Nine Heavens

Chapter 1943 Letting Spirits Drift

Chapter 1943: Release the Spirit and Drift

"Pa'er really sees it clearly, the six extinctions and nine evolutions of this Langyuan universe clearly show that its future is still changing like this.

What the emperor cares about is not the place of Langyuan Dizhou, but all the creatures here, including Langyuan Xianmen. The eternal evolution and drift of the universe cannot be frozen forever, and we don't need to hinder its continuous evolution or even update every time it dies.

Our thinking should be focused on the continuous enhancement of Langyuan Xianmen, and the continuous evolution of all living beings and spirits in the lower world of Langyuan Universe. I think even if the emperor is here, he will make such a choice.

Since Pa'er said so, with your personality, I'm afraid you have already made arrangements! "

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan's emerald green eyes were shining brightly, she covered Pa'er and asked with a smile.

An emerald green head flutters without wind, and the soul-controlling vine on the forehead seems to be alive, and the emerald-like branches are like dragons and snakes stretching in the distant sea of ​​emerald mist.

One smile can turn the city, and then the smile can turn the country, with a trace of fortitude and a trace of equanimity at the corners of the mouth.

"That's right! No matter what your opinions are, you are all worried about the future of our Langyuan universe! The fourth brother and Yuanfang brother regard Langyuan Xianmen, the lower world immortals and all living things in the world as treasures, and they can't bear the slightest harm, so they are cautious." .

On Fengmei's side, she is not afraid of the situation of the universe, and she opens up the universe of the universe to fight against the enemy. She hopes to defeat the universe and open up a new time and space for the universe of Langyuan.

The policies of both parties are good policies, and the anxious issues are nothing more than the safety of Langyuan Xianmen, the safety of Langyuan's universe, the lower world, the fairy world and all living beings in the world.

As long as we address the security of these three parts of our spiritual life, we can have nothing to fear, can't we?

Therefore, during our tens of thousands of years of preparation and discussion, Pa'er thought carefully, and thought that we should boldly take all the immortals and all living beings in the world of the immortal world of our waves, and drift away in an ark of refuge.

Implant all the spiritual powers and immortal abilities of Langyuan Diyu into them, so that they will be safe and worry-free. In the future, they will choose a new Diyu Paradise and continue to grow and multiply.

When that universe becomes extinct again, it is time to drift again in the Ark of Refuge in search of a newer paradise. The universe has birth and death, and immortals live forever. As long as we let go, there is nothing wrong with it.

They have been constantly evolving and reborn, and our Earth Wave Fate Immortal Sect has continued to stay in the Wave Edge Universe as a battlefield, with no worries in the future and fearlessness in the past! Eternal Tianfeng, who is so open to the waves, is so afraid of him! ?

What Sister Juan asked was exactly that, Pa'er has already prepared everything. Originally, this countermeasure was a plan for us to lose against Yun Zhou, but now, Pa'er thinks that the backup should go first, which may be the best choice!

Pa'er's thoughts, I hope Sister Juan and the present will be considered by Gao Zun! As long as you all agree, the two arks of refuge can drift away at any time, and then it will be the day when we let go of the war against Yunzhou! "

Pa'er shakes the star-cracking cloud fan that is shining with silver light, and analyzes the situation of Langyuan Xianmen in front of him, and the future of all the immortals and all living beings in the world of Langyuan, the universe and the lower realm of the fairy world.

"Well! This is a way out!"

"That's right, that's fine!"

"It's just that after we wander away from the earth fairy world and the world that Langxianmen devoted all our efforts to protect and create, we may never see each other again!"

"It doesn't matter if we don't see it. Our Langyuan Xianmen has always been a good destiny. As long as they are born with hope and will multiply in the future, if we let go, maybe they will grow stronger."

"Yeah! Letting go is the best choice for them, although it's hard to give up. Why don't you let them go with an open mind and an open mind.

If there is a chance to meet in the future, it should be the magic of the universe. If there is no fate, it should be the cultivation of two magic places in the universe! If we don't die, we can think about it and enjoy it, and think about it, it's good! "

"Why use two refuge arks to drift? Wouldn't it be good to let the immortals of the earth fairy world and the common people and all spirits of the world co-prosper and share the same boat?"

"Hehe, this is of course considering that the evolution speed of the earth immortals and all spirits in the world is different. It will not take a few million years for the forces of the earth immortals to approach the level of the spirit immortals of our Langyuan Xianmen, while the human world The common people and all spirits are still in the state of the first human, earth, and fairy world strength in ancient times.

Therefore, it would be best to divide them into two space-time drifting refuge arks, let them each find a new paradise suitable for themselves, and each be a part of our wave, each doing its own glory. "

"My Huanfeng Shenlong agrees!"

"I'm waiting for the Dragon Ball Guardian Immortals to agree!"

"Ninety-nine and eighty-one degrees Demon God Sword and Sword Immortal agree!"


His Highness was discussing in a commotion, and in the end most of them agreed, and a few people did not disapprove, because they couldn't bear to say anything because they couldn't let go of their fairy love.

"Just do it!"

After a while of discussions subsided, the taciturn True Lord Sirius stood up, shaking the immortals with chaotic eyes, and said.

"I agree too!"

"Not bad! This is the best!"

"Wangyuan Nine Masters have no objection!"

No matter what the immortals in the palace thought, their eyes finally fell on several supreme dignitaries. After the Heavenly Wolf True Monarch made his statement, the Sword Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, the Lingyao True Monarch Cheng Shifeng, and the Earth Zhou Emperor Supreme Zaixie nine beloved wives , also expressed their views successively.

In the end, only Zhenjun Qixiang Liujuan who was sitting high in the hall was left!

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan has been calm and calm, examining the faces of all the fairies and listening to the discussions of the fairies.

When all the voices quieted down and thousands of eyes looked at her, she was silent for a long time, her face was a little pale, and then her voice was calm, but she said in a shocking way:

"Pa'er! You Langyuan Nine Masters go to complete this matter immediately! Explain the reason to the two realms below, no matter what troubles are still going on in the realm, stop immediately, and leave in the Divine State of Refuge!

But make sure the two Arks of Refuge are running forever! All the immortals and spirits of the waves are in it, go! "

"If Sister Juan is reluctant, shall we arrange a farewell ceremony to bid farewell to each other!"

Seeing Zhenjun Qixiang Liujuan's face suddenly turn pale, Miaoyan stood up beside Pa'er, thinking that Liujuan Qixiang Zhenjun must be unable to let go of the waves, the universe, the lower realm, the fairy world and all the creatures in the world. Feeling the same way, he saluted True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan and said.

Hearing Miao Yan's thoughtful words, Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan leaned over to look at Miao Yan and said softly:

"No need, if any of you are reluctant to leave the lower realms, you can stand on Dongyang Mountain and Xiyue Mountain and watch them leave!

Standing outside the universe is full of dangers, lingering things take time, tears hurt in vain, and staying for a moment longer is a fatal danger to them.

Why don't you let them go quickly, whether it's sore or painful, let's keep it in our hearts!

Go, Yan'er, Pa'er, Yun'er, Shui'er, Yan'er, Fang'er, Ling'er, Shuang'er, Luo'er! We still have a lot to do after they're gone! "


Hearing the words, the Nine Lords of Langyuan saluted Qixiang True Monarch Liu Juan and all the high immortals present at the scene, and led them away with crisp voices.

"If you want to say goodbye, just go!"

After the Nine Masters of Langyuan left, True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan looked at the silent Gaoxian Langyuan below, suddenly feeling lonely in her heart, said.

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