Nine Heavens

Chapter 1942

Chapter 1942

But the opponents also think that the power of Yunzhou Yungong is different from the power of the parallel universe in the past, and it must be extremely powerful and unfathomable.

Langyuan Xianmen knows very little about him, if he rushes to attack across the board, open the Eternal Sky Seal, and open the Heavenly Gate, if he fails to succeed, he will definitely lose his momentum, cause the road against the sky to go against the sky, and even cause endless disasters.

The third is, whether to rescue the Emperor Zhou outside the universe secretly first, and then go evil, or start a war against the sky.

Langyuan's conservative forces believe that it is better to rescue the Emperor Zhou before he is evil, and then do further large-scale acts against the sky.

The radical forces think that hesitating for a moment is to delay the opportunity of the battle. As for the matter of saving the emperor of the universe, it can be done at the same time.

Representatives of both parties, the conservative faction is headed by Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, and Cheng Yuanfang, the true king of Sirius, plus some high-ranking figures from the original ancient first human world and Lexian sect.

The radical faction is headed by Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, and the nine beloved wives of the supreme and evil emperor of the earth.

As for Qixiang True Monarch Liu Juan, she has always been neutral and has not expressed her position.

Both sides held their own opinions, and they couldn't convince each other for a while, and Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan kept silent, so there was no result in the reminder meeting of Dizhou Emperor Palace.

Inside the imperial palace.

Because the emperor of the universe is supreme and evil, Liu Juan, the real monarch of Qixiang, is the most respected, sitting on the throne of the palace of emperors, the emperor of the universe.

The other two camps are left and right, with radicals on the left and conservatives on the right.

"Brother Zhen, sister Feng knows that you and brother Yuanfang have been worried about the safety of the people and spirits in the lower world, and they don't want to open the sky and fight Yunzhou Yungong all the way!

However, at this very moment, we are faced with what brother Zhen said about the infinite clouds and catastrophes in the universe, and the clouds and immortals in the universe are like the images of the heavens.

As brother Zhen said, Yunzhou is a force in the universe, we have never encountered it before, it is extremely powerful, and unfathomable, but because of this, we have a lightning strike across the board, and there may be a glimmer of hope.

Otherwise, under their powerful and massive attack, we will be beaten passively. Wouldn't it be that we will lose our vigor and power will be consumed little by little. At that time, Brother Zhen and Brother Yuanfang will not be able to guarantee the safety of the earth and the world that is worried about by Brother Yuanfang!

Therefore, this true spirit demon king insists on opening the heavenly seal and facing the mad fairy of Yunzhou head-on! "

"Open the sky! Face the mad fairy!"

Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, became more and more emotional as he spoke. He stood up and saluted the two respected elder brothers, and said, the supporters on the left and right responded in unison.

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi heard the words, glanced at Cheng Yuanfang, the silent Lord of Heavenly Wolf, and pondered for a moment, then motioned for Cheng Shifeng, the True Lord of Spirit Demon, to sit down, and said:

"Fengmei Quan Langyuan has the heart of the immortal sect, and hates Yun Zhou's hatred for making troubles. I believe that everyone in the entire Langyuan sect understands. Brother Zhen feels the same way.

However, our Langyuan Xianmen is led by the third brother and has gone through thousands of hardships before we have a romantic reunion today. The Langyuan Xianmen is the heart of the third brother!

Now that the third brother is not in the imperial palace, this puts Brother Zhen in a difficult position. He is deeply afraid that our hard-won Langyuan Xianmen will be lost because of our carelessness. !

Brother Zhen has always been reckless and quick-tempered. He does everything well, but thinks about it. But only at this moment, Brother Zhen is very worried about where to go. Maybe Brother Zhen is old and dare not lose Fengmei's determination! "

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi's voice is not loud, but every word is beating the hearts of those present!

Even Cheng Shifeng, the True Monarch of the Spirit Demon, did not sit down, and with tears in her eyes, she looked at Song Zhen, the son of Zhanxuan, the God of Sword Zhan, and said with a sob:

"What Brother Zhen said, Fengmei understands, so she is in a hurry. How can Fengmei not know what kind of character Zhenge is? Brother Zhen has made up his mind too!

Brother Zhen just needs to ask his own heart how to make a decision. As for the future of the Langyuan Xianmen, Brother Qianlang often said that good fate is good luck. You can definitely get through this catastrophe and keep going!

Brother Zhen! Just make up your mind! As long as you and Brother Yuanfang nod, Sister Juan will definitely support you too! Then we climbed above the clouds, spread the way to the immortals, and then expanded the road to the immortals, and let the universe and the world evolve into the immortals of the universe again, just like our current strength! "

Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, had tears in his eyes, and was moved by the words of Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, with emotion, and continued to encourage Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan.

"I disagree!"

Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuan's face was calm, his forehead was bright red, and his eyes were infinitely deep, shining with magical light waves. He glanced up and down the hall, and said simply but powerfully.


"Don't elder brother Yuanfang not want to save elder brother Qianlang, and defeat Lord Yunzhou Yun!?"

Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of spirit demon, was waiting for the answer from Zhanxuanzi, the god of swordsmanship, with teary eyes, and didn't want his brother to interject from afar.

Cheng Shifeng, the spirit demon master, has long blue hair lightly lifted, blue crescent moon on his forehead and barking blue eyes, and a faint blue aura steaming around his body, he asked his brother in confusion.

"If we open the gate of heaven, we will be defeated! If the gate of heaven is not opened, Yunzhou doesn't know us well, and he will not dare to make a full-scale attack in a short period of time!

If the gate of heaven is wide open, all our opponents can be seen at a glance, and there will be no advantage in advance and no way out. Before the emperor comes back, fighting against the enemy locally is the only way to go against the sky! "

Faced with the questioning of his younger sister, True Lord Lingyao, Cheng Shifeng, True Lord Sirius spoke out what he had been thinking for a long time.


"What Lord Sirius said makes sense."


Although True Lord Heavenly Wolf didn't say much, after hearing what he said and thinking about it, there were many voices of approval from the people around him.

"The heavenly seal can be opened, but the human world needs to be protected! The local fairy master thought that we can adopt the idea of ​​the emperors in the past, kill the front and seal later, open the heavenly seal to the upper realm to fight against the enemy, and strengthen the human protection seal to the lower realm.

Don’t we have the Ark of Refuge prepared by Lord Youdi a long time ago? Even if the seal of the world is unfortunately opened and the Ark of Refuge drifts away, there is infinite vitality in it, which can protect them for eternal survival.

The only thing they have to do is to find another paradise in the universe while drifting in the universe! "

When the sincere persuasion of the two brothers and one sister still had no consistent result, Pa'er, who was sitting not far from Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, stood up, saluted Liu Juan, the true lord of Qixiang, and everyone else in the hall, and shook her head. The star cracked the cloud fan, and smiled.

Pa'er has always liked to dress up in men's clothing, and now she is wearing a pure white fairy robe, which is quite a bit of the shadow of Emperor Zhou, who is supreme and evil, holding a star-cracking cloud fan in her hand. safety.

But these did not affect her graceful and graceful demeanor, especially since she was conferred by her husband as the Immortal Lord of the Earth and Earth, and was in charge of all the gods and spirits of the lower realm of the Immortal Realm, she has become even more immortal.

As soon as she spoke, everyone's eyes turned to her.

Even Liu Juan, the True Monarch of Strange Fragrance who had been calm all this time, looked at her with strange waves flickering in her emerald eyes.

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