Nine Heavens

Chapter 1944 Happy Omen Before Disaster

Chapter 1944 Happy Omen before the Disaster


As soon as Zhenjun Qixiang Liujuan said this, His Highness suddenly heard a wind, and in the next second, only Zhenjun Qixiang Liujuan, Zhenyuan Tianlang Cheng Yuanfang, Shenjun Jianzhan Zhanxuanzi and Zhenjun Lingyao were left in the hall. There are four of Cheng Shifeng.

The four of them looked around each other, all of them were filled with emotion, imagining in their minds the scene of these two hundred thousand huge refuge arks drifting away, and even drifting in the universe in the future.

Such a long silence.

"Sister Juan wants to go and have a look, so go. There are countless spirits in the world who are friends whose souls once lived and died with Sister Juan in the Nether Hell of the ancient universe."

In silence, Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang saw that Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan's face was getting paler, with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, so she said.

"I'll accompany Sister Juan, let's take a look from a distance in the clouds!"

True Monarch Cheng Shifeng knew her sister Bingao's character, knew what she said, and would not break her word, so she said so distressedly.

"Go and have a look, this is probably an eternal farewell! We will never have the chance to see those faces and pairs of smart eyes again!"

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jian Zhan, also persuaded him.

"No need! Go to Yaya, Jiuying, and Five-color Lingshen Linger to have a look at their third-level heavenly seal area. Make some preparations for the next big opening of the heavenly seal.

Pa'er will use the magic sound and video stone to record all the process. Don't you know her well?

But you guys, don't worry about me, just go if you want! "

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan understood the feelings of the relatives present, and she felt warm when she heard the words, and then said.

"Of course we think the same as Sister Juan, we just want to give them a safe future, as for joys and sorrows, why should we be persistent for a while!

Let's go, Sister Juan, I think Yaya and the others are tired of guarding the sky for tens of thousands of years, we should let them relax for a few days, and then they should grow up! "

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, said with a smile.

"Hehe, are you willing to let your precious daughter Yaya fight against the sky?"

In order to adjust the atmosphere, Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, smiled and asked the sword to occupy the god.

"Ha ha……"

"The current Yaya's strength is probably no worse than mine. If she stands in the clouds, she will scare a lot of cloud immortals to death!"

Zhanxuanzi, the God of Sword Zhan, laughed out loud.

"Oh! By the way, why haven't you seen Lian Er coming to the imperial palace to make troubles? What is she busy with?"

The four of them were talking, and each of them controlled the fairy cavalry to fly into the sky outside the imperial palace.

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan looked around in the clouds, and saw Dongyang Mountain and Xiyue Mountain, full of Langyuan Xianmen who bent down to look down, suddenly thought of Lian'er, and asked left and right.

"Isn't it? With her temperament, it's impossible to be very focused on everything. I haven't seen her shadow for about a year or two. Could it be that she has become stable and guarded the seal in the sky?"

When True Monarch Cheng Shifeng heard the words of True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan, she suddenly remembered that she hadn't seen Lian Er for a long time, so she couldn't help looking around and said with a smile.

"Hehe, recently I got an auspicious hexagram from divination, and the hexagram says: Xiayuan will finally return to its place, and the sky will shine in the universe!

There are two hexagram images, one is the appearance of the third elder brother flying to the sky with the waves, and the other is the scene of a fairy wearing a colorful robe sitting on a nine-color lotus and ascending to the fairyland.

These two auspicious omens should belong to the third brother and Lian Er. Doesn't this imply that the third brother will definitely be safe outside the universe! At the same time, it was time for Lian'er Fairy to advance by leaps and bounds again. Maybe where this troublemaker is practicing her inexplicable skills at this time. "

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi saw that Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan was in a much better mood, and said.

"Oh! This is a good thing. What we are most worried about now is your third brother. If he is safe and sound, why should we be afraid of Yunzhou's bullying and suppression!

How could Brother Zhen be sure that the woman who ascended in colorful robes was Lian'er? It is not only Lian'er who is a flying fairy, shining in colorful robes and sitting on a nine-color lotus! "

Regarding Lian'er's hexagram omen, Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan was quite curious and asked carefully.

"If the colorful Xiayi and the nine-colored lotus are not enough, the colorful silk must be unique to Lian'er. The flying fairy is shrouded in colorful mist. Although her face can't be seen clearly, the colorful silk flying around her It's Lian'er's colorful silk!"

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi said excitedly with his five-colored eyes flashing.

"Hmm! It's really a great fortune for me to be in the Immortal Sect! Lian'er has recreated the magic, and the emperor has returned safely!"

Liu Juan, the Supreme Lord of Qixiang, believed in the God of Sword Occupation Zhanxuanzi's ability to occupy the universe. In her words, she was very pleased.

"See the four immortals Zhanzun!"

When the four of them were flying, suddenly three boys and girls appeared in front of them, standing on a cloud platform, with various fairy rings shining around them, saluting Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan and others together, shouting crisply.

"Haha, it turned out to be Xiaomei, Lin'er and the little devil turtle! Why did you come down?"

Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi glanced at the rainbow and saw the person flying down tens of thousands of miles away. A red fairy ring danced around him, a golden fairy light was shining, and a green fairy ring was shining. He recognized the person at a glance. Can't help but ask with a smile.

"Returning to Jian Zhan Shenjun, it was Sister Yaya who sent us down to check. I wanted to see why a large number of spirits gathered in Dongyang Mountain and Xiyue Mountain suddenly, and the two refuge arks that took refuge in Ark Mountain suddenly lifted off."

The three boys and girls spoke with surprise and puzzlement in their eyes.

"We don't know either. You can go down to Dongyang Mountain and ask if you don't want to, and tell us when you come back."

Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, heard the question, his face was instantly full of solemnity, and he was speechless.

On the other hand, True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan looked at the three boys and girls with emerald green eyes, and couldn't bear to tell the truth directly.

"Alright, then we won't bother the four immortals!"

Xiaomei flashed Yin Yanhong's body color scales, glanced left and right at Xiaolin and the little devil, thinking that there was such a big movement, how could the four nobles not know the reason, and they were obviously lying on purpose.

But it's not easy to question, and then saluted again and nodded:

"Xiaomei understands!"

Then Xiaolin and the little devil turtle who were also looking confused continued to fly downwards.

"Sister Juan has changed, and she can't bear it anymore! If it was before, Sister Juan would definitely speak out, and it should be training their minds!"

True Lord Tianlang Cheng Yuanfang did not expect True Lord Qixiang Liu Juan to be like this, sighed.

"Hehe, is Yuanfang praising your sister Juan or criticizing your sister Juan? Was I very unkind before?"

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan looked at the three young boys and girls who had gone away, and said with a smile.

"Of course Brother Yuanfang isn't praising you. Seriously, Sister Juan was so cold and arrogant before. We're okay. Those ordinary disciples in the sect are really afraid of you!"

Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of spirit demon, said with a smile.

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