Nine Heavens

Chapter 1941 Reminder Conference

Chapter 1941 Reminder Assembly

"Lian'er, Xiaobai, go back, remember what daddy told you!"

Seeing his beloved daughter Lian'er's eyes finally had a smile, the local emperor looked at Lian'er's increasingly colorful fairy ring, and said in a warm voice.

"Well! Lian'er understands that for our long-term safety, Lian'er must be separated from Daddy for a period of time. Daddy can rest assured, Lian'er has remembered what Daddy said.

But Lian'er was worried, Lian'er went back to the universe and said that her father died in the infinite cloud calamity of the universe, no one would believe it, but her father knew it, mother and the others, especially Uncle Song, who knew the art of divining the universe, how could Lian'er lie What about them? "

Lian'er reluctantly left her father's embrace, landed on the colorful silk floating in the void again, and said with some unconfidence.

"Hehe, Lian'er, don't worry, just do what I say, and make sure your mother and Uncle Song will believe it!"

The emperor of the universe stood firmly on the golden pagoda, looked at the heroic Lian'er, holding the nine-color lotus in his hand, floating on the colorful silk, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, little lady, the emperor has said so, don't you doubt your own ability, we are a combination of people and birds who are not afraid of anything, are we afraid of lying?"

Xiaobai's black eyes flickered, as if he understood something, squatting on Lian'er's shoulder, raised his head to look into Lian'er's eyes, and cheered for Lian'er.

"Of course not. I'm just worried. Mother and the others have already worried about Dad. Now we go back and say that Dad died. Wouldn't they be even more sad!"

The color in Lian'er's eyes suddenly became very complicated again, happy, worried, two kinds of expressions, both at the same time.

On the one hand, she was happy for her father's return to the fairy body, and felt infinitely gratified. But at the same time, Lian'er couldn't bear what she was going to do next. She didn't want to see the sad faces of Lang Yuan's relatives, so she matured a lot in an instant. Xiao Qin stroked Xiao Bai's wings and said .


Xiaobai fell silent after hearing the words.

"Lian'er, I have really grown up, and I know how to worry about my parents and aunts. But Lian'er must believe that every aunt, uncle, and uncle of yours is a person who has experienced countless lives and deaths. They won't be so fragile, as long as there is immortality in their hearts, they will have high fighting spirit!

Trust me, everything will pass! Lian'er, Xiaobai, go back, Daddy wants to see you leave happily, and we will be reunited happily soon! "

Di Zhoudi Jun Wushang Zaixie stared deeply at Lian'er, unwilling in his heart, but had to say it.

"Okay! It's agreed, after we defeat Yunzhou and reunite, Daddy will never leave Lian'er again!"

Lian'er knew in her heart that her father was definitely going to leave this time, no matter how reluctant she was, it would be futile. Facing the reality, she pouted a little coquettishly in the end.

"Of course, we agreed, Daddy won't lie to you!"

Di Zhoudijun Supreme No matter how evil his heart is, his nose is sore, but he smiled.

"Hee hee! Xiaobai, let's go back to the universe, we're going to put on a big show!"

Hearing her father's promise, Lian'er made a funny face at her father, and put on the naughty pose that her father liked most in the past, then turned around and flew downward on the colorful silk.

The emperor of the universe is supreme, his white hair is fluttering, his sky brocade silk robes are fluttering, and his eyes are always covering his daughter who is gradually going away.

"Papa, take care, don't forget, we agreed, after we defeat Yun Zhou, we will never leave Lian Er again..."


Lian'er is really sensible, when she turned around and left with Xiao Baifei, her eyes burst into tears, so she didn't look back at her beloved father, but flew down the colorful silk at a high speed, afraid that she couldn't help it , throwing himself back into Dad's arms again.

Lian'er burst into tears, but she was giggling, because she knew that her father wanted to hear her innocent laughter to be at ease, so she left all the way, smiling like silver bells, the delicate child's voice The strings are engraved in the heart of the supreme and evil emperor of the earth.

"Lian'er, Dad's good daughter, Dad really hopes that your memory of the heavenly world will awaken, so that we can really be together forever! However..."

Di Zhoudi Jun Supreme Zaixie looked at the small dots that slowly formed in the gap between the clouds and mist below, and tears welled up in his eyes after his beloved daughter Lianer left, tears streaming down his eyes, just for the sake of human relations!

The Supreme Emperor of the Earth Universe took away the Golden Pagoda, dragged it in the palm of his hand, summoned the shuttle to travel again under his feet, sent his beloved daughter into the Earth Universe with his eyes, and then he was surrounded by hundreds of millions of miles. Xianhua suddenly disappeared, and then he disappeared.

In other words, in the Di Zhou Emperor Palace, after more than 30,000 years of discussions and preparations, the high-level executives of the Langyuan Xianmen finally completed the strategic deployment of the sky-defying attack on the Yun Zhou Yun Palace and the rescue of the Di Zhou Emperor.

Today, a reminder meeting to prepare to attack Yunzhou is being held, and it is to study and decide an appropriate time to completely open the Eternal Sky Seal above the Earth and challenge Yunzhou Yun Palace head-on!

The reminder meeting has been going on for several days, but the opinions of Lang Yuan's top management are divided, and there is no unified result.

The differences at the meeting were mainly in the following points:

One is whether it is necessary to open the Eternal Sky Seal. Supporters believe that if the heavenly seal is not opened, it will not be conducive to the army of the earth and the immortals facing the attack of the immortal army of the universe!

Therefore, in order to deal more ferociously and effectively with the forces of the universe, only the Eternal Heaven Seal of the Great Opening can wave the majestic army into the sky and win the battle against the Cloud Palace. At the same time, it also demonstrated the power of Langyuan Lingxian's power and the determination to go against the sky!

Opponents think this is too risky. The reason is that the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, and now he is drifting outside the universe, and his life and death are unknown. Although the high-level forces of the Langyuan Xianmen are powerful, they are not at the heart after all. Although they have to act against the sky, they still have to be careful.

Furthermore, once the gate of the universe is opened wide, it is tantamount to exposing the entire universe of Langyuan to the universe of the upper realm. Under the double pressure, in case of failure, not only Langyuan Xianmen will be frustrated, but Langyuan Human World will also suffer a lot of disasters!

The second is that the army of Langyuan Xianmen is going to fight across the board, or it is still a local war such as a single immortal challenge, a fairy array confrontation, etc.

Supporters who advocate a full-scale attack believe that Yunzhou Yungong will definitely slaughter Langyuan Diyu anyway. Rather than being bullied by it, it is better to die and fight with it.

In the past, the Langyuan Xianmen almost always adopted a conservative and rebellious approach to the enemy. This meeting should be a large-scale attack across the board, so that Yuntianjie can also see the strength of the Langyuan Xianmen, so as to announce to Yun Tianzhou that the powerful Langyuan Xianmen The existence of the door will make it famous in the Yuntian universe!

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