Nine Heavens

Chapter 1953

Chapter 1953


Countless divine rainbows shot out by the three Langyuan immortal sects moved and flashed wildly in the sky of Langyuan, thundering and lightning flashed, roaring endlessly, bursting the heavenly seals in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Langyuan's celestial sect lords each made their own magic tricks. After a while of movement, a majestic banner with a height of hundreds of millions of light miles was suddenly erected on the mountain of Zhou Dongyang in Langyuan's place.

The flag is bright red and is thousands of miles wide. It is made of the vast jade flames released by Qixiang Zhenjun Nine Dragons Fireworks Jade.

There are tens of thousands of faint blue stars from Zhanxuanzi Star Sword, the god of swords, shining magically, and each star represents a universe in the universe.

Among them, Youlan Xingdou, which represents Langyuan Xianmen, is the largest and is located in the center of the flag.

In the brilliance of the Long Xingdou representing Langyuan Xianmen, Xinghua condensed into four big characters "Langyuan Qitian".

The flagpole is a blend of rich ice blue color and frost emerald green color, and there is also a flashing rainbow on it. It is the blue crescent moon on the forehead of Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, and the soul-controlling vine fairy on the forehead of Liujuan, the true lord of Qixiang. It is a masterpiece of cold light turned into jade shot by treasure.

The whole Langyuan Qitian banner has a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and it is surrounded by colorful clouds. From a distance, it looks like a sea of ​​colorful clouds.

In the center of Cailing Xiahai, a giant banner of bright red and blue stars flutters toweringly, covering the universe, breaking through the gate of heaven, and covering the universe.

The four big characters of "The Waves and the Sky" flashing non-stop on the flag are the colors of the nine colors of true brilliance, which are eye-catching from any angle regardless of the universe!

The "Langyuan Qitian" banner of Langyuan Xianmen is not only majestic and powerful, but also the surrounding flag guards are majestic and terrifying.

"Will! Will!"


There are countless magic eagles hovering like clouds guarded by Chimurang under the command of Sirius Zhenjun, and there are two layers of inner and outer layers of hundreds of millions of magical beasts. The inner layer is the nine wolf demon guards in the nine wolves picture left by the emperor of the universe, Zaixie.

The outer layer is also the magic beast power under the command of Tianlang True Lord Cheng Yuanfang. Qi Yuanlang leads his countless magic lions to watch all day long.

Among them, there are twenty-one elf kings arranged by Liujuan, the true king of Qixiang, who hover around the banner of "The Waves Are Equal to the Sky" all day long. The twenty-one elf kings, in three groups of three colors, work in shifts day and night, staying close to each other.

In addition, for the eternal "Langyuan Qitian" banner, the four statues of Langyuan Xianmen followed the Qifeng formation designed by Emperor Zhou Supreme Zaixie in advance, and they are in the "Langyuan Qitian" banner again. The ninety-nine and eighty-one flag-protecting fairy formations around the flag stopped.

"The Waves and the Sky!"

"Ha ha……"

The banner of "The Waves Are as Dangerous as the Sky" has finally been erected. The four Langyuan statues deliberately stayed away from tens of millions of light miles away. Looking at the banner that looks like a billion-dollar mountain in the mist of the fairy formation from a distance, they all feel great in their hearts. Excited, and excited!

Jian Zhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi stood firmly on the blood unicorn, looking at Langyuan Xianmenbo's indomitable name from then on, his black and white eyebrows twisted frequently, and he laughed spontaneously.

The other two Langyuan Immortal Venerables were also full of joy.

"Sister Juan, do you think Third Brother Qian will also see our banner of 'The Waves Meet the Heavens'?"

Zhanxuanzi, the god of Jianzhan, felt a little regretful that the emperor of the universe was not present at the scene. He looked around at the two immortals of Langyuan and sighed.

"Qianlang has already planned a strategy, and the matter of setting up the flag has long been his presence, and we have prepared everything, but we did not do it until today.

All of this is in Qianlang's plan, I believe he would have expected it even if he hadn't seen it for a while. "

Tianlang Zhenjun Cheng Yuanfang looked at the bright red banner of thousands of stars fluttering in the universe from afar, and his heart was surging. Hearing the words of Jianzhan Shenjun Zhanxuanzi, he continued.

