Lian'er never forgets her kindness." nature.

Lian'er is not only Daddy's obedient daughter, but also Daddy's respectable role model. Lian'er, let Daddy do everything in his power to love you before your celestial memory wakes up!

But right now, we, father and daughter, will have to be separated for a while, because only in this way can we better deal with the cloud fairy forces transformed into those dead cloud birds in Yunzhou! "

No matter how evil the Emperor of Earth Universe is, his mood is complicated, and he wished to fly back to Earth Universe with his beloved daughter in his arms, and reunite with the family of Langyuan Xianmen. However, reason told him that this choice is obviously not the best way to deal with Yun Zhou.

Since Yunzhou Yunjun believes that he is not dead but also disabled, why don't he use his tricks and let the other party relax their vigilance against him, maybe it will be easier to defeat Yunzhou!

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme was thinking like this for nine days, looking at his daughter with a penitent gaze, thinking about how to explain it to the daughter who woke up.

The daughter woke up, following what Lian Er said, Emperor Zhou Wushang had no reason to say that he wanted to leave his daughter, but instead expressed the eternally expected father-daughter love.

"Daddy, don't you plan to go back to Earth with Lianer and Xiaobai?"

Lian'er is extremely clever, and she read her father's decision from her father's gaze.

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme was silent for a long time, and said painfully:


His voice was soft, with an apology in his tone.

"Lian'er knows that Daddy must have a better way to deal with Yunzhou, it is necessary! Lian'er understands, Lian'er supports Daddy!

I wonder if Lian'er's father needs Lian'er's help? "

Lian'er's eyes sparkled, she looked at her father with a somewhat ashamed look and asked.


No matter how evil the emperor of the universe heard Lian Er's words, his nostrils were sore, and his eyes were wet. Unexpectedly, his daughter, who had always been willful, suddenly became so considerate. He couldn't help but feel even more ashamed. Call out to my daughter.

"Father, don't worry about Lian'er and Xianmen! Lian'er and the people in Xianmen know that Daddy is safe, and they will be full of strength to deal with Yunzhou immediately!

Daddy just needs to tell us what to do. When we defeat Yunzhou and we are reunited, then, hehe! Lian'er has been pestering my father all day to lead me to play, creating interesting magic weapons for me, and playing around in the cloud realm with my sisters..."

On Lian'er's smiling face, Wang's eyes sparkled, and in the ripples of her eyes, there were flashes of beautiful visions for the future one after another.

"What Lian'er has to do is to go back and tell all the people in Langyuan Xianmen that Daddy has fallen, not only saying that, but also crying, helping Daddy to perform this scene well!"

Di Zhoudijun looked evilly into the eyes of his beloved daughter Wang Lingling, although he couldn't bear it, he finally said.

"why is that!?"

Lian'er asked in surprise, and raised her head because of surprise.

"That's right! The emperor is fine, why did you say he has fallen! Let the people in the fairy gate hear it, how sad it would be! Not good, not good!"

Xiaobai shook his head in a circle and kept shouting.

"Lian'er, listen to Daddy's explanation..."

Di Zhoudijun Supreme Zaixie then explained the reasons why he did this to Lian'er and Xiaobai in detail.

"Oh! That's it! The method is good, but you shouldn't lie to everyone in the mountain gate, at least the high-ranking ones should tell you!"

Xiaobai nodded and shook his head from time to time after hearing Di Zhoudijun's supreme and wicked explanation.

"You don't need to worry about these, just do as I say! As long as you do it, we will soon defeat Yun Zhou!"

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme no longer sees that Lian'er and Xiaobai no longer object to his decision, and reminded.

"But, will Yun Zhou Yunjun believe that I have collected all the infinite cloud calamity elephants with the golden pagoda, will he still believe that daddy will die?"

Lian'er pondered for a moment and asked Di Zhou Dijun, Supreme and Evil Father.

"Yes! He will firmly believe that under the evil poison of death, Dad will definitely die, and his next goal is to lead all Yun Zhou Yun Xian to attack Lang Yuandi You Zhou!

He didn't know anything about robbing the golden pagoda, let alone the fact that "The Complete Book of Destruction" and "The Book of Smoke from the Demon Realm" work together to cure the evil poison of death! The emperor of the universe is supreme and the evil god Hong Jiongjiong nodded to encourage Lianer.

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