Nine Heavens

Chapter 1946

Chapter 1946: Four Benedicts

"Forget it, it won't matter if she's as smart as she is. Now that she has the Nine Colors Fate Soul Divine Art to protect her body, you take Tianling, Jiuying and the others to go down for now. As for the Tianfeng, just leave it to us."

Qixiang True Monarch Liu Juan, seeing Yaya's perplexed expression, said.

"Yes! Don't worry, the four nobles, we will definitely find Lian'er as soon as possible!"

Yaya said with a somewhat ashamed expression.

After finishing speaking, Yaya and Liu Yun bid farewell to the four high-ranking Lang Yuan, and roared away on their respective demon bull kings.

However, just a moment after the two of them galloped away, Liu Yun suddenly stopped, turned around and asked:

"The four nobles have decided to open the Heavenly Seal?"

"Yes, after the departure of the two arks of refuge, it will be the time when the seals of the three heavenly seals and your father's instantaneous superimposed cosmic magic art will be unsealed!"

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan's face was calm, and she spoke with strong words.

"However, for the next two days..."

Liu Yun's implication was that he was worried that he would suddenly stop guarding Tianfeng, that Yun would be suddenly attacked by Zhouyun Palace, and that Langyuan Xianmen would be severely injured, but he didn't say anything further.

"For the past two days, you can just relax a little bit, Yun Zhou Yunjun is a man of ten thousand vigilance, we suddenly stopped guarding the sky, under his suspicion, we will be safe and sound in a short time.

Besides, we have already made careful arrangements. Although the heavenly seal is about to open, our Langyuan army will also rise to the ring sky, and the large array of military tents will rise into the sky. It is as powerful as the heavenly seal, so why be afraid of them! "

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi followed the words of Qixiang Zhenjun Liu Juan.

"So, junior, don't worry, the four seniors are well, let's go down for now!"

When Liu Yun heard this, his expression was relieved, and he bowed and bowed before going.

After a while, the Seven Sisters of Tianling, Jiuying, Hongxian, Three-color Huowa, and Five-color Spirit Ginseng came to say goodbye one after another, and they all left with joy and sorrow.

"Looking at their youthful and lively appearance, I really hope that the universe will be safe, and there will be no more disasters!"

Watching a piece of fairy shadow of juniors drifting away, Zhanxuanzi said with emotion.

"It's a pity that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, what we want is not what others want!

Master Qianlang must have some deep reason to tell a big lie at all costs and design the layout of our four-spirited boy universe!

It's just that the fact that it didn't develop according to his wishes, which is considered a failure in terms of his grand layout!

However, the blood has already been spent, how could he just admit defeat like this, that's why Yun Zhou's more vicious means of saving the disabled came all over the world, making us face an unprecedented catastrophe! "

Although Qixiang Zhenjun Liujuan did not understand Yunzhou Yunjun's passages as well as Di Zhoudijun Wushang Zaixie, she also guessed many situations, so she said with emotion.

"Since this is the case, we will act separately and fly to the four directions of the universe. Two days later, when the Ark of Refuge drifts away safely, we will destroy the Tianfeng at the same time and open the door of the Eternal Sky Gate of the Waves."

True Lord Sirius' chaotic eyes flashed, looking at the sky in the distance, fearless and full of challenge, he said.

It was said that Liu Juan, the True Monarch of Wonderful Fragrance, Zhan Xuanzi, the Divine Lord of Jianzhan, and Cheng Shifeng, the True Monarch of Lingyao, all nodded in tacit understanding, and then separated themselves, and each flew to the direction of the universe.

"Ha ha……"

"I'm sure that I will meet Lian'er in the east, then I will go to the east of Xianzhou!"

When Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi was talking to the other three high-ranking Lang Yuan, his eyes followed the star sword and the chaotic Luoxiang Wuji disk flying around him for a long time, and his expression kept flashing with inexplicable excitement. After laughing and leaving, the three nobles realized the meaning of his weird expression just now.