"The banner of 'Langyuan Qitian' has been set up, which is tantamount to declaring war on Yuntian Eryun. Brother Zhen immediately sent a voice transmission to Yaya, Mitian Shenluo summoned, and all the forces of Langyuan Xianmen flew up to the sky. Everyone took their positions and prepared to fight against the sky!"

True Monarch Qixiang Liujuan's face was condensed, with a trace of arrogance and disdain at the corners of her mouth, she could smile all over the city, and then all over the country.

At this moment, her face was condensed, but the corners of her mouth were curved into an arc of inherent arrogance, and she said.

"Yes! Sister Juan!"

Zhanxuanzi, the god of swords, immediately agreed, and pointed with two fingers at the star sword floating above his head. Suddenly, a butterfly of starlight jumped out of the star sword, and quickly flapped its wings and flew towards the direction of the imperial palace below. up.


But with a time difference of half a day, the three masters of Langyuan heard the melodious voice of Mi Tianluo.

Afterwards, not long afterward, they saw that under the entire Langyuan universe, all areas were filled with fairy shadows floating up, and the sky was full of fairy flowers shining, like countless festival fireworks, quickly flying to all directions of the fairy array that had been arranged in the sky close.

It is said that Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, had just landed in the sky above Lianer's Rainbow Tower, when she suddenly heard Sister Juan's voice transmission to set up the banner of "The Waves Are Equal to the Sky".

I had no choice but to stop my figure, and according to the previously agreed procedure, I also performed it myself. Seeing that the banner of "Wang Yuan Qi Tian" was successfully erected, and then I heard Mi Tianluo's voice calling the entire Lang Yuan Xianmen, Only then did she think of Lian'er again.

This is already three days later.


Cheng Shifeng, the true master of the spirit demon, is very curious. Why is Lian Er so stable? If she is not interested in setting up the banner of "The Waves Are Equal to the Sky", it's fine, but is she also indifferent to the Mitian snail of her respected master sister Yaya?

With doubts, Cheng Shifeng, the true master of the spirit demon, quietly slipped into Lianer's Rainbow Tower.

Because he didn't want to surprise Lian'er immediately, Cheng Shifeng, the true lord of the spirit demon, hid in the corner of the room.

"Miss sister, eat this, this is delicious! I almost swept up the rooms of the senior sister, the six sisters, and the brothers Jiuying, and brought all their delicious food, hee hee! Let them be busy outside! Let's just sleep well, eat delicious food, and then play whatever we want!"

This is Xiaobai's voice.

"Yeah! Xiaobai eats it too! Chuck...they are so deceiving. We were just crying and screaming, and they believed our words. You heard that Senior Sister Yaya was playing the sound of conch shells. Definitely Yes, the entire Immortal Sect died of grief, and then they gathered together to challenge Yun Zhou and seek justice for Daddy!"

Lian'er chewed something in her mouth, and said vaguely.

"However, it's not good for us to just squint like this. Miss sister, what if they guess at some point that we are lying to them and they don't like us?"

"Well, don't worry, they won't. Among them, I haven't lied to any of them, but they have always liked me. Listen to me, those adults like to be deceived by children. I'm so glad I got scammed!"

"However, this time is different from before! We are lying to them that the emperor has passed away, and they must all be heartbroken, and life would be better than death. If they suddenly find out that we are lying to them, they must eat us!"

The more Xiaobai talked, the more frightened he became, Little Wing was holding a grape grain, and unintentionally put it in his mouth.

"It's just you who are timid. You have been with me for so long, and you haven't even learned to be calm. Let me tell you, Xiaobai! There is a skill in deceiving people. When you deceive people, you have to be convinced even yourself Do not doubt, then others can be deceived by you.

Otherwise, if you can't even deceive yourself, how can you deceive others! "

Lian'er was very confident, barefoot, lying on her back on the bed, clutching the fairy fruit in both hands, watching the bead curtain shining brightly, and mysteriously looking sideways at Xiao Baidao who was squatting beside her face.

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