Nine Heavens

Chapter 1945 Drifting Shenzhou

Chapter 1945 Drifting Shenzhou

"Let them know the pain of being separated from the three worlds of Langyuan Xianmen even if it is a moment later, it can be regarded as caring for them!"

True Lord Sirius stood above the wolf king Mancang, watched the backs of Xiaomei and the other three, and suddenly thought of the departure of the Holy Mother of Linhe, so he felt very distressed for the three immortals, who were young and young, Xiaomei and the others , said slowly.

"However, we have penetrated the eternal secret of spiritual life, but we can't control the method of the eternal existence of the universe, and we have to choose to separate for the sake of the common people in the lower world.

Let's be more open-minded, think about it for their own good, and leave some pain of separation for each other, it is worth it in the end! Besides, their future will be better because of this, we can also give it a go, based on emotion and reason, our choice is right! "

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan took the words of True Lord Sirius Cheng Yuanfang and said again.

"Yeah! Brother Yuanfang and Sister Juan are right. You can see that the two refuge arks have already flown towards the lower realm. It is estimated that the task can be completed in two hours at the latest. We can replace Yaya now, Tianling Seven Sisters, Jiuying, Hongxian, etc., they are juniors!

Whether it's a farewell, let them take a short rest and relax before the big battle, let them adjust for the time being! "

Sword Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi's robe of stars shines outside his body, and the Chaos Luoxiang Promise Disk emits a slight whistling sound, spinning around him miraculously, and the Star Sword under his feet is also humming and pondering.

Looking up, looking at the sky above the local universe, as the four of them galloped forward, they could vaguely see the juniors who had been sticking to the throne and guarding the throne, Zhanxuanzi said with relief and helplessness.

"Heck... okay, why are everyone so old-fashioned, no matter what we choose, it is for the good of Langyuan, the three realms of the universe, we are happy, everyone relax, don't let Yaya and the others see you later , make fun of us!"

Cheng Shifeng, the real lord of the spirit demon, saw how depressed the brothers and sisters were, and deliberately smiled and joked.

"Well, that's right, let's go to Yaya and Yun'er first, and let Yayami Tianluo summon the others."

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan nodded slightly, signaling for everyone to increase the speed of galloping.

About half an hour later, the four Langyuan Gaozun had appeared in front of Yaya and Liu Yun.

Yaya and Liu Yun were closely watching the situation outside the Langyuan universe Zhou Tianzhou, when they suddenly saw the appearance of four Langyuan nobles, and saw the movements of their two refuge arks in front of Dongyang, Xiyue Mountain, and Naturally, he already knew in his heart that something big had happened to the Langyuan Xianmen, and he had even guessed the choices of the four seniors.

"See Aunt Juan, Aunt Feng, Uncle Yuanfang and Daddy!"

Yaya and Liu Yun glanced at each other, and then hurriedly saluted and greeted the four nobles.

"Yaya, Yun'er, hello to Tianling Seven Sisters, Jiuying and the others go to Dongyang Mountain to send off the immortal world and all living beings in the lower world. From now on, only us Langyuan Xianmen will be left in the Langyuan Universe! "

Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan didn't wait for Yaya and Liu Yundong to ask, and said directly.

"The four nobles really decided so!"

Yaya didn't show any more surprise at the words of True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan, she raised her eyes to look at Liu Yun, and said.

"Oh! You've already guessed it, Yaya and Yun'er are really more knowledgeable!"

Hearing Yaya's words, True Monarch Qixiang Cheng Shifeng sighed.

"Aunt Feng praised it absurdly, the reason we were able to guess it was all because Daddy had talked about similar topics with us before leaving Earth.

When Dad was still building the two Arks of Refuge, he told us that if the four nobles decide to use the two Arks of Refuge in the future, it will also be a time of great disaster for the Langyuan Xianmen.

Let us obey the arrangements of the four nobles no matter what, comfort you brothers and sisters, and tell us to strengthen our cultivation and vigilance, saying that the future situation of Langyuan Xianmen will become more and more complicated! "

Liu Yun was wearing a pure white fairy robe, his expression and demeanor were almost the same as that of the emperor of the universe when he was a supremely evil boy, and he spoke respectfully.

"It's still the third brother who sees the future, he has already understood the future where the universe is not eternal, and all living beings and spirits must drift away, so he spent so much experience and created the universe to drift in Shenzhou!

Thinking about it, he was conceiving the Ark of Refuge when we came to Langyuan, and I was still laughing at him when he just stabilized and thought of escaping. Now that I think about it, it’s thanks to the third brother’s great wisdom and wisdom to plan for a rainy day. ! "

Jianzhan Shenjun sighed after hearing what his son-in-law Liu Yun said.

"Speaking of which, although Qianlang is not in the Waves World for the time being, he has already planned our development. Qianlang is indeed not easy!"

Hearing Liu Yun's words, Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan also spontaneously admired the emperor's younger brother, and praised him off-hand.

"Sister Juan, Brother Yuanfang, Brother Zhen, you are all very powerful, Brother Qianlang strategizes, and in the end, isn't it the ark of refuge that we all worked together to create!

By the way, what about Yaya, Yun'er, Lian'er, why haven't we seen her? "

The elders and the younger chatted for a while, Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, thought of Lian'er again, and asked Yaya and Liu Yun.

"Isn't she with you!?"

Ya Yaxiu frowned slightly, looking around at the sky and the heavenly seals, she asked strangely.

"It's probably this little guy who lied to you again about what we did to her, right?"

Seeing Yaya's expression, the four Langyuan Gaozun immediately looked around each other and smiled.

For Lian Er's mischievousness, the four high-ranking prostitutes have long been accustomed to it, and they can think of any tricks she plays, cheating up and down, and then going crazy somewhere. Fortunately, everyone knows her well, and every time she is given a task, they are prepared with both hands.

"That's right, Lian'er said that the Emperor's Sealing Conference needs a temporary messenger, because she has a rainbow silk and can fly fast, so Aunt Juan asked her to focus on this matter!

At that time, I heard that all the nobles were inadvertently distracted from the state of the sky and heaven because of discussing important matters, which made sense, so I believed her! did not expect……"

Yaya heard the words and told the reason why Lian'er left the sky to guard the seal.

"Hehe... Look at the messenger! She can also think of this errand, and she is quite capable of watching the situation. I guess I will believe this reason.

I only now know why you sisters are deceived by her over and over again and still don't know how to guard against it. It turns out that the reasons for her deception every time are really difficult to judge the truth from the fake! "

True Monarch Cheng Shifeng said with a smile.

"It's fine to let her go, but where is she at this moment? The situation outside the universe is complicated now, as long as you don't sneak into the outside of the universe!"

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan heard Lian'er's funny story, and laughed again and again, this time she shook her head slightly and said with a smile.


When Yaya heard this, her face was full of embarrassment, and she didn't know.

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