Nine Heavens

Chapter 1949

The first thousand nine hundred and forty-nine chapters

"Hehe, of course it's us. Have you two brats seen other people since you were young?"

One of the seven inexplicable people in the inexplicable space-time position of the dead universe laughed.

"The death tower in the burial cave, what the hell is this place, it sounds more terrifying than our death cultivation space, why did the seven inexplicable uncles let us go there, we just want to save mother!"

Xiao Luo had always wanted to go to Dizhou to save her mother Dong Luo, so of course she didn't want to go to the death tower in the burial cave, so she asked.

"That is the lord of the dead universe, the place where Lord Yun imprisoned the five spirits of the living universe. As for why you are allowed to go, it is related to saving your mother!

You have been deceived by Yun Zhou Yunjun for a long time. Your father Zhou Dijun is supremely evil, but he is definitely not a sky-defying madman, and he has never done anything to poison the universe. thing.

On the contrary, your father always upholds the avenue of good fate, and is always committed to the responsibility of protecting all living beings and spirits of all universes.

Your father's body is a wave in the Xiling River in the heaven, and your mother is Dongluo, the number one beauty god in the chaotic universe of the ancient spirit universe. They love each other since they were in the heaven. Later, when your father was sent to the lower realm by the Nuwa Empress, your mother would not hesitate to destroy the body of the gods and immortals out of love, and then recreated the dharma body in the lower realm, just to find your father, and finally met again.

They love each other so much, think about it, how could your father treat your mother badly, so your mother was not bullied by anyone in the world of waves, and she was respected like an emperor, you can rest assured!

On the contrary, Mr. Yunzhou Yun, who raised you up since childhood, is an out-and-out hypocrite. He not only raised you up with all his heart and taught you all kinds of death skills, but he is also your father's master.

On the surface, he can be said to be the benefactor of your parents and children, but this is not the case!

The reason why he did this was only for his desire to restore the lost universe. First, he cultivated your father and Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi Jiebolong Prince, that is, your two uncles, as tools for him to compete with the gods and gods of the heavens.

After discovering that your father and uncle Jian Zhanshenjun were out of control, they immediately made plans for your two descendants. For your training, there are two main purposes, one is to be like your father.

The second is that Yun Jun wants to use you to deal with your father, let the person who betrayed him, that is, your father, bear the pain of the confrontation of relatives, avenge the betrayal of your father and uncle Jianzhan Shenjun, and even more in order to realize his rebirth from the dead universe plan……"

Because of the critical situation, the speaker among the seven inexplicable people spoke quickly and briefly.

"Uncle Inexplicable, Xiao Luo is so confused after hearing what you said, it's too complicated, Xiao Luo doesn't understand!"

After hearing the words, Xiao Luo and Liu Qian generally knew that their mother comforted Wuyou, that their father was not a bad person, and Yun Zhou Yunjun was the big devil.

But even so, the origin of these situations is still unclear, and it is cloudy, so Liu Qian frowned, and Xiao Luo asked questions in confusion.

"They are about to arrive, leave quickly, don't worry, as you step into the Death Tower, you will gradually understand everything!"

"Crack! Crack!"

Waves of soul-stimulating cries of death clouds, birds and demons, one after another, have filled the surrounding area thousands of miles away from Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo.

The two brothers and sisters did not dare to ask questions one after another, exchanged their thoughts, and then said goodbye to the seven unknown uncles in unison:

"Take care of the seven inexplicable uncles, then we will follow your instructions and follow your immortal thoughts to guide us to bury the Skeleton Tower of Death!"

After speaking, the two brothers and sisters immediately turned into a cloud of silk, performed the magical power of breath, and fled away in an instant.

"It's really not easy. Our Xingchendao Qizheng Zhanwangxing finally lived up to the entrustment of the head teacher and led the two young masters of the emperor to the right path! The family disaster of father and son killing each other is over!"

The seven people Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo called inexplicable uncles, after Liu Qian's brothers and sisters left, each shot a phantom god rainbow, which strengthened the seal of the death practice area where the brothers and sisters were, and the colleagues implanted that The body of the fake three dead spirits, the dead cloud bird demon.

After completing this matter, one of the inexplicable people said.

These seven inexplicable people are actually the seven master disciples of the Star Dao created by Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, when he was in the ancient spirit world.

On the day when the two young masters, Zaixie and Dongluo, were born and taken away by the real person Jietong at that time, Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jian Zhan, had an ominous hexagram. It was Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo.

But at that time, Emperor Zhou, no matter how evil he was, was not able to predict exactly what the ominousness was. In order to be in love with Xianmen and his beloved third brother, Zhanxuanzi, the God of Jianzhan, resolutely ordered the seven most proud disciples in the Dao of Stars to secretly order, no matter what, he must always protect the safety of the two young masters.

In this way, King Qizhengzhan has been secretly protecting Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo, until now, they are still secretly following.

During this process, Qizheng Zhanwang gradually discovered Yunzhou Yunjun's hypocritical face, so he tried every means to teach the two young masters Shengzhou Shengong, and guided him to the righteous fairy way.

When he sensed that the two young masters of the wandering celestial sect had finally left the realm of death and gradually receding from the immortal breath, Qizheng Zhanwang was overjoyed and sighed with emotion!

"The teacher in charge is really good at predicting things. He could foresee what will happen today a few epochs ago. It seems that we still have a lot to learn from the teacher!"

"That's right! King Tuzheng Zhan is right. As a senior brother and disciple, King Zhanzheng has been taught by his mentor with all his heart, but the divination skills and skills are far inferior to his mentor's knowledge!

Brothers and sisters, over the past countless years, the progress of divine divination can be said to have reached its peak. However, compared with our master, haha... Sigh! "

In the sound transmission of the king's mind, the Japanese government could not stop laughing and sighing.

The other King Zhan also smiled.

"Huh? Quack! Quack! Three dead spirits, what happened just now? Why did we all hear the strange movement of the spirit?"

The tide-like death cloud bird demon roared and surrounded Liu Qian and Liu Xiaoluo's death practice space and the prosthetic three-death cloud bird demon.

The Nine Essences led by Death Cloud Bird Demon questioned coldly.

"Oh! Quack! What alarmed the Nine Essences and countless fellow spirits? I'm afraid that all the dead friends have heard it wrong. I have never left this place for a moment, and I have never heard of any two low spirits of the universe. How did the Wang Pengs hear about the abnormal movement of life and energy?"

In the time and space of the inexplicable death domain, the Japanese government Zhan Wang controlled the fake Three Essences, and imitated its voice to reply.

"Wow! Quack! That's weird, just now Benjiu Jingsheng has asked all the death-cultivating empty surveillance demons, and they are all like you said!

Birth and movement are definitely not a trifling matter, so I invite the three spirits to reminisce carefully, and think about whether there was a certain time, even the slightest, that was wrong! "

All the dead cloud birds and demons behind the Nine Essences and Death Nian sound transmission stopped and listened to his enquiry.

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