"Hehe, then congratulations to brother Zhen, I hope Lian'er didn't take any of your treasures this time!"

When the three nobles heard the news that Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords and gods, had Lian'er's whereabouts, they felt joy in their hearts, and there were smiles on their faces.

"Then the relationship is good. I really hope that she will take away all my treasures. Lian'er can take a fancy to my god's things. That's my god's blessing!"

Jian Zhanshenjun, who was flying around on the blood unicorn, was in the cloud and mist cage. He made no secret of his love for Lian'er, twisted his black and white eyebrows, and said with a smile.

What Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi said is true, as long as Lian Er likes his things, no matter what, no matter how fleshy or painful, Jian Zhan Shenjun will be willing to give it to Lian Er.

Even housekeeping treasures such as the Star Sword and Chaos Luoxiang Wuji Disk were once lent to Lian'er to play with.

However, Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi's way of pampering juniors is a lot of fun, and sometimes a lot of humor. The reason why Lianer bullied him to beg for treasures was because of the big sister Yaya, the six sisters Jiuying brother Learned.

As a matter of fact, Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, is very kind to all juniors, and he is often surrounded by a group of juniors, giving treasures and things one by one.

This spectacular situation is seen by Lang Yuan's nobles, and Lang Yuan often laughs loudly in the sky, shaking his head with joy inside and outside the imperial palace!

This time, when Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit demon king, heard the words of Zhanxuanzi, the sword Zhan Shenjun, the above-mentioned picture of the younger generation surrounded by the Shenjun appeared in his mind, so he couldn't help but smile coquettishly.

Amidst the laughter, Cheng Shifeng, the true spirit demon king, stood on the back of the white-faced tiger king, followed by the kicks of the white-faced tiger king, and flew away.

"They really don't know about disasters, they can be happy anytime, that's fine!"

After Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi and Lingyao Zhenjun left one after another, Liu Juan, the Qixiang Zhenjun behind him, stood on the white ancient handkerchief of refining incense, with green hair fluttering and rainbows, emerald green eyes, and the emerald green soul-controlling spirit on her forehead. Qiu Teng, and the bright red Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade Seal held in one palm, like a cage of red flowers and emerald leaves, looked magical and mysterious, he exclaimed.


The sturdy three-eyed wolf at the feet of True Lord Sirius felt the master's majestic heart, and couldn't help roaring up to the sky, matching the master's pitch-black magic robe and black hair flowing rainbow.

"They are so good, no matter when and where, whether they are happy or sad, whether they gain or lose, they can look at the pain because of things, and heal their wounds because of joy!

It's just that Yuanfang can't do what they do, and it seems that sister Juan can't do that. We seem to be calm and calm! "

Seeing Zhanxuanzi and his younger sister smiling so boldly in the face of the disaster, Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang felt more open-minded and relieved, and said with some envy.

"A person has his own characteristics of expressing emotion. As the saying goes, some people are happy on the face and happy in the heart, that is, they are jumping for joy!

Some are calm on the surface, even indifferent, but such people are also very happy and sad in front of them, and their hearts are full of vicissitudes, but they don't show it in their expressions or actions.

Just like you and me, facing the current situation of Lang Yuan and the laughter of brother Zhen and Feng'er just now, we actually laughed in our hearts, but we didn't show it like they did. "

"Yes, sister Juan is right, the wind is going south, sister Juan is heading north, how about I going west?"

True Lord Tianlang Cheng Yuanfang agreed with True Lord Qixiang Liu Juan's remarks, and said with a smile on his face.

"all good!"

True Monarch Qixiang Liu Juan didn't say much anymore, she stepped on the ancient handkerchief of refining incense, and twenty-one elf emperors wrapped around her body and played with her. In just a moment, she was thousands of miles away from True Lord Sirius.

Lord Sirius looked back and forth at the three Lang Yuan who were far away from him, bowed his head and said:

"Mancang, let's go too!"


Ma Mancang looked back at the Lord and nodded, then shook her body and let out a long growl to the sky, stood up, and soon appeared in the clouds and mist in the distant western sky.

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