Nine Heavens

Chapter 1948 Inexplicable Uncle

Chapter 1948 Inexplicable Uncle

"Don't talk nonsense, provoke our brothers and sisters' respect for Jun Yun! This God of Death and War thinks that you, the nine-day cloud bird demon, have been neglecting cultivation for tens of thousands of years, and your loyalty to Jun Yun has been greatly reduced.

elder brother! Wouldn't the existence of such an unfaithful death cloud bird demon be a great insult and threat to the teacher, if it is not eliminated at this time, when will it be! ? "

Hearing the words of Death Cultivation Freedom, Qian'er and Xiao Luo brother and sister were both expected and unexpected.

They looked at each other, nodded to each other, Xiao Luo smiled coldly and said.

Immediately afterwards, the two brothers and sisters had performed the evil death kung fu to exterminate the evil power, and they all shot billions of magic wand rainbows into the training space.



"You, you have already successfully cultivated the billions of magic wand rainbow blasts! Why don't you help Lord Yun kill the emperor of the universe!?"

As soon as the brother and sister made a move, they didn't intend to let the other party continue to exist, so they immediately resorted to the supreme death and extinction trick.

To do this, one is to blast the cultivation space in the death domain, and the other is to kill the opponent's desperate evil spirit.

The two brothers and sisters knew very well that there would never be only one Nine Days of Death cloud bird demon outside the practice space. If they could not destroy the Nine Days of death cloud bird demon sent by Jun Yun to monitor them with one move, that would mean In an instant, he would fall into the vortex surrounded by countless nine-day-death cloud bird demons. Even if it took time and effort to eliminate them, it would also alarm Yun Jun.

Therefore, the two brothers and sisters had already planned in their hearts that while the cultivation space must be destroyed, the nine-day death cloud bird demon outside the cultivation space should also be eliminated.

Then quickly seal the surrounding area, so that the countless death clouds and birds in the distance can't understand what happened here, and then create a fake nine-day death cloud and birds to guard the position where the cultivation space was at that time, so that the two brothers and sisters can You can leave the universe without anyone noticing.

With this kind of thinking, how can you think that the two brothers and sisters can be polite, making a move is a blow of extinction.

After hearing the explosion of the death practice space, the nine-day death cloud bird demon outside the practice space also screamed miserably, and died howling in an instant.

Before his horrified screams could be heard, Xiao Luo and Liu Qian had already appeared outside the training space within a short time of breathing.

The two of them quickly cast the magic seal to seal all the surrounding sounds, and then quickly gathered together, their hearts pounding, for fear of disturbing the countless Nine Days of Death cloud bird demons around them.

"Huh!? Quack! Three dead spirits, do you hear any noise from five dead spirits?"

An evil voice of doubt came from an inexplicable direction in the dark universe.

"I seem to have heard movement from it, and the smell of a living soul, but it disappeared in an instant. Did the two living beasts have a sperm production reaction!"

The nine-day death cloud bird demon called the three dead spirits replied.

"Quack! Quack..."

Then the rustling sound continued, and it became louder and louder. Countless Nine Days of Death clouds and birds, who heard the slight movement, rushed over, croaking non-stop, wondering what happened nearby.

"Let's go to the Five Dead Essences. The ten-day magic order, if any living spirits we monitor escape, we will sacrifice our dead spirits to the Death Cave! If you don't want to die, fly over with me!"

The nine-day death cloud bird demon who spoke just now said coldly.

In the dark, although you can't see everything about it, just hearing its voice, you will feel that life is worse than death.

"However, those Yunxians in the tower of death?"

One of the Nine Days of Death Cloud Bird Demon asked.

"Huh! Those ancient spirits who have been imprisoned for several centuries, even if they don't die, they probably don't have much power to revitalize their spirits. Just keep some little dead spirits guarding them!"

The Nine Days of Death cloud bird that took the lead was galloping, and said dismissively.

"Yes! Seven dead spirits, my subordinates understand. Just as the seven dead spirits said, the subordinates arranged for 300 million small dead spirits to guard them. After that, everyone felt that there was something different here and came here!"

Nine Days of Death Yunniaoer, who expressed doubts, quickly said yes.


Countless Nine Days of Death cloud birds screamed and rushed towards Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, frightening them into a state of tension. As the other party flew closer, the two felt bursts of pressure and suffocation. His cold killing intent.

Xiao Luo held both hands tightly, sweating all over his body, and thought to send a voice transmission to his brother:

"They found us, so they just don't do anything, and they don't stop, anyway, we will never go back to Yunzhouyun Palace, just kill them all!"

Xiao Luo felt that death was approaching him step by step, and said in a trembling voice.

"No! Sister, let's be patient, they may be bluffing, and they didn't even notice that we rushed out of the death practice space.

For the time being, let's use the magical power of emptiness and the invisible Dafa taught us by the seven unknown uncles, and wait and see what happens.

If they really find us, it won't be too late for us to fight them hard! "

Liu Qian was very calm and said very rationally.


With brother's words, Liu Xiaoluo had some confidence in his heart, and immediately urged and brought into full play the Void Breath Divine Art and Intangible Dafa, and responded at the same time.

"You two silly children, hurry up and get out of the vicinity, what do you think these death clouds, birds and monsters are!

The magical skills we taught you can deal with ordinary death cloud birds, how can you not be discovered when they are surrounded by them!

Hurry up and get out of here, you can sense our spiritual guidance all the way, and take a walk to a place called the Burial Cave Death Tower in the Dead Universe, where there may be many things you want to know.

Remember up to here, if someone asks who you are, you will say that you are the descendants of Nvwa Empress Diandu. "

As soon as Liu Xiaoluo finished speaking, the brother and sister were about to freeze their bodies and take a risk, trying to use the magical art of life to escape the evil spirit of the dead universe. A familiar voice came from the sky above the universe.

"Seven inexplicable uncles, it's you!"

"Junior Qian'er meets seven unknown uncles!"

Hearing this voice, both Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo were overjoyed, and immediately responded through sound transmission.

The seven inexplicable uncles in their mouths, they themselves don’t know who they are, what they look like, why they came to the universe inexplicably, and they can appear in the sky of death practice strangely, teaching the brother and sister all kinds of magic skills of life. !

When the brother and sister first got in touch with them, when they were still very young, they only said that they were good friends of their mother, and that it was their mother who entrusted them to visit them often, and brought them many things of life and taught them all kinds of life. Zhou Shengong.

However, the two brothers and sisters have only seen seven bright stars, and the voices come from behind the stars, but they have never seen their appearance, so they are called Uncle Inexplicable.

At that time, the two brothers and sisters naturally believed their words because they were young. When she grew up, she realized that the seven Uncle Xingchen were lying to her when she was a child, and that they were not sent by her mother at all.

However, the countless years of contact with each other have already cultivated a tacit and close relationship between the two parties, and because the seven uncles who are inexplicable only have kind hearts and no malice.

For the brothers and sisters in the desolate and silent space of death, these seven people are undoubtedly the warmth of the hot sun, how could they not like and long for it.

As a result, when the brother and sister heard this familiar voice, their hearts and souls were instantly excited, and in the face of the crisis, they suddenly developed several times their confidence and courage.

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