Nine Heavens

Chapter 1947

Chapter 1947

The practice of the dead universe is empty.

After Xiao Luo and Qian'er came back, they habitually sat cross-legged in the pitch-black void of the universe space and practiced the evil art of qi death and death.

But at this moment, in the darkness, their souls are full of various images of the father of the emperor, the supreme and evil nine-headed dragon demon.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Xiao Luo, in the dark, used the power of the dead spirit to sense the position of his brother Qian'er, flew closer, and asked softly.

"How can it be good, I found that he has changed, he doesn't seem to treat us as well as when we were young, maybe he is really not as good as we always thought when we were young.

When I went out this time, I purposely observed the lower realm of Langyuan for a long time. Although there are layers of seals on the periphery of Langyuan, it is difficult to clearly see everything inside.

But Brother Wei still saw some things. In the universe of Langyuan, there are clear spirits everywhere, bright and vast, there are righteous spirits and fairy towers on the ground, there are fairy shadows fluttering in the middle, and beautiful colorful clouds are on the top.

There are infinite spirits, flowers and plants, birds and beasts in the sky, and all spiritual beings are in a state of great kindness. I can't see how evil and apostate the universe described by the master is! "

"My brother saw it, and I saw some of it, so I feel that Master did not tell us the truth. The real wave of fate is not a heinous existence. Although our father has become a nine-headed dragon demon , maybe there is something hidden!"

"It's a pity! We found out too late. At this time, Master has already slaughtered it!"

At this point in the conversation between the brothers and sisters, although in the darkness of the death of the universe, his appearance and expression cannot be seen, but from the tone of his speech, one can feel that he is very disturbed.

"No! Brother, Xiao Luo has a feeling that our father is extremely powerful, and it seems that no one can kill him!

You and I have both seen it. At that time, he was almost devoid of flesh and blood, but he still stood tall. Just imagine, which living spirit from the lower world can survive our death evil! ?

Didn’t the Heavenly Wolf True Lord Cheng Yuanfang, Qixiang True Lord Liu Juan, and the nine overbearing bronze spirits, the three-world butterflies and phoenixes who were also in the Langdi Universe before all fall physically, and the five essences fell apart in our Dead Universe!

However, in front of him, not only did he survive the terrifying infinite calamity of the universe, but also our invincible death evil kung fu did not kill him immediately. It can be seen that Daddy is the magic of the universe. With such a Daddy, I always feel that he is eternal won't die! "

Until now, the unshakable image of the immortal nine-headed dragon demon fighting against the infinite clouds and the black rainbow of death still stands in Xiao Luo's mind.

Xiao Luo sensed her unfamiliar father's demon body, as if answering her brother, or talking to herself.

"That's naturally good, but the master wants to put him to death, no matter how powerful he is! Alas! I really hope that as my sister said, no one can kill him! But... alas!"

Regarding the younger sister's words, Qian'er naturally understood that the younger sister also had a longing for the father she hadn't seen since she was a child out of expectations for her mother.

I didn't want to break her longing, but reason told Qian'er that no matter what the nature of the nine-headed dragon demon father was, it had already become history, and it was meaningless to say anything.

Instead of putting your mind in anxiety, it is better to think of more ways to ensure the safety of mother.

At the end of Qian'er's exclamation, she was already thinking about how to save her mother.

"I want to save my mother!"

While Qian'er was thinking, he suddenly heard the words of his younger sister Xiao Luo!

"In that case we will disobey Master Yunjun's sacred order, and we will be punished by Unlimited Cloud Calamity. If we don't die, we will also become Yunzhou's betrayers and be ordered to be killed by Master! Aren't you afraid, sister?"

Qian'er doesn't want to escape from the world of eternal darkness, and when she hears her sister's words, she can't help but feel her heart skip a beat. But in order to test the determination of my sister, I asked carefully.

"Xiao Luo and his elder brother have been sealed by the master since they were sensible enough to practice death evil in this dark practice sky. Unless there is a killing mission, they go out suddenly and come back suddenly. They are almost isolated from the outside world. What is the difference between this death? !

I always feel that Master hates the universe so much, how could he let mother go, with his character, people who are born in the universe will not let it go, even he promised to rescue us. Mother!

Therefore, Xiao Luo believes that the only way we can rest assured is to rescue our mother personally. If we can save our mother, it doesn't matter if he doesn't let us go back to Yunzhou, we can go anywhere with our mother! "

Xiao Luo's answer was roughly the same as Qian'er's thoughts, but Qian'er also thought of the situation where the two brothers and sisters were killed by the master's death cloud bird everywhere after they rescued their mother. Like myself, if you want to save your mother yourself, that's fine.

"Well, in fact, brother also thinks the same way. We will no longer live cold and heartless in this boundless dark death training sky. Let's go find our mother!"

In the darkness, Qian'er suddenly stood up and said loudly.

"Hmph, quack..."

"Little baby, you just think about it! If you become Yun Jun's God of Death, you will always be a tool for killing immortals and destroying gods!

It's ridiculous that they are like those cheap spirits in Langyuan Dizhou, whose hearts are immortal! Your mother? I bother! Have you ever seen Jun Yun show a little mercy for the life of any god?

Wake up, maybe, at this moment, Lord Yun has already sent some death force to destroy Langyuan Dizhou, and your mother has already become a wandering five spirits!

If you still want to live in the death universe in the form of the life universe, then be obedient, continue to practice the evil death art, and be at the disposal of Lord Yun at any time, and stop thinking about it, otherwise the bird demon of death this nine days will be your god of death ! "

After the two brothers and sisters made up their minds, they rushed towards the periphery of the training space like electric shots, each stepping on their own death clouds and birds. However, at this moment, there was a laughing and mocking sound of the death demon from outside the training space.

"Nine days of death, bird devil, get the hell out of here. Don't you know that we are the saints of Lord Yun? How dare you disrespect us? Are you dying or dying! If Lord Yun finds out, Watch out for your birdie!"

The two brothers and sisters heard the voice outside the cultivation space, they suddenly thought of something in their hearts, and after a sound transmission, Xiao Luo yelled loudly.

"Saints of Yunjun!? Cut! Fools, you are really stupid. There are so-called saints of Yunjun like you in the countless death training spaces in the universe, and there are so many in each of them, so many that we can count them all!" But come here, what are you guys!

It's just that Mr. Yun used to comfort you for a few days when you were young, and you all regard Mr. Yun as your holy teacher and father! Ridiculous! ridiculous! "

Cultivation is empty, the nine-day dead bird demon, croaking, crowing like a crow.

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